Randy Wolf (5-5, 3.43) vs. Derek Lowe (10-7, 4.20).
COMMENTS: After a 15-10 July, the Dodgers look to head into the final third of the season with a fresh chaw of whoopass tucked firmly between cheek and gum. Standing in their way today is old friend Lowe, renowned for his ability to induce ground balls. Wolf has been good for at least six innings in 18 of his 22 starts this season. So don't expect many overpowering fastballs; do expect wormkillers and craftiness.
(100SS. Game 5. You gotta be in it to win it!)
FOX games have been good to Manny. Look for him to break out of his slump today.
One thing is for sure is D. lowe will look like he has ran a marathon after the first inning.
Man-ny! Man-ny! Man-ny!
Just trying to drown out the boos.
Umps totally f'd up that call. Dude was 10 ft from where the ball hit inside the line and he missed it.
I agree, that was a BS call. he was right there too.
Two down, one to go......
Day ohhhhhhh
Live radio and the "live" TV broadcast are about 12 seconds apart. Can't listen to radio with TV on mute without being really confused.
You in HD today, Josh?
What a lame version of "Charge"......
See, if I was at the game, someone from the other side would have just poured something on me...
I can't get Vinnie on the radio during the day in Sacramento. I can only get him at night. So those who get to listen to him now, I'm very jealous!
I like the fact that they referred to Dodgers as "dangerous".
Vin's not doing the game today since it's east of rockies. it's the regular innings 4-9 guys.
Woot woot
Oh that's right......
Well, it still better than listening to the TV.
Listening to my mother in law is better than listening to this TV broadcast crew.
Try living in Sac and watching LA play SF on TV. I would rather listen to someone drag their fingers down a chalkboard.
Matt Kemp picked off first. TRADE HIM
Well that was a quick at bat.....
Boy Orel, you sure jumped quickly on Kemp there today! :)
Do not walk him.......
Can we check the pine tar on LaRoche's bat?
Good idea, lets do that....
Are Lowe and Hughes still an item?
Wow - I love this umps strikeout call - looks like Leslie Neilson in the Naked Gun. K K K K K K K ...
That was strike 3 against chipper....booo ump!
Yanks getting crushed early on - CWS up 6-0.
and it costs us a run - Hit the ump...
the umps hate us today
Two horrible calls so far. Thanks umps! Now you have Wolf all worked up and red and puffy, like D Lowe gets during warmups.
Throw at the ump's head.
Stupid ump
Leadoff walk. Let's start something.
Go Dodgers!
Bases juiced for the Beard
Bases loaded, no outs.
Big bucks, no whammies!
Is this interview ever going to end?
*Tapping my Casey bobblehead*
Good fundamentals from Blake. Sac fly, tie score.
nice tied up
That JJJJJjjjjjjJJJJ-named pitcher dude was more interesting than the broadcast crew, sadly.
Casey was choked up on his bat. Nice to see that he is trying to break out the old fashioned way.
yeah!!! FJL
Nice heads up to avoid getting hit with the ball, Manny!
"Belisario close to returning to Dodgers"
-Ken Gurnick
And to think people wanted to resign Lowe
Eat that Dusto.
BTW, nice to see Mark Grace notice that Manny can still run.
Dusty, it could be worse. It could be McCarver in the booth.
Solid contact from Martin, he just hit it right at Prado.
You should get minus pts just for mentioning McCarver. ;-)
Sew what just happened as soon as you brought his name up?
Loney RBI, that's why he's King James
Good inning.
Hey, we're winning! I'm off to the gym, so I won't be around for some of the hundreds.
The answer to the trivia question is Campy
Or will I...?
At the rate this thread is going, it'll be miracle if it even reaches 100.
Wolf's in trouble.
Prado is very fast, he could tie the game with almost anything.
Andre dinger! 3-2 la
Kemp is due.
Kemp just can't hold up on those sliders.
Manny, of all people, is reeeeallly due.
Well it looks a little warm out there in Atlanta
David Ross with his third K of the game
Wolf really wants a no-decision.
Dammit Martin!!!
Martin singlehandedly throws laRoche into scoring position, so why make that throw?
And he fricking drops the ball on an easy tag!
Nevermind. He wants a loss.
Crap o la.
If we lose, this is all Martin's fault
I told everyone we should have thrown Martin in for that Pods trade.
Martin screwed us over.
unacceptable, Russ
here's your chance to make up for it, kid
that's not what I meant
Hey, it's the guy who spouts crap.
O-Dog double!
If woody had gone to the police , this would never have happened
Damn, Russ, this is on your ass. I'm turning your bobblehead around backward - you're in trouble.
Come on, Doyers...don't ruin te rest of my evening. I mean, um, not that I would let a mere game dictate my mood. *Looks down at shoes*
This is the slowest moving game...
Thank god we are out of that inning....
Good inning for Kuo
I say that we get at least three runs next inning....
Doot doot doot doot
*Does Wave*
Up down Up down Up down.
I just need to get twelve posts......muhahahhhahaha!!
Oh...yeah.....GO Dodgers!!!!
No! No wave! If you launch a beachball I'm texting security.
Drats.......one down.......
If I buy you a beer then can I launch a beach ball???
Two out
*pulls out beachball*
Hmmm, its deflated....
*Looks at Dusty and grins*
Should I?
That inning was craptacular.
damn - gonna need some late inning magic today. gotta keep it 4-3 though
Manny has to be injured.
I am always bribe-able with beer.
Currently having Pyramid Curve Ball Summer Ale.
I have Coors Light or Moosehead...
When is this 100s stuff over? Can't wait. It's like an online version of the beach ball.
I'm so far behind that I'll never catch up......
Please don't subject anyone to Coors Light!
@Dusty Baker: 5 more games to go
i just decided i love Alyssa Millano.
Only half way through? Arrrrrggghhhh...
We had a BBQ last weekend and I had a large variety but that's what is left. The guiness and the St. Pauli was killed watching last nights game.....
Thank god he caught that.....
@ E2
That's more like it!
I decided I love Alyssa Millano a LONG time ago.
Down to the last out......
Fucking Martin
Damn.......that sucked!!!
See ya tomorrow......
Jesus christ Kemp, swing at the f'in ball! It was right down the middle with two out, two strikes, top of 9th. What are you waiting for, a tee?
Until a PGT is put up, this thread is open. I bet I could make it to 200.
pierre > manny
That statement is kinda outrageous
The Dodgers must do well on ESPN tomorrow, or they will be laughing stocks on the entire East Coast.
They will...
Still nothing
Last call!
Nothing doing.
You're right. PGT up.
I feel if they intentionally walk Chipper 4 times tomorrow, we will be set.
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