Thanks to SoSG reader StolenMonkey86 for this painful item from the Seattle Times:
This is no laughing matter, despite the jokes that will inevitably fly after news of this breaks. It turns out that Mariners third baseman Adrian Beltre injured his testicle last night after a groundball took a bad hop and hit him in the groin area. No, he does not wear a protective cup.There was some tearing of the testicle and apparently is some internal bleeding in there. The team is going to wait a bit to see whether he requires surgery. If the surgery was to take place, he would need a month's recovery time. If there's no surgery, he'd need about 10 days to two weeks.
Best wishes to Beltre for a speedy recovery.
I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Somewhere, my Little League coach is saying, "I told you so."
how common is it for a player to not wear a cup? let alone a third baseman . . .
Now Beltre has learned the importance of the cup. And learning is half the battle.
Also feel sorry for Quentin Richardson. That guy's been on four teams during the off-season.
Here's hoping our former Blue gets well soon.
Former Dodger Blue balls.
I just got that feeling in my stomach. Bleechhhh. Why on earth would anyone, especially a 3rd baseman not wear a cup? AHHHH.
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