Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fortunately, Stripes are Slimming

The Yankees sign Andruw Jones.

It's hard not to still be a little bitter.... even though Andruw Jones gave us TONS of fodder over the years. Including when I witnessed Jones get an actual hit for the Dodgers.


Kyle Baker said...

and russ will hit 20.

Steve Sax said...

russ will hit 20 manhattan bars in one weekend, but not 20 home runs

Paul said...

I think Russ will hit .300 in drink to mouth average.

Paul said...

Is there a blogger app yet? I might go blind by May of this year.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

@FB - Agreed. That stadium's outfield is so shallow, even my two year old could get a dinger. Or my schnoodle. Or even more absurdly, Andruw F'ing Jones.

Fred's Brim said...

and Marcus Timbs will Mike Davis circa '88 in Dodger Stadium

Fred's Brim said...

I will make it my duty to find Russ drinking in the city this summer

karina said...

my son will equally hit 20 HRs and 20 bars...

Fred's Brim said...

Karina, when I find him, I will tell him to call you

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Mine's still more into NY's famous Black and White cookies than (what we know around my house as) "Daddy Juice"

And I think both Russ and Jones will very quickly find all my favorite NYC black and white cookie hot spots.

Kyle Baker said...


I will pimpslap a nun if I have to go one more season trying to view/comment on Sons with a non-mobile friendly Blogger interface.

karina said...

@Fred's Brim do, I want to buy him a drink and give him a tip on a imaginary hat :(

@CountDeShields kids grow fast!believe me! ;)