These are some pretty sorry looking Final Vote badges here--almost enough to make one pass up voting altogether. I thought Matt Kemp's looked pretty bad ("Vote Bison" sounds a lot better than "Vote Kemp," by the way), but just look at Mark Reynolds' mug shot. And Chone Figgins doesn't even get his picture on the damn badge. Which sixth-grade classroom won the badge design contest over at MLB.com?
I also noticed that Pablo Sandoval's picture couldn't fit on the badge, so they had to go with all text.
Click here to VOTE BISON!
I've been voting all day.
I'd vote for Pablo in a chicken wings eating contest. It certainly looks like he's enjoying all the MSG-laden goodness of San Francisco's many Chinese food restaurants.
Dodgers just sent out a "Vote SoCal" email, which touted both Kemp and Chone Figgins. I think this is a very classy move on part of Dodgers.
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