Thursday, August 16, 2012


"Who is that handsome devil?"

Remember when loyal SoSG reader Fred's Brim got hitched? When he couldn't help checking on the Dodger game on his wedding day?

It gets better. From Mr. Brim himself:

I wore my SOSG shirt on my honeymoon where I got to meet a real Harangutan! This one had a better batting-average-against though.

This was in Borneo where they still live out in the wild. Some are more tame than others but they all know that Uribe sucks.

That's right: SoSG has been represented in Borneo. Great job, FB!


Franklin Stubbs said...

My man FB! Nice work!

QuadSevens said...


Fred's Brim said...


Dusty Baker said...

That thing looks like it's about to go for your junk.

Fred's Brim said...

the legendary pink banana...

Steve Sax said...

that rocks the house FB