Thursday, May 22, 2008

Plants Are To Carbon Dioxide As SoSG Is To My Time

Here's an SAT question for you (there really is a deducible answer):

Hiroki Kuroda is to Japan;
   as Geronimo Gil is to Mexico City;
      as Yoda is to Dagobah;
         as Chewbacca is to _________?

   a) Panama
   b) Senegal
   c) Switzerland
   d) United Arab Emirates


UPDATE (11am PST):

Still no thoughts? Yoda is looking disappointed...

HINT #1: No knowledge of any of the people or places mentioned is needed to answer correctly.

HINT #2: If you have the right answer, you will know it.

HINT #3 (12:38pm PST): Re-reading this post might indirectly help.

Update (3:15pm PST): Orel and quadsevens both correctly figured it out (it's c). Answer explained here.


Orel said...

The obvious answer is Kashyyyk.

Eric Karros said...

Hint: It doesn't matter if you've never heard of any of the people or places (or wookies or whatever yoda is) mentioned - no such knowledge is necessary to solve.

As an aside, Kashyyyk is a great summer vacation spot.

Orel said...

I'm guessing (d). Will reveal my reasoning eventually.

QuadSevens said...

This puzzle is making my head hurt. Where are the scrambled pictures of hot girls?

My guess was D as well. But it came after lots of research, which apparently wasn't necessary.

Eric Karros said...

Quad - yeah, if you had to do any research, you're probably barking up the wrong tree. But think of all you've learned by doing said research.

I am also very curious to know what your research uncovered that led you to d).

Orel, I'd also like to know your reasoning...feel free to comment or email me.

Orel said...

I would like to change my answer to (c).

QuadSevens said...

My thinking has changed since my research, but here it is...

Kuroda and Gil played in Japan and Mexico City respectively before coming to the big leagues. Yoda trained Luke on Dagobah. So I started researching where Chewie was before we see him in the Star Wars movies. I ended up on Peter Mayhew's wikipedia page (later Chewbacca's Wookiepedia page) and found that Mayhew was in a movie called Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger before Star Wars. That movie was partially filmed in Jordan which is near the UAE.

Since my research, I've started the think that the relationships were all retirement spots. Yoda dies on Dagobah after being 900 years old. Maybe Chewbacca retires in Switzerland for the nice mountain ranges.

QuadSevens said...

Just read the 3rd hint. Now I understand why its C. =)

Orel said...

In other news, QuadSevens is opening a research company....

Eric Karros said...

Congratulation Orel and quadsevens, the answer is indeed (c).

And quadsevens: While doing that research may not have helped with this specific puzzle, I think over time you will come to realize it has provided you with knowledge that will serve you throughout the rest of your life.

QuadSevens said...

It sure will. I now know that Peter Mayhew was 7'3" at his peak, I know the names of Chewbaccas wife and kid, (Mallatobuck is his wife with son Lumpawaroo), and Chewbacca's look was based on George Lucas's Alaskan Malamute named Indiana. That name may have found its way into another Lucas film down the road...

Orel said...

...and really should have been today's theme.