Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Cheese It Guys, Dad's Watching!


Things are about to get interesting.


Fred's Brim said...

crap - dad's home!
*adds water to refill the liquor bottles*
*flips over couch cushions to hide the stains*

Dusty Baker said...

Dad did the same thing before we got home.

Franklin Stubbs said...

Think he'll notice what happened to the pool?

Dusty Baker said...

You mean why Michael Phelps is back there doing bong hits in the pool?

Franklin Stubbs said...

Actually, I'm pretty sure Michael is here on Dad's invite, as well.

Franklin Stubbs said...

It is, however, still a little murky from when Gary Busey was in there.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

Where's Bernie?

MR.F said...

You finally got daddy's attention! And you didn't have to resort to drinking or getting tattoos!

Steve Sax said...

Too late Mr. F. I figured the latter was the only way I'd have an in with Alex Morgan

Franklin Stubbs said...

Well, as we learned earlier today, I did have to wear a plastic beach toy on my junk. If that's not a cry for help, I don't know what is.