Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This Is What Being Classy Gets You

From "Tigers Designate Galarraga For Assignment" at MLBTR:

One day after agreeing to terms with him on a $2.3MM contract for 2011, the Tigers have designated Armando Galarraga for assignment. The team announced the move on Twitter, while making its deal with Brad Penny official.

And Galarraga's being replaced by Brad Penny, who's dating some "Dancing with the Stars" babe. There is no justice in the world.


Greg Zakwin said...

Someone seems to have accidentally typed "classy" in place of "a pretty bad pitcher".

Shawn Green said...

That was me. That pitcher of beer hit me really hard.

Kyle Baker said...

It's quite possible to be both a classy pitcher and a pretty bad one at the same time.

Josh S. said...

Just ask Sir Reginald Highwhip.

Kyle Baker said...

That's a great character, Josh. Love it.

Hey, I just noted in the SoSG banner/description it says "Random rantings and ravings about the Los Angeles Dodgers, written by a small consortium of rabid Dodger fans, and some other guy with an avatar named Lasorda. With occasional comments on baseball, entertainment, pop culture, and life in general."

Did it always bag on Lasorda, or is that a new tweak?

Jason said...

@Dusty - I think Pedro's ghost is haunting the place and put that up there a couple of weeks ago.

Kind of sucks, I was hoping for Zombie Pedro to make an appearance, not Poltergeist Pedro.

Fernie V said...

Hey DB,
every time I look at your pic i think of a bloody toothbrush, why do you have a bloody toothbrush

Fernie V said...

How does this dude hook up with these got chicks
He was dating Alyssa Milano

Kyle Baker said...

Fernie, you're right...viewed a certain way, it does look like a bloody, angry toothbrush. I'll see what I can do.

Fernie V said...

Dusty I thought you were saying I was right about Penny and the hot chicks he hooks up with

Fernie V said...

When you click into it the banners look awesome but when I don't enlarge then I get a Feed Me Seymour vibe