Thursday, August 05, 2010

Tainted (Self) Love

Having been a Garrett-Anderson-level (circa 2010) hitter in my one year of Little League, I'm impressed with anyone who gets even six hits... much less six hundred hits... or six hundred homeruns. Yet I've got to put some ink on this notable accomplishment.

* - For admitting to usage of performance enhancement drugs that may have turned a 100 fly balls into a 100 dingers.

* - For this...

Don't get me wrong - I like a villain as much as the next guy.

Still, there was this little part of me that hoped A-Rod stayed at 599 forever. Not for the steroids. Just cause he's an (exceedingly talented) douche.

PS - I almost added another asterisk for this...


Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

"Mr. Chairman, I would like to respectfully submit that you put an asterisk next to Alex Rodriguez's name in the record book. And that asterisk should read: 'This record was attained through the use of fraud and bad sportsmanship.'"

- Hank Hill

O.K. said...

Here's hoping the steroids catch up with the cheating centaur before he gets anywhere near Ruth's mark or Aaron's record.

Delino DeShields, Sr said...

Not to mention the damage those things might have done to his nards!

Todd said...

Team Hathaway all the way.

Kyle Baker said...

Team Hathaway. Just don't make me watch that trashy movie.