Jeff Weaver (5-2, 3.32) vs. Mike Burns (1-2, 5.57).
COMMENTS: According to MLB.com, Jeff Weaver has never faced the Brewers. Whoops, wrong Weaver! Burns, on the other hand, has faced the wrath of Ryan Braun, who in turn faced the wrath of Brewers GM Doug Melvin. Serves Braun right for making clothing for douchebags.
Earlier douchebag content at SoSG:
Things I Don't Understand: Ed Hardy T-Shirts
Dan Neil, on Wine for Douchebags
"Douchebag" Has Jumped the Shark, You Douchebags
The Mets signed Angel Berroa
The collecting of ex-Dodgers continues.
I think this http://tinyurl.com/krjpn8 deserves to be added to your douchebag content.
Furcal, SS
Ethier, RF
Ramirez, LF
Blake, 3B
Loney, 1B
Martin, C
Hudson, 2B
Kemp, CF
Weaver, P
The question is not if Matt Kemp will hit another grand slam today; it's how many grand slams will he hit?
I'm starting to have trouble finding a fault in the lineup. It seems Kemp keeps coming up in key situations and getting clutch hits.
Brox is not gonna play in the allstar game. I guess that tie issue he has is not looking good. So we are down to two allstars.
I just read it on dodger thoughts
He may also have an issues with ties, my iPhone seems to think so.
And DeWitt was DeMoted in exchange for Elbert
Ya'll ready to do this?
We should have a "DeWitt: Promoted/Demoted" counter.
Andre's becoming Adam Dunn.
So have we ever faced this Burns guy? If not, we could be in for a long afternoon.
i was saying boo-urns!
Damn Koufax u beat me to it.
That was some crappy fielding.
What was Ethier doing back there, having a wank?
More bad fielding.
Oh man, Martin. Not cool.
Excuse me while I go throw up.
You're a catcher. You're supposed to be able to handle a low throw.
Please tell me it's not going to be this kind of day. I have too much invested today to stink it up like this.
I'm with you, Dusty. They better have this crap out of their systems right now.
Martin looks non-plussed, like he could take it or leave it. He needs to get some fire in the belly these days.
This does not bode well.
Jesus. I have waited all day for this? Come on!
Looks like we're going to need 2, maybe 3 Bison grand slams today. Go ahead and order some up, Torre.
What's going on?
that's what the ump is on the phone doing, I guess - ordering up some Bison HRs.
That was close.
That 3-2 pitch was strike three.
That was a New York-strike.
By which I mean a ball.
No, wait, vice-versa it.
Ha, I thought so MLASF.
All right, boys. Time to get the runs back.
Martin, I'm looking at you.
Blake starts things off well.
Let's go, Loney!
"Schmidt might be involved..."
Hit-and-run works well, at least in the fact that it moves Beard to second.
I know Russell is on a bit of a hot streak right now, but it just doesn't feel like that's true. He's got a lot of work to do to make up for the first half of this season.
Fail for Martin.
Did Martin take the bat off his shoulder in that at-bat?
Good pitching...not a lot you could do with that, J. Russ.
I meant that last pitch, not the whole at bat, for the record.
If O-Dog can just work out a walk...
I hope Weaver can overcome the spotty defense.
Here's where you might run into a problem with Kemp batting eighth.
If Hudson gets on, they would probably walk Kemp to just get to the pitcher.
And once again, Lyons calls Kemp the "Tinkle Guy." I really can't tell you how much I hate that.
So Burns gets the pitch Weaver couldn't get in the last inning.
I figured out the problem...I changed my game brew today. Anchor Steam Summer - not all that great. Tastes like hay. Sorry folks - it's all on me. I'm switching back over to Dos Equis, per the usual. Won't happen again.
Now that looked like a New York strike.
Weaver's getting squeezed.
Ugh. Lead-off walk.
Poor Milwaukee fans. They'll just have to settle for their two-run lead.
Sorry, Counsell. In the big leagues we call that a swing.
Nobody can get the bat off the shoulders.
Yay Weaver!
Hey now, Jeff Weaver got a hit!
Oh come on, Furcal.
Raffy takes second.
That was some heads-up base running from Furcal.
Eric Collins isn't any better than Charlie Steiner at judging fly balls.
Oh, and speaking of Charlie Steiner.
How did that tubby chubby steal second?
Martin and Weaver should be really, really embarrassed that they just let the fattest guy in baseball steal on them.
So embarrassing to let Fielder steal on you.
Weaver is at 61 pitches.
AFLAC trivia question answer is the answer to the last SoSG puzzle.
We'll waste another lead-off baserunner this inning, it seems.
This is gonna be a long night.
Oh for god's sake.
This guy is not an ace. How about some offense?
Well, that might do it, with the way we're hitting (or not hitting) against this pitcher.
Giving up an HR to a guy with such a wimpy entrance song...
Can anyone throw it on f'in target?
They used up all their offense last night, I guess. I didn't really expect a win today anyway, they never win the middle-game.
Let's go Padres.
MANNY - nice fielding! We knew you had it in ye.
That's the highlight of the night.
Manny's antics - why people forgive Manny but hate on Bonds.
Burns: I want the best hitters on my team. Get me Prince Fielder!
Macha: I'm afraid Fielder is unavailable for the game.
Burns: Then get me his non-union, Mexican equivalent, Senor Field-airo.
That's it for Weaver. Too bad.
No more runs for them, please.
And throw strikes, Elbert.
Colorado is losing 2-0 to Atlanta in the second.
Our offense just flabbergasts me with how much it can fluctuate from game to game.
Kemp's on base, and now we come to another example of why it sucks to have him batting eighth. Elbert came in and only three a few pitches, so now he has to hit for himself because it would be stupid to waste him like that. But we're essentially giving up an out because of it, in a game where we're down by four runs.
Completely ineffective at-bat from Elbert there, and he's Burns' seventh strikeout. I guess Elbert just wanted to be like everyone else in the lineup today.
Collins says coming into today, Burns had 48 strikeouts in 73 major league innings. So the Dodgers are just doing what the Dodgers do best: making an unknown pitcher look like Cy Young.
No more comments from until someone else shows up; I don't want to be the only one commenting.
Furcal gets us back in the game with one swing! 4-2, Brewers!
And Ethier makes it back-to-back! Guess they just needed a little bit of time to figure out Burns!
You're right; Ethier is like Adam Dunn!
Ramirez could really make us happy here. Burns is flustered. He'll make a mistake.
But Manny swings at a ball instead, and golfs it to right field for an out.
All right, we're in this game now. Let's do this, boys.
Either Dunn or Howard. But hey, Howard won an MVP, so I can't complain.
Put me in coach!
Burns: Acta, who's that lolly-gagger who just struck out?
Acta: He's Prince Fielder, sir. One of your face-stuffers from Sector 1B.
NICE pitch, Elbert.
Now we get the lead.
I'm the only one commenting (mostly) anyway, so...
It's Macha, not Acta.
Dodgers get a baserunner, then Martin swings at the first pitch and grounds into a double play.
We're one run away, and I'm not going to be happy if we go back to playing the way we did in the first four innings.
Six-second delay between radio and TV broadcast...holding me back from switching to TV mute gambit. Those fellas are bugging me more than usual.
The ump has a strange relationship with that outside corner. That wasn't a strike.
We're losing time here, guys, and Juan Castro is our last hope in this inning.
In Mets and Brew series, we've seen our share of umpires who have an entirely different view of the strike zone vis-a-vis the outside part of the plate. I, for one, am tiring of it.
Me too, Dusty.
Juan Castro got a hit, so there's still a chance in this inning.
But Furcal swings at the first pitch and pops it up, and that's that.
I hate being this frustrated a night after we score twelve runs in a game.
The eighth inning is going to be key for our offense. Ethier, Ramirez and Blake coming up to try to get at least one run.
O dawg! Thx for waking me up.
By waking me up I mean inspiring me to jump off off the sofa and realize that I am tantalizingly close to the fridge, and all the yummy goodness it holds inside.
Come on J-Mac. Get this last out.
Come on, Andre. One more time.
Todd Coffey looks like he just devoured Prince Fielder.
Sf update: Matt Cain has left the game after getting hit by a pitch.
Coffey seemed a little too pumped up there
Brent shouldnt bee having this kind of trouble with lefties. maybe he caught what Will Ohman had
I just never get tired of the Corey Hart/sunglasses at night reference when I make it. My wife, on the other hand...not so tolerant.
dammit G-Mo - 0-2 is not the time to be grooving flat sliders
Ready for the PGT now.
do we let up in the second game of a series? I dont understand this win-game-one, play-like-turds-in-game-two stuff. Don't get me wrong, I like winning a series, but it seems like we could be on a long winning streak if we could have made a couple of plays here and there in these game twos
let's get'em tomorrow fellas. a win going into the all-star break would be very nice
LOL, manny got a webgem tonight
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