Monday, August 20, 2012

Another Barry Zito Lowlight

I guess this video came from Saturday's game, in which Zito pitched a mere four innings, giving up four runs and not factoring into the decision?

Anyway, as the Deadspin link has it, Zito sums up his SF Giants career in one pitch.



karina said...


now if i get in a bad mood, i only have to remember this.

Hideo Nomo said...

He's in Blogger Softball Tournament form!

Pistol Pete Reiser said...

Barry is dreamy...

Pride of Dong said...

Saw Neeebs taking notes while watching the film

Dusty Baker said...

I like how the batter was real classy and just stepped out of the box a ways instead of laughing or glaring or showing Zito up.

Franklin Stubbs said...

What I want to know is how he can do that, then look like he thinks it's 2002 when he faces us?

Unknown said...

Wonder if Barry's added an eephus as his new out pitch?

Steve Sax said...

But he thinks it has to travel only 20 feet to the plate

Fred's Brim said...

@DB I bet the batter was terrified of facing the next pitch.

"Who knows where that handsome maniac will throw it next?! To calm my nerves, I'll just get lost in his eyes again."