Welcome to the first puzzle authored by an SoSG reader, PCS Season I champ Jose. It's a good one. Without further ado, here it is:
---------------------------------------------------------------A few weeks ago, the Dodgers decided to have a team dinner at a restaurant. This restaurant is very small and in fact only has one long rectangular table that seats eight people, four on each side. Because of this, the Dodgers decided to have two seatings for dinner, one after the other. Before you can solve the puzzle, you have to figure out where each Dodger sat, and whether he attended the first or the second seating. Here is some information to help you:
- The attendees were Brad Ausmus, Casey Blake, former Dodger Yhency Brazoban, Andre Ethier, Orlando Hudson, Matt Kemp, Russell Martin, Don Mattingly, Eric Milton, Guillermo Mota, Will Ohman, Juan Pierre, Eric Stults, Joe Torre, and Ramon Troncoso.
- Pitchers and fielders (meaning infielders and outfielders, not catchers) don’t get along. In fact, no pitcher will sit next to or directly across from any fielder. In addition, no pitcher will sit at a table where he is the only pitcher present, and the same goes for fielders.
- The Dodgers like to be able to eat without bumping their elbows all the time. To avoid this problem, a lefty can’t sit immediately to the right of a righty, nor can a righty sit immediately to the left of a lefty. Left/right handedness is determined by a player’s throwing hand.
- Catchers are so used to facing pitchers that they don’t feel right if they sit across from someone other than a pitcher.
- Since he was reviewing the restaurant for his blog, Andre Ethier attended both seatings and sat in the same seat the whole time.
- Casey Blake sat on the same side of the table as Ethier.
- Torre felt awkward about Brazoban being released, so Joe avoided Yhency by attending a different seating.
- Unfortunately for his teammates, Troncoso likes to randomly break into the chicken dance while he eats. This means he couldn’t sit to the immediate left of a lefty or the immediate right of a righty or they’d bump elbows.
- As everyone knows, Brad Ausmus and Juan Pierre are inseparable, and always have to sit next to each other.
- Guillermo Mota and Orlando Hudson, for reasons that won’t be mentioned, refused to be in the same room together at the same time.
- Three lefties attended the last seating.
- Here is a diagram to get you started:
At each seating, the Dodgers decide to make a toast to their favorite Dodger of all time. Who do they toast at each seating?
Puzzle Rules: The answer to the puzzle is the two current or former Dodger players toasted at each table. Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:
- Email us with the first and last name of both players, along with your reasoning (submitted answers with only the players' names, without an explanation, will not be accepted. Likewise, correct answers arrived at via luck or the wrong reasoning count for participation credit only). And please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and
- Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. I may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; I may confirm correct answers there.
- We've empowered Jose with the ability to make hints. So watch the comments section for his comments.
You have until midnight PT tonight to submit your answer. Good luck!
Not familiar with SoSG's off-day puzzle competition? Read up here. And join the fun!
Good luck, everyone!
Are coaches/managers defined by their positions when they were (non-Dodger) players?
Ah, good question berkowit28. No, coaches and managers should be considered simply as coaches/managers, not by the position they played. In other words, they are neither pitchers, catchers, or fielders.
I was about to post that the puzzle doesn't work, but the managers answer clears that up. Great puzzle Jose! Damn work!
I think I have the seating worked out, but haven't figured out the next step. Can I send in my work so far to confirm that I have everyone in the right spot? (Great puzzle, Jose!)
I totally forgot today was a puzzle day! I have my work cut out for me.
Yup, you have correct seating UBragg, just gotta take the next step...
Well, I'm impressed that there is a seating solution that can be worked out. Even with the coach/manager answer, it still seems logically impossible to me - people just don't want to sit next to or across from others. I'll keep at it, but I'm running out of time.
Answer sent in! This was a tough one!
Answer in
Even with the (slightly) late start, Quad is the 1st to solve! Congrats -
Gotta run, but I'll check on yours soon Mr Customer -
Crap! Whose email was in first?
For the second seating, is it three lefties exactly or three lefties in addition to Milton?
With one catcher (Martin) in a corner seat, I still can't get to "first base": I can't find a way to get enough buffers between pitchers and fielders who won't sit across from or next to each other, no matter how I split them between seatings. And with Ethier (fielder) at both seatings, and no fielder willing to sit alone, there have got to be at least two fielders at both seatings. With a pitcher at each seating (catcher implies pitcher), and no pitchers willing to sit alone, there also have to be at least two pitchers at each seating. That only leaves so many possibilities available, but no matter which way I split them, I can't make it work, before getting into any of the other conditions. It makes me think I must be misunderstanding at least one of the conditions. Or there's something staring me in the face I just haven't thought of. I'll look forward to seeing the solution.
Mr Customer - check your email
Dang, I couldn't figure it out before I had to leave for work at 9am, and probably won't have much time to look any more until this afternoon... Nice work, Quad and MC!
This is one great puzzle Jose. Nice job!
MRLASF - I think it's 3 lefties exactly. Jose, please confirm.
Thanks Ubragg.
Mr Customer's is correct! Officials are reviewing the tape to see if he submitted his solution before or after Quad...
Thanks Quad, good job solving it so fast! To confirm for Mr. LA Sports Fan, it's 3 lefties exactly, including Milton.
Uh-oh! It's going to be another close one between me and Mr. Customer!
quick pull! I sent my first e-mail, via Blackberry, from the BART. I didn't know if it went through or not.
UBragg & Jose,
Thanks. I sort of stumbled into the correct seating order, so it only took a little push to get the correct names. Great puzzle, though!
Puzzle note which I will post more on later:
Over the course of the puzzle season, prize(s) will be awarded 3 times, approximately every 6 or 7 puzzles. The first time will be after the next puzzle which is this Thursday. We may award prizes only for 1st place, for 1st and 2nd, or even possibly for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Still undetermined. The standings are pretty tight at the top, and the next puzzle will be worth somewhat more than standard. So it's anybody's game.
I'll post more detail on this in the next day or two.
I sent an email asking if I have the right seat orders...
Okay I sent an answer!
Answer sent. Damn boss doesn't understand the importance of SoSG Off-Day Puzzle
close but not quite, Fanerman...
Damnit! I hope I still managed to beat Loney Fan... but I bet not anymore! Blasted fingers!!!!
Ok, second try is correct Fanerman. So it's:
1 and 2. Quad/Mr Customer (those replay officials are slllooooowwww)
3. Fanerman.
LF, I don't see your submission....
Ok now I see it LF. You are correct!
1 and 2. Quad/Mr Customer (those replay officials are slllooooowwww)
3. Fanerman.
4. LF
i have the seating arrangements all figured out, but now trying to figure out who they are toasting!
Answer sent...
if i email the seating arrangements, can you at least tell me if those are correct?
I found the source of the problem. I will now write a strongly worded letter to Research In Motion. I forwarded my original message, for the record.
UBragg is in. And due to technical difficulties we can't determine whose answer was actually submitted first between Quad and MC. It was very close. So we're calling it a tie:
T-1. Quad/Mr Customer
3. Fanerman.
4. LF
5. UBragg
Awesome, yes, I will confirm correct seating arrangements if you send in.
Jose, you've got me stumped so far... Great puzzle!
Ok, that really ups the ante. Fortunately, I'm adhering to a strict drug regimen to keep my mind limber.
A tie? I wonder what the scoring officials will say about this.
Jose has not prepared a lightning round for this possibility?
No sudden death until the playoffs...
Answer sent
Yes Keven C!
T-1. Quad/Mr Customer
3. Fanerman.
4. LF
5. UBragg
6. Keven C
I was so looking forward to today, since this would be my first puzzle since I went from lurker to poster. Then I get hit with this whopper. Oh well, I'll keep working on it for participation points.
Emailed answer.
Awesome is in!
T-1. Quad/Mr Customer
3. Fanerman.
4. LF
5. UBragg
6. Keven C
7. Awesome
Hang in there, Josh S...
Pretty sure I have the tables right, but no idea on who they're toasting yet.
Ok, here's a hint. If there are only two seatings, why doesn't the restaurant just call them seating 1 and seating 2, or the first and second seatings?
Huh? According to the puzzle, that is exactly what they are called - 1st Seating and 2nd Seating.
But I still haven't got to first base, so I have no idea how this affects anything anyway.
It's very disconcerting to me that 7 people have got a solution, since I still can't figure out even how to fit the requisite number of pitchers, fielders and catchers - irrespective of anything else - at the two seatings and still follow the rules. I have proved to my own satiscation that it's actually impossible to adhere to all the conditions. That's why I can't understand how anyone has done it.
Given that I'd be so far down the list if I could figure it out at this point anyway, I'm going to ask another question, just in case I've been too literal.
Does "Catchers are so used to facing pitchers that they don’t feel right if they sit across from someone other than a pitcher." mean, as I think it does, that a pitcher must sit *directly across* the table from each catcher? Or is anywhere on the other side of the table good enough? (I assumed that a pitcher has to sit directly across from each catcher, and I can't solve it with all the other conditions about no fielders next to or directly across from pitchers.)
Jose, I sent you an email...
Forget everything I said!
I just realized that I "misread" one of the names at the table - I completely invented a different name than the one that's there. Don't ask me how I did this - must be Alzheimers or something.
OK, now - 10 hours late, I can start over from the beginning...
I feel pretty foolish.
So, if a pitcher doesn't rub elbows with any fielder, could it be right?
So, it's like in real life, where the diners on the "top" side of the table face inwards to the table, and what's to the left of someone sitting there is to our right as we look at the diagram?
Or not?
My bad Berko
What I meant to say was: understanding that one seating comes first and one seating comes last will help you figure out the players named in the toast.
That's right, just like real life, from the perspective of the players. The players face the table.
Thanks for the answers, Jose.
Yes, this is a very good puzzle.
(I was driving myself crazy all day, because for some reason I read "Martin" instead of "Milton". If you stick a catcher on a corner seat, there's simply no way to solve the puzzle. As I proved to myself over and over...)
I sent in my seatings plan while pondering the next step.
Karina - it definitely could be right, but of course there are more requirements than separating pitchers and fielders.
Answer sent in.
(I'm kicking myself about my "Martin" for "Milton" mistake 10 hours before I spotted my error.)
I just dont have the time to work out the details. I just got back from LA and it was a great trip (aside from my son throwing up on me!) We're already planning another, more lengthy, trip next year.
I finally had time to figure out the seating chart (I think). Now for the toasts!
That's it... I give up and am heading to bed.
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