It's been a while since the SoSG readers have teamed up to solve an issue of P&A magazine, so I'll throw it out there in case any of you are interested (besides Mr. Customer and myself). SoSG has placed in the top ten twice before (issues #22 and 23), but this time ubragg is out and I'm only available late on who else of you are in?
Details how to buy the issue when it releases Saturday August 28 at 10a 7a PT are here; it costs $4.95 for the issue and one can pay via paypal (though one does not need a paypal account).
Comment in the thread if you're interested in joining a team!
I'm just interesting in KILLIN!
I always want to get in on this, but it seems to come out at times that don't really work for me. (Luke's first birthday party this weekend.)
What is Luke getting for his bday?
His father's lightsaber, an elegant weapon...from a more civilized (Pay no attention to that Gungan!) age.
No, we got him this. And we may get him a tricycle (with one of them push handles on the back) if no one else comes through with it.
I think I have to work on Saturday... so I'm probably a no =(.
@Josh isn't Luke supposed to build his own saber?
Josh S: You're not getting him a cyborg replacement hand?
Ok, just to be clear: Dusty Baker, Josh S., and Mr. F are NOT in.
Anyone else?
Only after he loses his father's in an epic battle where he also loses his right arm!
@Josh I love how you assume Jedi rite of passage with Luke :)
I'm not in, Sax. Just in case
I think I might be a liability.
@Sax - Quick correction, the issue comes out at 10a ET so 7a for us west-coasters.
That said, if you can stand a late arrival, I can participate.
I'm always up for it if there are enough takers to achieve critical mass.
Just for the record, having to be on the clock on Saturday is the Devil's doing.
Up jumps the Devil!
Jason, Mr Customer, and anyone else who wants to play: I know I should take the time to make a pbwiki page (like we did last time), which tracks comments and such. But I don't have time for that, so at the risk of being transparent, I'll put up a thread for this at 7a PT on Saturday. Comment in that thread as you solve.
If any of you have a better idea on how to run this allowing access to the team, let me know by emailing me...
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