Saturday, August 25, 2012

It's Really Done

New Dodgers Josh Beckett, Adrian Gonzalez, and Nick Punto send a picture from the Dodger charter plane bringing them to LA as I type. Wifi on the plane - nice!

Image: Nick Punto tweet


Gagne's lucky glasses said...

Frank McCourt would have had them on standby status with Southwest. So they would have showed up Tuesday some time.

Paul said...

Neeebs is in the background making sure they don't muck up the carpet

Dusty Baker said...

Carl Crawford was in the back taking a dump and wiping his arse with a copy of the Boston Herald sports page.

Gagne's lucky glasses said...

Is it just me or do they look absolutely ecstatic to be getting out of Boston?

Dusty Baker said...

They do. They look like they were ready to fly the plane themselves.

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

They certainly look stoked about heading to the blue crew!

Orel said...

Not pictured: flight attendants in bikinis.

Dusty Baker said...

Dodgers presser is set for 2:30pm.

Dusty Baker said...

Magic, Kasten, Colletti scheduled to participate.

Pride of Dong said...

Who is that in the background with the dog? It looks like a dog, it could be an ewok....

Unknown said...

@ DB re. Crawford: haha

They pleased as punch to be gone from The Land of. The Chowds. Let's hope they stay that upbeat with us for good.

Gagne's lucky glasses said...

What channel will the press conference be on?

Steve Sax said...

@GLG: NESN, of course.

Fernie V said...

They look as happy as I do, I don't Remeber feeling this good.

Dusty Baker said...


Gotta be an ewok.

Dusty Baker said...

We got an ewok to be named later in the deal....heh.

Fernie V said...

Where's Carl Crawford, oh yeah they made him sit in the back of the plane.