We got this email from Ben Covette of Blue Rising:
I'm writing to inform you that there is a movement afoot to rally at the courthouse on August 30th.We floated the idea Monday on facebook and people have responded adamantly. Artwork has been composed, people are planning on skipping work and someone is even driving down from Berkeley.
It would be really helpful to the cause if you could let your readers know that this is happening and encourage them to attend. For one moment McCourt should be forced to hear and see our outrage. Potential future owners should be able to see what a strong and vivacious fanbase we are despite our reputation as a lazy and blasé one.
I've been a Dodger fan all my life, my father moved with them from Brooklyn to Los Angeles, Tommy shaped my perspective on what it means to be true blue. And what it means now is to stand up and be heard and let McCourt know that we are too knowledgeable and passionate to let him continue to abuse and desecrate the Dodger Way.
Ownership is part of the team but this owner is out for himself, Dodgers don't run from championships but he did.
Please stand with us! August 30th, Los Angeles County Superior Courthouse.
I'm seeing stuff like this pop all over the place. I'm curious how many poeple will actually show up.
About 45,000 will say they'll be there, but only 28,000 will show up.
There goes that Blogger Night 2011 invitation.
Wait, which courthouse? Please tell me it's not the Superior Court building that I work in.
DB, I expect to see you on the news later, teargassed and forcibly removed from the scene
Josh S. - Nice!
*bows to Josh*
Hopefully they don't arrive halfway through opening statements and leave before the judge makes his ruling.
I have to work.
Ever parked at the courthouse? Even if fans wanted to get there on time, they'd be late.
On the plus side, they do allow tailgating in the courthouse's many parking lots (none owned by Frank).
I'm going to vend 13.25 beers out front. Expect long lines.
Where are the secret urinals in the courthouse?
Which Superior Court building do you work at?
At Neeebs
Central City on sixth and commonwealth. Though I don't have anything to do w courts, courts are located on the bldg. It's the bldg that overlooks Lafayette park.
That's a "long cause" court.
Thankfully, I don't go there very often.
I've got Frank's "long cause."
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