Sunday, May 04, 2008

Best Headline Ever

Only 18 days until the new Indiana Jones movie! And along with compatibility with the Dodgers' 2008 schedule, this news also amazingly tied in well with this Washington Post headline.



Orel said...

new Star Wars movie in August!

karina said...

are you looking forward to the Clone Wars too?

geeks of the world unite!

Orel said...

How many years do you get a new Indiana Jones movie and a new Star Wars movie?

karina said...

It hasn't happened yet. Two thirds of The Holy Trinity of film is back (i know there are a lot of better films, but these ones make feel excited as the first time, every time i've seen them).

Only if they could have worked another Godfather movie, how about that?

(i also get a new Harry Potter film too)

Orel said...

They almost made a fourth Godfather movie a few years back, with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Steve Sax said...

karina, you actually get TWO Harry Potter movies...

karina said...

There was always a hope they could be make another Godfather, as long as Mario Puzo was alive.

And i'll get three Harry Potter films: The Half-Blood Prince that will be released this year.

Warner Bros. will make the final book in two different movies (which i don't complain since it's more Harry Potter)

Orel said...

Don't forget the new Pixar movie too!