We are the no ringers team, the essence of beer league softball purity. We wear Pop's number not for reflected glory, but because we are proud to be a scrawny leaf on the mighty Dad tree. Dad is no doubt secretly disappointed in us, but admires our gumption and beer-swilling.
—Johnny Blanchard
- WHAT: 2012 Dodger Blogger End-of-Season Softball Tournament
- WHEN: Saturday, September 29, 2012
- WHO: organized by Mike Brown of theLFP.com
- WHERE: Big League Dreams in West Covina
- PRICE: $35 per player (will include an SoSG T-shirt, if John G. and I can get our shit together)
- WHY: proceeds benefit the Angelus Temple Dream Center
The current SoSG lineup. Please update your status in the comments section. And we can use all the help we can get, so feel free to join. There are multiple games, so everyone will play. Even if Neeebs has to pitch his arm off again!
1. Bobby*
2. Cliff Beefpile*
3. Dusty Baker's Toothpick*
4. Eugenio's Streak*
5. Mrs. Eugenio's Streak
6. Johnny Blanchard*
7. Shay*
8. Stacy*
9. Lubby De La Rosa
10. Mrs. Lubby De La Rosa
11. Neeebs*
12. rbnlaw*
13. SoSG Nomo*
14. SoSG Orel*
15. SoSG Stubbs*
16. Karina!!!
* veteran!
A note from Mike Brown. Please note there are two registration links: one at WePay (for payment), and one at theLFP.com (for rosters).
The registration page is up and it is a whole lot easier this time around. When you players sign up for your teams they will be buying a ticket. All they have to do is print it out and bring out to the park the day of the event.The rules are the same as last time and you can find them on the LFP site on the Tournament page. I did not invite back that ringer team who slipped in so I'm hoping we will have a more competitive tournament.
- Registration link: REGISTRATION LINK (WePay — for payment)
- Registration page REGISTRATION PAGE (theLFP.com — for rosters)
I may have to miss SoSGFest 2012 but I am going to spend the better part of today trying to figure out a way to make it to this.
Can I use a Uribe-sized beer mug while contributing roughly Urine-level offense?
Prolly not in town =(
I asked my brother if he wanted to represent me. He hasn't replied.
I don't know how to register but I gotta warn you that I hit and catch like a girl SO if you need a pinch runner, here I am :)
Based on the evidence I saw at the spring tournament. Quite a few of us fall into that category, Karina.
Woohoo! Can't wait!
Awesome! Welcome aboard, Karina!
I will be having oral surgery less then a week before the surgery. I will need a face shield like the basketball players!
*Snoopy dancing*
I'll take it!
Me and the future Mrs. hope to be a part, but don't count this as our confirmation yet. Still considering it and will hopefully decide soon!
Let us know when you know. Hope you can join us!
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