Though many news sources are covering Prince Fielder's post-game outburst as a potential confrontation with Dodger pitcer Guillermo Mota, SoSG has heard that Fielder's attempt to enter the Dodgers clubhouse was really motivated by the news that the Dodgers' home-team post-game spread was more expansive than the food offerings available in the visitors' clubhouse.
"What, no Tapatio?" screamed Fielder, moments before he stormed into the stadium tunnels toward the Dodgers' locker room. "This is outrageous!"
After the outburst, Fielder was able to articulate his displeasure more coherently. "It's just not fair. They get a nice well-lit clubhouse, with a full portfolio of food choices, local delicacies from Canter's Deli, a full bar, even private label pizza trying to masquerade as premium-priced fare. And we get a dimly-lit, crowded clubhouse where the best offering is an extra scoop of meat in a bowl of Camacho's Nachos.
"Seriously, I feel like I'm a fan stuck here on the loge level, while the home team relaxes on the field level. And they won't let me down the staircase to the better food offerings. It's unjust, I tell you."
In all seriousness, check out the video on the accompanying link (above; the first one). It's pretty obvious that Russell Martin is saying something to Fielder as he's laying on the ground, smarting from the Mota pitch. Martin's half-hearted effort to catch the ball inside is another tell-tale sign.
As Mr. LA Sports Fan eloquently wrote in last night's Game Thread: "Payback's a bitch, Prince."
Should be a great game tonight! Bring your hot sauce!
That's baseball, you get beamed.
What a whiny little bitch!
The Marlins retaliated against the Dodgers a few weeks ago and their pticher was given high fives in the dugout.
Fielder just isn't use to being ball slapped.
Prince, chill out man. You're in LA. Try a Dodger Dog and some beer. If MLB had a real commissioner like David Stern in the NBA, they'd suspend his (lard)a$$ for that bush league maneuver.
You stole my line. I demand compensation!
Mota is a punk
If Prince wants the good Dodger food so bad, he can put on a Dodger uni and play for us every year. "I'll gladly give you a Loney today for Prince ... today."
It is you who is the punk.
Mr. La Sports fan just threw one inside for retaliation...just part of the posting game.
Same reaction probably forthcoming when SF foodie Pablo Sandoval comes back in town.
@Mr LA SF: did I steal your line? Which one?
@Will Clark "Mota is a punk"
Unlike Tim Alderson. I hear that guy's going to be a stud.
that was right after i put a post about his neck tattoo last night, which was also korean heritage night:
Fielder's neck tattoo
i dont think there is a korean work for "tool"
@Will Clark.
. . .and Brian Wilson is still a douche.
You know, we've been calling for certain players to get one in the ribs all season long (although halfheartedly at times). The past couple of weeks it seems we're getting what we want. Look out Cody Ross!
I said "Payback's a bitch" immediately after Fielder got beaned.
Brilliant insight from that Brewers reporter in the video:
"There's a rubber game tonight. Do you expect any blowback?"
"Well, this this the last time they play each other this season, so I think if it's gonna happen, it'll happen tonight."
@Mr LA SF: You're right. Credit has been noted. Sorry!
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