Here's your bracket:

Any taunts, threats, questions, mercy-begging, trash-talking, sweet-talking, or general side-conversations, do so here. Because you want to be very careful what/when you speak in this thread. Rules here.
Have fun stalking your prey...just be sure to comment on or before 3pm!
hello, Orel. How are you?
cmon Paul, I got some drinking to do! And I am jonesing for a Faberuben
Are we going together?
Ha ha saved now i am done.
Come on, random commentor! Shield me!
risking it today
haha Greg are you an angel?
Greg Finley is now my favorite Finley!
Man, I see this as another zillion comment thread
I was going to comment early hoping that SoSG Orel wasn't paying attention, but seeing how he commented 15 seconds after the post was published ...
and I am glad I am not a first-round knockout after winning the title last year. I couldn't live being called the Kansas or Syracuse of Assassins Circle
Hello Betsy, I'm not as quick on the draw as I should be but I'm gonna get you!
and has it really been almost a year since the last one? Lordy time sure does fly
true@Fred. time does fly. Now with research:
updated link:
*hands the keys to the Assassins Circle bar to Betsy*
looks like you get to open up this time. The glasses should be clean, we're a little short of vermouth, but everything should be good to go
@Greg - thanks for that! I think I will use this to justify my application for retirement benefits!
@MB I thought we were buds? might get me but i'm not going down without a fight!
@FB you sure youw ant me to open the bar? it might become a massacre like in dusk til dawn sans the Vampires of course.
Betsy, buds are not you are my target. I've got you right where I want you!
@Betsy I think it's up to you when you open it, but if you wait, you might find a lot of thirsty, bloody and angry assassins waiting at the door when you get there :)
Ok, novice here. Since Betsy is my target and I commented after her,is that considered a kill?
See what i get for listening to you FB! a quick stab to the throat...gurgle gurgle
@MB - i think it's a kill, if not yay!
Betsy, I really like you. It was nothing personal butmerely a matter of taking care of business.
{pokes head out}
My first kill!
And now I expect to see Dusto...
See how nice I am MeanieBeanie?
You're definitely my favorite person right now, Neeebs!
Ah the sweet feeling of death. Off to the bar!
@Betsy: The Drink of choice is a double shot of Wild Turkey. Keep the bar open. I'll probably join you tomorrow.
@JSteve: You know how long that lasts. Right?
@dusty...i'll post as a gesture of goodwill, however...Can i have your watch when you are dead?
Dusty trivia: I never wear a watch but I am never late.
Hey guys! What's up?
@Sax: Get much sleep last night?
Is this really necessary?
I knew it.
I'm only mostly dead!
I'm dead for sure, but it's worth it
sigh, I go away for a bit and of course that's precisely when Sax chimes in. Dammit.
I guess Dusto's corpse doesn't work as a shield, huh?
It was a calculated risk. I knew Quad was stalking the thread. (He gave himself away in the side talk thread.) I was just hoping someone would save me.
Now THAT was some carnage!
I'm waiting to see if the entire corner gets killed off right now.
I have a feeling karina is waiting...
I wish I had one of those alliance thingies I heard so much talk about.
I've got a Darth Vader room guard activated.
Damn... it sure is hot today.
Is it safe to come out now?
Someone have these corpses's starting to smell in here. *pulls Josh's eyelids down*
count it???
I feel like I'm watching the end of season 1 of the West Wing with the secret service shouting, "who's been hit?" over and over.
I'm confused as hell as to who's been killed.
Crap. I was out.
Did I kill anyone with that random shot?
I'm with ya, Steve D. I keep scrolling all the way up to the chart and then back down the comments, then I forgot who's already commented, who's hunting whom, etc.
yous dead?
I think I was just off'd.
Yeah, I'm a little confused (and dead). The rules are written assuming someone only comments once in the thread. If someone keeps commenting, though, they essentially keep sticking their neck out, right? Or does only the first comment count?
Only your first comment of the day is a live comment. You cannot kill or be killed based on any subsequent comments.
"With the exception of 'The Initiator' (explained below), only the first comment in a given day by a given player is a 'live' comment. All subsequent comments will be factored out of the game (ignored) when I tally up the bloodshed at the end of the day. "
It's just the first comment...
Josh, you were offed by Q7.
rbnlaw, you're alive since Finley's been posting all day.
Nope, Josh...once one comments the first time then they are either killed or someone else comments, thus blocking the kill for that round. Like how I commented a log way back, was shielded, then subsequent comments are safe.
See, if I played last year, this would have made more sense. So, Dusty, Hundley, and OTB are all still alive too.
Yes, they are. By my count (and I could definitely be wrong) the following people have been killed:
Dusto Magnifico
Josh S
Quad Sevens
I think that everyone else who has commented is safe.
It is before 3 right?
So latest entrance will have to be by 2:59 blogger time?
Betsy's was unclear, but it looks like Meaniebreanie's comment at 9:11 did the trick, since all comments in between were not "live."
I'm not dead yet. I feel happy!
Thanks all for clarifying the process. Watch your back, Paul... I'm coming.
I had FB, but he pointed and said "look a whiskey bar!". Sneaky guy. That's why he is the champ.
if you kill me it I will just become more intoxicated. I can hear the Pogues "body of an amercan" blarring from the bar.
aww :( So I guess Dusty and I live to fight for another day.
Incredibly I'm still standing. Either Neeebs is being extremely nice or he's asleep at the wheel.
Posts are good up to and including 3pm. Posts at 3:01pm are too late.
Meaniebreanie: Neeebs' only opportunity to kill you was after your comment at 9:11, but Jason's comment at 9:43 saved you.
@Josh, yes I realize Jason is my savior. Jason, thank you very much! I was just taunting Neeebs per his earlier reference of being nice. Believe me, he could have easily swooped in to take me out.
Sweet. I celebrate life and take aim at Wicks.
@rbnlaw - if you post after me, I promise not to kill you
...said the dead guy.
@Josh: if you post after me, I promise not to desecrate your grave
BEN: You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more
powerful than you can possibly imagine.
@MB - Not a problem, I only ask you cover my bar tab when all the killing is done.
As luck would have it, Wicks peeked his head out right after I wasted my shot.
I'll cover you tomorrow, FB.
Someone's about to die in here.
Good afternoon,ladies and gents!
*drives off in stolen ice-cream truck, tires squealing*
Steve Ditmore@12:02
Did you really say, "watch your back Paul...I'm coming" ???????????
Just for clarification (this is SoSG Corporate speaking since EK is afraid to come out): either 2:59pm or 3:00pm is ok to comment. 3:01 is too late.
No guts, no glory.
Dammit!! knocked out 1st round of my own game.
"Retreats from the grassy knoll"
are we continuing to play during the weekend?
I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!
Erioc Karros that's what you got for terrorizing people, dear.
Time to count the dead.
Nice shot MLASF (lucky). Mr F, meet your new stalker.
do you want some venezuelan chocolate, EK?
Are we going to have a betting thread for this? 'Cause now I gots to back MLASF.
Greg - kill threads only posted Monday thru Friday.
We're trying to provide a better work-life balance in the assassin industry.
What makes you think luck is involved, punk?
Nice going Keven C. You were a cunning lad,Right down to the end
karina, sure, I'll bring some of that chocolate to the afterlife bar.
Be careful of MLASF. He's your new future stalker.
Here's my count of the dead, please verify:
1. Betsy (by Meanie)
2. Jason (by J Steve)
3. Dusto Magnifico (by Josh S)
4. Josh S (by Quad)
5. QuadSevens (by Loney Fan)
6. Keven C (by Spank RM)
7. EK (by MLASF)
SRM, I figured you were waiting for me. I was hoping there'd be some crossfire in between. Oh well. I blame Kemp.
If EK's body count is accurate Spank RM is my new target. SRM take note, I will take great pleasure in thoroughly spanking you before I have to kill you!
Last year, I was the first to die (by my own hand). This year, I was fourth to die. At this rate, I should be champ by about 2019.
I only hope I live long enough to enjoy such treatment.
So, he's going to get spanked as he tries to get Orel?
what treatment, Mr C?wanna know EVERYTHING you want.
@Eric Karros I do not understimate any of my fellow assassins.
For awhile there I was just like Smonk: caught between Mr F and MLASF.
@ MB, I'll take that as a promise not a threat
@ Josh S, I'll buy that for a dollar
Sorry, Mr C. I won't spank you, so please tell me what would you want after that?
WHOO!!! I'm alive! I wasn't going to be around at 3:00 P.M., so I hoped I could go out in style by channeling my inner Obi.
Well, there goes THAT fantasy.
Bring out yer dead!
The first round of AC is a lot like the first two days of March Madness...upsets, buzzer beaters, potential glory tempered by cruel fate...
At Mt F:
I think your Obi is an outie not an innie.
I'm getting a little hot and bothered reading some of these comments at the end of the thread. Look what killing does to people!
Killing kills people!
@Dusty I'm blushed.
Is there a way for me to kill mySELF here tonight???
@Neebs... Yeah, I realized after I re-read that it was probably not the best use of the English language. I was hoping it would go unnoticed.
Lesson learned :)
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