Sunday, June 17, 2012

Post-Game 67 Thread: Meals Unappealing, but Dodgers Dee-licious


In the sixth inning, a Dodgers run actually got taken off the board, after the White Sox successfully appealed that Matt Treanor had taken off early from third on Elian Herrera's sac fly. Third base umpire Jerry Meals told Mattingly that he was "100%" about the play, even though the replay showed he was wrong and NOT EVEN LOOKING AT THE PLAY.

With this crazy Dodgers team, though, even getting hosed like that can't stop them. They tied it up properly in the ninth on almost the exact same play, as Bobby Abreu scored from third on a shallow Juan Rivera fly ball.

That set up a little Father's Day magic in the tenth, as sons of major leaguers Tony Gwynn, Jr. (triple) and Dee Gordon (clean RBI single to left) teamed up to hand the Dodgers a walk-off win.

Dodgers move to 5-4 in interleague, 42-25 overall, and 5 games ahead of the Giants, who just lost to the Mariners.

And oh yeah...

Dodger Dog beats Chicago Dog, 2-1!

Photos by AP (Mattingly) and SoSG Dusty Baker (Loaded Dogs)


Fred's Brim said...


Fred's Brim said...

@Dusty - did you notice the guy wearing the Pugs Not Drugs t-shirt directly behind home plate during the 10th?

Steve Sax said...

Great PGT! I got off the plane to see this... AND the Giants lost!!!

Dusty Baker said...

I love the post game comments coming from Donnie. Hw had no idea re the play either, but was protecting Kemp from getting in trouble.

After the game the Dodgers reviewed and saw that Treanor left a full 1.3 seconds after the catch was made and, as Nomo said, it was clear that Meals didn't even have a snif of the actual play timing.

Arrogance and hubris need to be stamped out of the game. Blow a call, fine. But don't take a run off the board knowing full well you had no god damn clue what the call should be.

Dusty Baker said...


Missed that! Good eye.

Paul said...

That was an awful call. So glad that didn't cost them the game. Great series, big enthusiastic crowds at the Ravine that didn't leave early. Suck it east coast stereotypes!

On to Oakland. Can't wait to see them on Wed and Thursday.

Paul said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BJ Killeen said...

Umpires suck. Get rid of them and replace them with electronic droids...they can't get much worse. When the ump reviews the tape that shows he's a BIG FAT LIAR, he needs to take out a full-page ad in the LA Times apologizing to Donnie, the team and all the Dodgers fans... then I'll let them stay....

Dusty Baker said...

Well said, BJK. It would have ruined my night and next morning if that arrogant hunk of crap Meals made a call that cost us the game.

Steve Sax said...

@BJ: the good news for Meals is, full-page ads in the LAT go for the price of a dinner at Morton's. So he could use his per diem!

Steve Sax said...

Let's review one other thing here:

Dee Gordon tries to sac bunt in the ninth inning. Result: bunt fouls out

Dee Gordon swings in the tenth inning. Result: game-winning hit

Paul said...

Dee Gordon needs to eat a donut.

Dusty Baker said...

Diagnosis: Dee-licious!

Orel said...

Sweet headline, Nomo!

Steve Sax said...

Yeah, Gnomes: I don't know what TBLA you were referring to in the GT, but your headline rocks. I second Orel's motion.

DodgersKingsoftheGalaxy said...

"It's the human element!" With the play at 1B in Colorado idk how they can defend this crap anymore. Ok you want to keep the umps, but at least let them have conferences, rate them on their performance, have the best of the best in the postseason and a bit more replay, otherwise why shouldn't we be for a computer calling the game?

Steve Sax said...

Hours later, I'm still laughing at the headline.

Hideo Nomo said...

@Sax: This one, but thanks!

Orel said...

I feel stupid (newsflash), but I don't get it.

Hideo Nomo said...

It's a play on Hawk Harrelson's home run call. If you avoid Hawk Harrelson like the plague, I totally understand.

spank said...

I like Gnomes' better.

Steve Sax said...

I still like yours better, Gnomes.

Steve Sax said...

I also like the fact that almost 24 hours later, we're still debating the richness of your headline.

Hideo Nomo said...

Man, I didn't mean to spark a debate.

(I like my headline too, btw.)

Steve Sax said...

Ventura's move to the bullpen is second-guessed.

Franklin Stubbs said...

He should have stuck with Quintana. That creep can roll, man.

Dusty Baker said...

Ahhhhhhh! Just now saw Nomo's comment above. Now I get why I don't get it.

cc: MDIL