Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hearty congrats to Mr Customer for getting us over the goal line! With contributions from Jason, ubragg, ubragg's friend, myself, and a friend of mine who is going as "Andruw Jones"*, the Sons of Steve Garvey team was able to secure a top-ten finish for issue #30.

(*) clearly, my puzzling friend does not follow the Dodgers.


Nostradamus said...

Thanks for the mention, but I couldn't have done it without you guys. Nicely done.

spank said...

Right On!

Steve Sax said...

I've got the solving thread cut and pasted, btw. let me know if you want the sordid details sent to you, by sending me an email.

Andruw Jones. Sheesh.

Jason said...

Could have been worse, I could have gone in as "Jason Schmidt" and Mr. C could have gone in as "Mr. Choi"

Nostradamus said...

Hell, we could be Lance Carter and Jason Phillips if you really wanted to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Josh S. said...

SoSG: Home of P&A and T&A.

Nostradamus said...

^Not AA, just be clear.

Jason said...

^^ And I thank my lucky brewery for that!

Fred's Brim said...

It's appropriate that Mr C has The Fridge as his icon then!

Nice work, guys!