Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Game 64 Thread: June 13 vs. Angels, 7p

Nathan Eovaldi (0-2, 1.93) vs. C.J. Wilson (7-4, 2.39).

No support is exactly what the Dodgers have given young Nate Eovaldi this year — in his three starts filling in for Ted Lilly, the Dodgers have scored a grand total of three runs. That works out to...oh...let's see...carry the one...ONE RUN PER GAME. Let's get this kid some runs!

(Oh, and Nomo and Sax will be at tonight's game. Post a comment if you want to meet up.)


Fred's Brim said...

4:01 please

Hideo Nomo said...

Nomo will be there too!

Hideo Nomo said...

Reserve 31, Row A.

Hideo Nomo said...

Eovaldi's been getting hosed.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Aaron Miles retires. A nation rejoices.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Gordon 6
Herrera 8
Rivera 7
Ethier 9
Hairston 4
Ajellis 2
Loney 3
Uribe 5
Eovaldi 1

Orel said...

Get there in time for the first pitch!

Orel said...

Ceremonial first pitch, that is.

Orel said...

@ Dodgers: "Lord Stanley's Cup is in the building. #WeLoveLA

Hideo Nomo said...

I am en route. May not make first pitch, though.

Hideo Nomo said...

Man, the downtown gate has seriously sucked this year. Crawling into the parking lot.

Cliff Beefpile said...

Cut yer hair, Wilson!

Cliff Beefpile said...

I prefer the Academy Rd. gate.

Cliff Beefpile said...

'Dre Day!

Orel said...

Ethier did something good!

Orel said...

Pay that man!

Cliff Beefpile said...

Well, so much for that lead.

Cliff Beefpile said...

Andy Fletcher is umpiring the third base side, Martin Gore is crew chief and Dave Gahan is serenading women whilst handling first.

Cliff Beefpile said...

Come on, Eovaldi, help yourself out!

Orel said...

Loney single! Uribe single! The world is ending!

Cliff Beefpile said...

Man the Astros suck.

Dusty Baker said...

4:20 please

Cliff Beefpile said...

So, Dee, if you're gonna be shit with the bat then you're gonna have to be at least decent with the glove.

Fred's Brim said...

thank you, all-powerfull sons for changing the posting time

Fred's Brim said...

Gameday has Nate getting squeezed worse than Charmin at a Mr Whipple look-alike contest

Cliff Beefpile said...


Cliff Beefpile said...

Hell yeah! Double play!

Fred's Brim said...

Great at-bat, Erick

Orel said...

Up jumps the Angel!

Fred's Brim said...

You got the hard outs, now finish this, Nate!

Dusty Baker said...

"Up jumps the Angel"


Fred's Brim said...

wow - great work, Nate!

Cliff Beefpile said...

Bases load, nobody out and Eovaldi wriggles out of it! The Angels are starting to look more and more like the Dodgers.

Fred's Brim said...

now let's get him some runs

Fred's Brim said...


Fred's Brim said...

Loney will make up for that

Fred's Brim said...

keep taking pitches. Pretty-boy Wilson is over 60 through 4

Hideo Nomo said...

No evidence of Sax's presence at this game.

Orel said...

Eovaldi: 69 pitches
Wilson: 63 pitches

Orel said...

FB: Thanks for even noticing.

Dusty: Thanks!

Nomo: Have you checked the beer lines?

Hideo Nomo said...

No evidence of Sax's presence at this game.

Fred's Brim said...

Mike Trout can get a kick in hiss cloaca

Fred's Brim said...

finish this, Nate

Fred's Brim said...

Nice work, Nate

Now I gotta go to bed.

Orel said...

Eovaldi hanging tough! Two on and he Ks Trumbo to end the inning.

Orel said...

Urine: one pitch, one out. Way to stretch out the opposing pitcher, Juan.

Dusty Baker said...

It pisses me off because every time I go to the bathroom, I have to think about Urine.

Dusty Baker said...

^ Number two, I meant!

Dusty Baker said...

My last comment must have been a room clearer.

Orel said...

Eo has been nails. So far: 6 IP, 1 ER, 98 pitches.

Dusty Baker said...

@Marla 4:38pm

If Aaron Miles retires in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a noise?

Dusty Baker said...

If Eo had less support, he'd be Gabourey Sidibe's breasts.

Orel said...

Now that's a room-clearer!

Dusty Baker said...

We have a little rhubarb!

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Oh no not Loney!

Orel said...


Orel said...

Yup, Loney.

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

Is it just me or does Loney hit the weakest pop ups in all of baseball?

Orel said...

What's that? Matt Cain is throwing a PERFECT GAME?

Orel said...

They're home runs on the moon, DBT.

Dusty Baker said...

How's that perfect game going?

Dusty Baker's Toothpick said...

@Orel moonshots, huh? Too bad they don't play them on the moon.

Orel said...

Matt Cain's PERFECT GAME is still intact.

Orel said...

Belli gets Pujols to ground into an inning-ending DP!

Dusty Baker said...

I now have that PERFECT GAME up on my computer.

Orel said...

Cain PERFECT through 7.

Orel said...

Wow, Urine lasted three pitches that AB. Wilson at 103.

Hideo Nomo said...

I didn't get to see Stan Lee's cup.

Orel said...

Matt Cain: PERFECT GAME through 8.

Dusty Baker said...

Nomo-san, you gotta start leaving earlier for these gigs, my man.

Alex said...

Hey did anybody mention Cain's PERFECT GAME in progress yet?


Hideo Nomo said...

I don't even get home until after 6!

Dusty Baker said...

Sometimes baseball's gotta come before work, Nomo.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Perfect game?

Orel said...

One down in the 9th for Matt Cain's PERFECT GAME.

Orel said...

Two outs in the 9th for Cain's PERFECT GAME.

Orel said...

(Cain is on my fantasy team, by the way. And yes, PG is one of our categories.)

Orel said...

Matt Cain has pitched a PERFECT GAME.

Oh wait, it doesn't work after the game is over.

Dusty Baker said...

Mrs Dusty re: Cain:

"Cry baby."

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Anything that David Wells can do isn't that special.

Dusty Baker said...

And David Wells did it while he was hungover as shit, according to him.

Dusty Baker said...

Aybar? Really?

Dusty Baker said...

How's Lincecum doing these days, Gnats?

NicJ said...

Dodgers downed by solo shots from Aybar and Callaspo.


Dusty Baker said...

Let's get a stop here so Morales doesn't celebrate at the plate.

Dusty Baker said...

What's this about downing shots, Nic?

NicJ said...

Kenley might need a cortisone one if this overuse keeps going on.

Orel said...

Ellis-Loney-Uribe up in the bottom of the ninth.

Dusty Baker said...

If Karina doesn't show up very soon I'm going to start bad-mouthing Loney.

Orel said...

Ellis: BB
Loney: single

We just need one fly ball, Urine.

Dusty Baker said...

MDIL: Uribe always looks like he's hurt.

Dusty: Uribe always looks like he's fat.

Steve Sax said...

I hate Juan uribe

Dusty Baker said...

MDIL: Uribe always looks like he's hurt.

Dusty: Uribe always looks like he's fat.

Dusty Baker said...

Great lively crowd on hand tonight.

Dusty Baker said...


Steve Sax said...

Abreu? I predict this ends badly

Orel said...

Perfect. Two out, two on, Bobby Abreu facing his old team to decide it.

Steve Sax said...

Matt Cain sucks

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

This will be sweet.

Dusty Baker said...


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Damn my renewed optimism.

Dusty Baker said...

As happy as I've been in sports in the past 48 hours, this is a kick squarely in the testicles.

That cock-knocking ump was squeezing us the whole game. Booooooooo-urns!

Steve Sax said...


Paul said...

Tried to listen to Lyons complain about the Dodgers running into an out but with Uribe at bat isn't that always the case?

I really wish they would stop giving him ABs.

Hideo Nomo said...


Hideo Nomo said...

Sax may still be trying to get out of the parking lot.

Fred's Brim said...

I woke up in the middle of the night to check the score and saw this steaming bag of anaheim sewage. I wanted to break my laptop's screen over my knee. I am going to be Larry, Moe and Surly Joe for two whole days after this

Fred's Brim said...

and Cain too? Good lord, people best stay way away from me today