A seven-run thunderstorm came over Milwaukee in the sixth inning, drowning any chances they had for a win tonight. Deluged by the onslaught, the Brewers could only pray for sunshine, which finally came twelve batters and four pitchers later. Giving up another five runs in the eighth, including an RBI single to Guillermo Mota, didn't help stop the drowning. Blame it on the rain, say my friends Fab and Rob.
Outlook tomorrow is for more gloom and clouds for Milwaukee. Especially that Prince Fielder guy, who might have a little bruise after that ninth-inning Mota fastball hurricane slammed into his...er,...peninsula. Orel is covering tomorrow's game for SoSG, so he'd better bring his umbrella! Ella. Ella. Ay. Ay. Ay.
oh yea!
I love LA
Beto duran just posted on his Twitter that prince and the entire team just tried to enter the dodgers club house. Angry about being hit.
I would expect this to continue tomorrow, unfortunately.
Oh, snaps!
He was led back to the visitors clubhouse yelling "BS"
Or did Prince think that's where the buffet was located?
Bring it on, fat boy and lite brew crew. There's more where that came from. I'll be at the game tomorrow. Do you want a piece of me, Princess???
Preview of tomorrow's game?
That dude can take out a moving train. I saw it on TV.
Look, I'm all for evening the score, but it's f'ing petty to do it in the 9th, up by 13. Especially as hard as Mota threw it.
Mota will get suspended for sure. I don't care that Prince got hit, but he beats up on his own teammates! So im sure he has no problem throwing down against the blue!
If you let one team get away with throwing at your players more people will try it.
I'm really pissed off that the one time in...forever that I couldn't follow the GT due to some work-related b.s., that you guys have some sort of drinking game or otherwise encourage some good old fashioned consumption of adult beverages during the game.
Alas, work IS the curse of the drinking class.
Nic, I agree in principle, but I don't think the Manny plunk was intentional. (I didn't see the Beast Mode plunk.)
Lost in this whole retaliation argument about tomorrow's game is the fact that Jason Schmidt is pitching . . .
Ugh. I hope there isn't an escalation. The Dodgers can't afford to have any players suspended . . . again.
I would just not rather have another incident like last year where we were getting thrown at and our pitchers wouldn't retaliate. Having each others backs fuse a team together.
With that being said I am against throwing at someone because he is lighting you up.
What, you didn't see the drinking game bat- signal.
It never really going, except for the drinking part.
Final score: Sax 6 beers, Orel 2 (but he was driving tonight).
Nic J posted what Beto Duran's twiter read. He later posted that Russ said he doesnt want what happened with Philly last year.
I missed the Dos Equis "XX" signal high above the LA skyline, indicating a SoSG GT drinking game, despite the fact that I was at a rooftop bar in downtown LA having beers with co-workers. Maybe the signal was too close for me to see it. Like when you're in fog it doesn't look so dense but from afar it looks thick. What sort of drinking game superhero am I? Must be Bullethead from The Tick...
joe cancelled batting practice today, after an early morning flight and a long game the previous night. manny hit his first homerun since manny bobblhead night, 13 days ago, which he also didnt take bp.
maybe all the extra swings in bp are hurting manny's swings later in the game?
but with 17 runs scored, maybe we shouldnt let anybody take bp at all.
You guys like Jackie Johnson?
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
About that game. It's obvious we needed to trade for a big bat to protect Manny. Now we need all that plastic armor crap to protect batters from a beaning.
I like the tight beige outfit the best.
Thank you MSTI. You are a wonderful human being.
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