What, no BRUNO? And while I'm kvetching, who needs to see the All-Star Game score when you can get a POP-UP AD FOR...
And while I'm still mad...
Lauren Conrad a best-selling author. Ernest Hemingway kills himself, again.
Ryan Seacrest gets $15 million a year for taking up space between the TV camera and the wall.
I hope they export "Indian Jones" from Bollywood! I gotta see that one!
I can usually tell when a post is written by Delino before I get to the byline at the bottom...
By the way, that wasn't meant in a bad way! I find your posts hilarious.
I used to feel the same way about outfield wall advertising until I saw pictures of the old Polo Grounds and Ebbets Field and quite a few other old stadiums.
Ads on them all.
Totally agree with you, Delino. It's nuts that the three-game series with Houston appears to be televised on three different channels. I'm thinking that the "FS-W" one is a typo, and it's really on Prime.
I'm cool with ads on the walls, in the seats... heck, I didn't even mind when they digitally add adverts to the backstop walls on Fox.
But when a POP UP AD appears in the middle of an at bat, that just ain't right.
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