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Will no one rid me of his turbulent chicken grease? |
Let's face it, Beckett was lousy with the Red Sox this year. Still, Angevin him a partial pass for his performance since it's not entirely his fault that Boston Canterbury the hatchet with him over his clubhouse antics and his disinclination to perform penance for their historic 2011 collapse. After that, the rift was already too great to be bridged, it seems. When facing off against (de) Tracy's squad in Denver, let's hope that a change of circumstances restores him to being the pitching (de) Morville Josh instead of the the pompous (fitz)Urse Josh.
A major factor in our favor tonight is that we're facing off against Francis again, who has a 6.65 ERA in August, and gave up 3 runs in only 4 innings the last time the Dodgers faced him. I'm not a (le) Breton man, but if I were, I'd be inclined to take the over on this one.
*American League numbers, but they still count, people.
1 – 200 of 246 Newer› Newest»This one's for you, brother Neeebs
I feel dumb.
Victorino LF
Mellis 2B
Kemp CF
Gonzalez 1B
Ramirez SS
Ethier RF
Cruz 3B
Ajellis C
Beckett P
No one is saying you're dumb, Orel. Some of us might be thinking it, but we're not saying it.
Consider that hunch confirmed!
I realized this was a Stubbs post about two sentences in.
Hopefully Beckett will end up somewhat better than Becket. The extra "T" is everything.
I figured the image might be enough, even.
Stubbs, you scare the hell out of me sometimes.
I like the GT!
If I had a nickle...
I feel what Orel feels.
clap clap clap clap.
bravo Stubbs bravo.
Let's just hope he doesn't Roger de Bailleul it and die in early September.
*laugh cough laugh cough hack*
btw I have no idea what I am talking about and hope this wikipedia thingy is correct.
Yes, that would be a tragedy, Paul.
I'm confused. What does Peter O'Toole have to do with this?
There's always room for O'Toole.
That's not what Liberace said! Oh, snap!
Wait, that is what Liberace said. Nevermind.
Can we win this one? Pretty please? Gotta win on the days the Gnats are idle.
Oh dear...
I ain't gonna lie, Beckett in Denver concerns me. Hopefully we can outgun them.
Peter O'Toole fell in a well, didn't he? Oh wait that was Timmy.
yeah, more than numb, i feel illiterate
Hey guys, don't you know you're supposed to be playing along to make Orel feel inadequate?
I cannot wait another hour for this game.
Beckett needs to prove he's not Blanton v2.0.
Hanley needs to improve upon a sad performance Sunday.
Dodgers need to keep the pressure on the idle and quivering Giants.
Sax needs to slow down on drinking this fine Rioja.
3 out of 4 ain't bad, though.
I am the impetus of your animus that is on the precipice of something inconsequential.
New dictionary app and shot of whiskey.
Game can't start soon enough.
Sign Longoria Expeditiously!
Precipice of Something Inconsequential.
The Flaming Menudos' biggest hit record.
Yes we sold out on that album.
But It was fun working with the Saved by the Bell gang and Ricky Martin.
Oh and Ted Knight. RIP.
@Stubbs: however, this Beckett didn't come from the Cheapside...
"What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and brought up in my household,..."
Was King Henry talking about Uribe?
Chan Ho Beckett? I didn't know he took #61
Josh Beckett is high-fiving every last soul in the Dodger dugout.
@orel: he's just trying to get the fried chicken grease off his hands
He'd better be careful too as Uribe will lick them clean
Sign Beltre!!
That's not a pleasant image, Sax.
Frank Jeffries pitching for the Rox.
howdy, yall!
Kempy double!
Wotchale, FB
Epale, FB!
I hope Matty can find his season-starting groove again. Coors Field and Jeff Francis seems like good places to crank it up again
Nice to see Kemp get his groove back. Two-out double in the first.
How Matty Got His Groove Back?
@FB: looks like you and I are groovin' tonight. Don't tell the wives.
A-Gon tags it, but right at the RF.
Dammit. AGon can't score Kemp from second. On to B1.
@Saxy - I tweeted it but my wife doesn't follow me so we should OK
Was Beckett the one who changed his mind about his number? Wearing 61 tonight.
The second deck screen said 91 mph. No Bueno.
Um, about that switching-leagues thing....
flat, high fastballs don't work in Denver either, Josh
Well, we scored in the first yesterday and lost, so it follows...
Josh Beckett thinks he is indeed Blanton 2.0. Great.
(starts assembling four knights)
Shake it off and 123.
get Cargo's ass back in the circle
He'd be more comfortable if he took of the hair shirt.
Ks Cargo!
Haven't seen Cargo look that bad. Really slumping.
No KCAL HD signal? I feel antiquated...
Rest of the inning went...well.
All but the one pitch looked pretty strong, actually.
that works
let's get four back
Okay, Beckett settled. 2 Ks in the first. 1-0 Rox.
Almost doesn't count, Hanley.
Eric Stephen @truebluela
Switch back to number 30! #Beckett
I refuse to believe Jeff Francis is going to shut down this lineup three times through.
be careful with your knob, Dre
you don't have to swing at everything, Cochito
Man, Lyons loves telling everyone in earshot that Dre's injury is called a knob burn, like he's a medical expert.
Takes a knob to know a knob, I guess.
and a bellend
this ump likes scoring I think. he's not going to give the close strikes
Who doesn't like scoring?
"RT @TBrownYahoo: A no-win start for Beckett: He beats the Rockies, they're the Rockies. He loses, he still stinks."
Chewbacca plays for the Rox?
A win-win start for Beckett: He loses to the Rockies, we blame it on Coors Field. He beats the Rockies, he wins his Dodger debut.
A lot of full counts for Beckett so far.
I liked it better when AJ was trying to walk every time
Beckett looks a little lost at the plate. "What's this piece of wood in my hands?"
What is with us and acquiring pitchers with tribble-chin?
@Orel: Should we tell him the bat is a chicken bone?
Vic walks.
Bring the lumber, Mellis.
Jeanne Tribblechin was great in "Basic Instinct."
I can't take Steve Lyons anymore. I just can't. Collins is fine. He's even grown on me a bit. But Psycho's gotta go.
It is really frustrating how poorly we play against the Rockies this year.
@Orel (6:19): I definitely misinterpreted that comment.
Uh, the first 6:19 comment, that is.
Don't W this O, boys.
Vic with the ol' SB & E-2 combo!
Dammit, Mellis!
nice work, AJ
Gonzo's standing too close to the plate. His ass needs to get back into the batting circle. Beckett needs to send a purpose pitch over there
Lotta pitches being thrown.
What's that, like 60 pitches for Beckett already?
Is Colorado still doing that stupid 75 pitch limit for their starters?
throw strikes, stupid
you are not exempt
Matt Kemp hasn't hit a HR in 16 games.
(reverse jinx)
I think Lyons just jinxed my reverse jinx
When did Jeff Francis become Cy Young?
Oh, about an hour ago.
hmm i don't like that
Jeff Francis only has one scoreless outing this year.
Jeff Francis is unhittable. (reverse jinx)
Hanley gets caught looking quite a bit.
you dick. you better call all of those the rest of the way
totally, outside corner to right handers has been a ball all night.
Does anyone know what the spot on Kemp's left shoulder is? He has the same spot there every game. I thought maybe pine tar...anyone?
Rosario Dawson catches for the Rox?
Pine tar sounds about right, GLG.
Chan Ho is back? Gangnam style, bishes!
Tim Brown @TBrownYahoo
Meantime, new Best Lineup in Baseball appears a tad vulnerable to soft-tossing lefties. #buehrle #francis
even if every game is close at Coors Field, no matter what the lead is, with this lineup somehow feels closer
I sense some skepticism on Tim Brown's part.
Loney has 2 RBI in 2 games for Boston.
But AGon has 4 RBI in 2 games (+) for L.A.
Yeah, I'm good.
Zito too. :/
So this Beckett guy is a fly-ball pitcher?
Terrible throw by Victorino. Should have set himself and fired to third.
Jeeze, that was a horrible throw to the cutoff man.
*grinds teeth*
Man the Rox are totally hitting Beckett.
SF scored 6 ER of Francis a few starts ago.
It's the 5th already? Time flies when you're losing.
Lets just be thankful Moyer retired.
the Giants should sign Randy Wolf
we gotta take more pitches, force this dude to throw strikes
*looks at AJ*
RT @azizansari: Let's have a moment of silence for all the chubby Asian dudes that are getting 'Gangnam style!' yelled at them by bros around the world.
Let's get back to this one.
Damn, so close to tying it up.
Why is Cruz so damn slow?
Wow, that carried a long ass way.
Please don't AWO, even if Beckett is coming up to bat.
just a fly ball, JB
Im sure Shane will get a hit.
cmon, Vic, poke it somewhere
It's up to you, Shane.
Come on Shane!!!!!
this is when Vic walks and Ellis flies out and we lead off with Matty next inning
oh damn
*bangs head on desk*
The Vicster.
that thing wasn't even going to make it to the glove
I am pretty sure it's one of the rules of baseball
That K officially made it Francis' best outing of the year.
Can we go back to hating Victorino now?
Or stop lying if we never did stop hating him?
I can't bring myself to like Victorino.
Just too many bad memories.
I was at indifferent for an hour. Then started hating him again. Just like Uribe.
I told myself i wouldn't like Uribe until he hit a GS.
How naive I was.
I'm pretty sure Vicky hasn't been the primary offender in this little mini-slump, as much as it pains me to defend him.
I blame Vicky Vale.
Kemp barely makes contact, bounces out.
Well our shutouts feel a lot more...expensive.
No coincidence we struggle against lefties when our two best right-handed hitters are coming up empty.
C'mon, Hanley, do your thing.
Hanley has been slumping, but you wouldn't think all of the guys need to be clicking at the same time.
We're not going to win this game, are we?
cmon, Hanley, be patient
we struggle. It is our destiny.
cripes, why do I watch?
You wouldn't think so.
Well, Beckett has been fine. So there's that.
Is this how a mets fan feels?
Beltre's going for another cycle? What's he been eating?
So when do the "this team lacks chemistry" articles start flying out?
It just might be time already for this speech
I am angry.
3-0 Rox. Insurmountable.
This is embarrassing.
I miss Mike Davis.
Mike Davis misses you.
What is with us and the rest of our division?
I miss Mike Venafro.
This wouldn't happen if we had signed more Cubans.
Mike Venafro does not miss you.
CIN 2, ARI 1, top 4
Mike Kincade?
That was generous, but I'll take it.
SD 2, ATL 0, top 3
Cards won
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