Clayton Kershaw (8-6, 2.89) vs. Kenshin Kawakami (5-9, 4.38).
COMMENTS: The Dodgers are 3-4 in August and seem totally schizophrenic from night to night, alternating wins and losses all month. One night after they show some backbone and plunk Prince Fielder in a 17-4 rout, they roll over like a dog and lose 4-1 to the same team. Then Andre Ethier takes the air out of the Braves' sails with a walkoff home run, before we forget to show up for the 12th inning and watch the Braves ice the game with a four-run frame.
According to pattern, we should pull out a win tonight with Kershaw on the mound, who is looking to rebound from a short start last time where he clearly lacked control. Our bullpen needs the rest after using everyone and his mom last night, including Jonathan Broxton, whose blown save in the ninth has poured fuel on the rumors that a lingering injury may exist; a long outing tonight from the Minotaur would be huge. Between Kershaw and Kenshin Kawakami, there's a lot of Ks on the mound tonight. Let's hope the Dodgers don't notch some Ks at the plate, as well.
Orel, be ready. If kershaw starts to blow it, we're sending you in!
dream. come. true.
Furcal, SS
Ethier, RF
Manny, LF
KEMP, CF (check out his podcast/interview with the Lakers' website...if you like hoops, you'll enjoy this one)
Loney, 1B
Hudson, 2B
Abreu, 3B (first big league start in two years)
Ausmus, C (day off for Russ after the long game last night)
Kershaw, P
Kemp clean-up. <3
Off to the Yard.
Infield Reserve Section 6
Row G
Seat 19
Let's get some runs!!!
Last minute, I know, but I have two tickets for tonight's game up for grabs. Christine had surgery yesterday and we won't be able to make it to the game. Anyone who wants them will have to stop off in West Hollywood to pick them up, but they're free, so it's not such a bad deal.
Oh, and they're field level seats. Section 47, aisle seats.
Also, I have to ask why I'm even included in that commenting game you guys have going. I don't think I've commented anywhere near one of the hundreds since the game began. Could it be that the scores for "Erin" and "Erin #2" should be combined?
@ Erin
Hope all goes well. Big Blue thoughts to you and yours.r
So the starting pitcher for tomorrow is now TBA. I would love to see them call up Charlie Haeger but I doubt they would. I'm not sure how Martin would do catching a knuckleballer though.
Thanks Dusty. Nothing too serious; just a repair of a severely compressed nerve. But there was general anesthesia and a four-inch incision involved, so I figure a trip to Dodger Stadium, with a whole lot of people ready to run into her with no notice, is not the cure.
But Erin, beer and Dodger Dogs cure everything.
If I didn't have plans, I'd make the drive from OC to snag those seats. Best of luck.
I was supposed to go to this game, but the tickets fell through.
Well, MLASF, it's not too late.
@mr la sf, your luck with tickets has been challenged of late
@Erin, I'll adjust the scores of 100SS accordingly.
I think last night's game caused a severely compressed nerve in me, too.
Reporting in. They are out of Blake tees already, much to my dismay.
Wearing my Brooklyn cap, trying to channel the right mojo. Crooklyn, ho-oo!
Michelle Wie threw out 1st pitch. She's old enough now that I can say she's cute, right?
Manny tagged it well at least.
I'm curious what will happen with Kemp 4th. Who will be right: Torre or thousands of grousing Dodger fans?
Erin, my best wishes to Christine, hope she recovers soon.
Epale all!
I'm curious about what JuanLove means with "if you like hoops"
Remember when the dodgers would score early? It seemed so easy back then
@Karina: "Hoops" is another term for basketball.
Kershaw's doing alright, but I really don't want to be reading about Kawakami's perfect game tomorrow.
Can we call that Rottino guys to "get things done" so Kawakami doesn't get such a game?
The cognac I put in his Gatorade isn't working.
Jesus f'in shit they're playing Nickelback between innings.
Epale, all! I see Matt Kemp just broke up Kawakami's no-hitter.
Erin #1, best to Christine.
Playing Nickelback could be considered a mild form of torture.
I'm starting to agree with dusto about loney.
Beware of the warning track power of JAMES LONEY!
Kershaw is dealing big time, 3 batters, 3 K's.
Right Orel, it's a pitchers' duel tonight.
O Dogg lead off single!
Kershaw at 79 pitches through five.
Good call!
Abreu singled, O Dogg on 2nd, no outs for Manny.
Edit: Ausmus is the one at bat, i had an unconscious slip :(
Wheels coming off the Kawakami express?
Lets hope Kershaw can give us two more. Especially if we get the lead.
Freudian slip, Karina!
Keystone outfielder!
Ausmus shouldn't have been swinging there. Second chance.
I just watched the Movie Major league and that foul ball looked like it came out of that movie. haha
Looks like Torre is worried about the DP with Ausmus.
Hudson with another baserunning gaffe!
KersheyBar! Nice name!
Wasted opportunity there.
So, can we expect Torre to pull Kershaw early in favor of Manny?
nope.. thank goodnesss
#1 goal is to have Kershaw go as deep as possible.
Can some one please have another complete game. One in a season is just sad
there goes that
Man, if only someone like Kemp were hitting 8th.
T-Bone, are you Dusto?
To the fuckweed behind me who keeps announcing to everyone who will listen that the ball is foul as it goes into the stands: your days are numbered. You are not Howard Cosell or even Joe Garagiola.
DB, is he six years old?
We had a CG this season?
special K going on 6 strong!
Yeah it was so long ago I can hardly remember.
Stults had a CG shutout this year.
Karina: I am in disguise, please don't tell anyone.
@ Orel:
Nope. A "grown" man. Probably about 43 and on his 1st date w a woman who has never been to a baseball game before.
Must be fun listening to their conversation, DB.
Maybe Manny needs a trip to the DL.
So, when I was a kid, my dad, brother and I were at an applebees and this dude sitting at the table next to us was trying to impress his date with a few tall tales. He could throw the ball 107 mph! Dunked on Jordan! Caught touchdown passes from Joe Montana. Whats funny was the chick was doing everything she could to get away from the dude. Good times.
Four-pitch walk to Escobar.
You saw Bo Jackson at Applebee's?
Pickoff for out #3!
Is that a dude or a chick?
This is a very entertaining game.
One run could get it done tonight.
special K might be able to go one more!
Kemp will untie it here.
Kershaw at 103 pitches. Does he start the eighth? I say no.
Or he'll get it started.
Good start!
Manny should go on the 15 day and take Broxton with him. Do it now before it causes a bigger problem later on
C'mon James, no more sucking.
Kemp wreaking havoc on the basepaths!
What happened Loney?
Is it time for a squeeze?
King James, i'm running out of excuses to defend you
Runners on the corners!
Don't get picked off, O-Dog!
@ T-Bone
I think this is the same guy. So I was wrong; this is probably his 2nd date.
Good eye, Abreu!
Rancho Ardiendo, gentlemen!
FN Ausmus!
That was Ausful.
No win for kershaw
Kemp should have just stolen home.
Belly Mode!
This team needs a Little League coach to come in and teach it some fundamentals. For example, when we have men on base and 0 or 1 outs, how to hit the ball into the outfield so that, whether or not it as caught, the runner or ruNers on base can tag and likely score a run or runs, which, in turn, inform the outcome of the game.
good to see beli back!
Please no more two-out madness.
I hope Sherrill doesn't become Torre's new Proctor.
Welcome back, Belly!
Torre loves shiny new toys. If you start out awesome in relief, he'll run you out there until you're not.
A complete Broxton collapse could save Sherrill from Protorization, but no one really wants that to happen either.
Proctorization, I meant.
Nice play, Abreu!
Oh, that was TOO DAMN CLOSE.
It's time to rough up the pen!
Broxton warming up. Torre not giving him too much time to think about last night.
On an unrelated note. BJ Penn and Anderson Silva both one.
Just letting you guys know in case you were wondering
So the Braves have Moylan and Medlen?
I wish Torre wldnt make me have to think about last night's game.
now would be a nice tine to see furcal take second.
I used to think Manny was capable of homering in every at-bat. Now I expect outs.
Yes UFC 101
Hope Manny heats up in September.
AGH MANNY. Its ok. Let the G handle it
Come on Bison
At least the Rockies lost.
Someone needs to check Kemp's eyes. Striking out looking. Not swinging at all three strikes
Bunny said Black Sabbath! Drink!
None of those were strikes.
This is one frustrating game.
Oops Vinny damn iPhone
One K for Brox.
Bunny! Ha ha!
If it means anything to anyone, the Dodgers are probably involved in waiver discussions.
Nice pick by Abreu! Uneventful inning by Broxton!
Okay. I am tired of the supercuts and shakeys commercials
Double drat
WTF two line drives right at them?
Anything else on the waiver front yet, MLASF?
I need sumthin. This game is the pits.
All I know is that the team cannot talk about it. That's the rule.
...with a fistful of hundreds!
hey Motarina! Blah I need alcohol
Nice catch by Ethier!
Damn it a walk
I am reduced to monosyllabic expressions.
Sounds like fight club.
Prince Fielder knows it.
How does a team foul off so many pitches?
Fucking hell.
More two out madness
If only James Loney could have flied out.
Come on mota one more out. Ahh fuck right when I was typing you do that!
It's not so much the home run that bugs than the walk.
I swear to God, I just sat down to catch the end of the game and check the game thread.
Way to F it up, Mr. C
It's getting to the point where I don't even look forward to these games anymore.
I have a bad feeling about this week. This month now
I agree, it's been a pretty miserable stretch. A few victories snatched from the jaws of defeat, but not good baseball.
The dodgers better get their shit together or this week they may have to kneel before Zod aka Bochy
They just have to get through August, then it's smooth sailing.
It's not your fault, Mr Customer. James Loney can't have all the fault and let;s remind the game is not over yet.
On the bright side, there is no way Soriano can pitch tomorrow.
Oh good, Juan Pierre's batting. He'll save us.
Well, he didn't kill us.
So you are saying there is a chance!?
@MLASF "On the bright side, there is no way Soriano can pitch tomorrow."
We've got 'em right where we want 'em!
It's all part of the plan.
Another hard-hit-but-not-quite-hard-enough shot by Martin!
Come on raffy!
Hooray for DI!
two down
It's up to Ethier.
At least who we want up is up.
This will not have a happy ending.
Steal third, JP!
Ethier gets a hit, and goes to second!
Shutout averted!
Oh boy!
@Paul: there's always a chance.
It's in Manny's contract: He can't disappoint in two consecutive walkoff opportunities.
The ump has a really wide zone.
Walk Manny?
They walk Manny to get to Kemp.
@Nic "The ump has a really wide zone."
Yes, he's very self-conscious about it.
It's all up to kemp
Braves, meet the Bison.
The hunted has become the hunter.
This is awful.
Just a base-hit...
Kemp is not clutch.
At least it wasn't a shutout.
I need another drink.
Whoomp, there it isn't.
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