From Dylan Hernandez's article in the LA Times about the Dodgers' 4-2 victory in SF last night:
Several fans held signs in the left-field stands that overlooked Ramirez, and used to overlook alleged drug cheat Barry Bonds, who was the target of verbal abuse in Los Angeles.
"Roids 99," read one sign. "Drugs are bad," read another.For Ramirez, who is five for eight in his last two games, the visit to AT&T Park was his first since returning from his 50-game suspension for violating baseball's drug policy.
Of all fanbases to know drug-abusing steroid users well, I suppose it should be San Francisco. I'm surprised they didn't greet Manny with the same types of parades and confetti and unyielding support they leveraged into the building of Big Phone Park in the first place.
Said SoSG reader rbnlaw, who was at the game in Dodger Blue:
My response? "Yes we do. 6.5 games worth of suck."
Great trip to the Bay Area.Early thoughts from ATT: lots of drunks, lots of fights, lots of, "Dodgers Suck" after the game.
Big win. Another stat I like (from Ken Gurnick over at The Dodgers are 31-12 within the division, 37-33 against everyone else.
Way to go, Dodgers.
my parents were at the game and right behind them were 4 guys wearing manny wiggs, fake boobs and fake pregnant bellies, holding a sign that said "got Hgh?"...They were loud and obnoxious when the game started, quiet as mice after the 4th and they left after the 7th inning.
The left field bleachers were full of the loudest, most abusive fans I've ever seen. The level of noise was really astounding. There was an article in Chronicle encouraging fans to be as abusive as possible to Manny. Sorry, no link.
One fan in our section was leading the always hilarious, "Manny is a tranny" chant. At points I interrupted with, "is on first base," or, "is 2 for 4." In all, the fans around us were good sports.
@koufax: What, SF fans leaving EARLY??? I cannot believe what you are telling me! The media tells me that only happens in Los Angeles!
Koufax, those guys got on TV.
They also got owned by M. Brown on the Dodger Blues board.
All I've heard over the last few days is that San Franciscans are "sophisticated". Turns out they jump ship just like the rest of us.
@rbnlaw: I'm all for creative sports jeering. I'm just surprised it's coming from the left field fans, given all they know is a guy with popeye proportions.
Will be there tonight, front and center (but kinds off to the 3rd base side
Hey, free Wi-Fi at Oakland airport.
I can confirm the early exodus by SF fans. The family of four in front of me left saying, "Well, back to Salinas." My question is: Salinas? Don't they have cable there?
The Chronicle today noted the lack of creativity the signs in left field showed. Another column said Giants' fans need to step up the passion.
Another good point about The Phone; hot dogs come straight off the grill. Beer is more expensive, so it all balances out.
Beer is MORE expensive? So you pay more than $13 for 16oz for, say, a Dos Equis from the cash only stands at the Ravine?
As Manny says, "Wow."
I bet Snoop knows some people he can call for bakup:
@Orlando Zepeda: Tonight's game rests upon your shoulders. Represent. If the team doesn't win, I expect to read a crime log report about you.
@Dusty Baker: Yes, the Giants have the most expensive beer in the bigs.
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