Friday, June 22, 2012

Steve Sax On His Day Off

Got an email from a PR firm, on what Steve Sax was up to last week:

On Thursday in West Sacramento, former LA Dodger second baseman and 1982 Rookie of the Year Steve Sax went to work at the River City Car Wash and helped change one lucky fan’s oil. It was all part of the Mobil Super Go the Distance Minor League Baseball Tour which is making at stop at Raley Field in Sacramento June 14-16.

So now we've got photographic proof that Steve Sax uses synthetics.


Fred's Brim said...

"change one lucky fan’s oil" - sounds dirty!

NicJ said...

This person is going to Be pissed when they find out Steve missed the oil tank and hit the windshield wiper fluid reservoir.

Fred's Brim said...

He still has the yips?

Hideo Nomo said...

He always was a slick fielder.

Franklin Stubbs said...

His aim could be a little crude, though.

NicJ said...

He always was one of the more Mobil second basemen.

Orel said...

A little oily for this type of humor, don't you think?

Franklin Stubbs said...

Who appointed you to the pun petrol?