- Chad Moriyama put emotion aside and took a cold hard look at Matt Kemp's disappointing season. Matt Kemp’s Struggles: A Statistical And Mechanical Analysis (MoKM)
- Attention, courtroom junkies: Get thee to Dodger Divorce (@DodgerDivorce) and follow @molly_knight.
- Just in time for the stretch run...to vacation! Padilla, Furcal closer to Dodgers return (Dodgers.com)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tues. Notes, Last Day of August Edition
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Ah yes. Nothing like the smell of a McCourt divorce in the morning.
I can sum up Kemp's offense in one word: HESUCK.
KABC radio ad I just heard:
"The Wild Card race is heating up! The Dodgers are playing the number one and two teams in the wild card, and a good showing will prove the Dodgers mean business!"
wow, that is some significant hyperbole.
Don't...don't...don't...don't...don't believe the hype.
DB, you don't expect the Dodgers to bum rush the show?
Fear of a Blue Planet, FB!
Yeaah boyeeee.
It takes a divorce settlement of millions to hold us back.
I wouldn't exactly say that expending that much effort to stop people from unfairly criticizing his favorite player is exactly "putting emotion aside." I definitely admire the effort, though.
Dammit. Double exactly. Sorry. Haven't had my coffee yet.
Damn youtube (and I imagine copyright laws). I was trying to find the Simpsons quote of Homer saying "exactly," but it wasn't exactly there!
@DB (9.06):
For a minute there I thought you were referring to Porcupine Tree's
"Fear of a Blank Planet."
But then I remembered that I was the proghead, not you.
Disturbing video that one is. Check it on Youtube. Disturbing I say.
Padres claimed Kuroda, but Dodgers pulled him back.
Porcupine Tree is too loud and too fast for me.
If it's too loud, you're too old, Mr F.
I think MR. F is just old at heart, much like myself.
I am 732 yrs old, myself.
True dat Mr. C. I DO feel old! Fast and loud overwhelm me. I can only take so much.
Strange things are afoot (but not at the Circle K). Dylan Hernandez retweeted that Manny is not in the Sox lineup submitted to the Indians at 2 eastern.
I am off to write a sloppy hate piece about this development so I can be a professional journalist.
Orel made me to listen a record I hadn't listened to in a while: the excellent Walking with Thee, by Clinic.
Porcupine Treee?
shakes head, sighs
One day I'll tell you about MY Mike Portnoy experience. Then again, maybe you've had enough of those stories.
What was Portnoy's Complaint?
Speaking of bad journalism, did anyone see this piece yet?
Hack journalists in the Windy City?
Go figure.
I do like how he is vilifying Manny before he even arrives. That's just good writing.
I like how he couldn't bother to find a single fact, other than the broad idea that Manny had indeed been claimed off waivers by the WhiSox, to support his take. Manny did or did not board some plane at some time and would or would not arrive in the greater Chicago area at some point, or not, and would or would not be in the lineup at some as yet determined time and game. Thus, that's the basis of a general negative vibe the writer has about Manny. Makes Plaschke look like Horace fucking Greeley.
Section 141 loge Row N Seat 8, right next to yours truly, is in my grubby hands and available to anyone who wants to go to tonight's game.
@Neeebs but I haven't heard YOUR story, we could compare ;). I'm all ears whenever you want.
@FRed's Brim sure there are, why?
Shit Dusty, would love to go...pretty sure I'll be at Wednesday's businessperson's special game.,.
Is that a yes, cryptic Sax?
@karina - just curious :) I thought maybe they were just a northern hemisphere critter, like the beaver. I've never seen a porcupine - I hope to one day! And a moose!
Shit. I'm in if Sax isn't going.
Hee hee. Manny's only speaking Spanish in pre-game interviews. He continues to eff with the media. I love him so.
I'd like to see a beaver.
Dusty, I unfortunately can't go today. Mr C is all yours; he can regale you with tales of building snub dodecahedrons this weekend.
That is a term I will not soon forget, Sax.
I'm just glad that Mr C is getting out of his parents' basement and getting some sunlight after the weekend spent puzzlenerding.
Fortunately, the D&D club doesn't meet on Tuesday.
*paints little lead dragon, sharpens vorpal sword*
Mr. C can only go out and play if he finished his VORP finale homework. I don't want any snafus getting in the way of my impending glory.
or moose knuckle
Your glory will not be denied, Josh. Go ahead and start running your hands through fields of grain as you walk down a long Roman road - Elysian Fields await!
The finale is indeed ready to go. Given past experience, I'm definitely going to be giving it a thorough evaluation tomorrow, however.
I'd like to see a beaver too.However, this is my favorite rodent, Capybara or how it's called in Venezuela:Chigüire
I don't know how people can eat them :(
This is a cousin, I'd love to have one as a pet:
People eat them too :( how? they are so cute
@Dusty Baker @Josh you talk like you were Mr C's parents.
Mr C, you can go as long you brush your teeth, wash your hands and put on some sunscreen, you spend so much time inside any sun you get is a bad sunburn.
I wouldn't explain Johnson, I'm sure as hell not explaining beaver. Y'all are on your own.
Spanish in Chicago? The media will love that. He'd be loved if he spoke Polish.
Actually, there are a fair number of Spanish speaking neighborhoods in South Side these days.
Actually there are a LOT.
Yes, quite a lot.
I hear there are a lot.
So I'm told.
I am gonna be cliff clavin here but there is actually a huge hispanic/Mexican population in Chicago. A few of the south side catholic schools have American, Mexican and of course Polish flags flying high.
It is a very odd sight.
Lol oops sorry Mr. C. You are Clavin.
Damn work. I didn't hit the refresh button.
So, you've been playing with the last bits of my innocence. Only Mr C was decent and tried to protect me.
Mr C, since I can trust you, should I look for alternate meanings of porcupines, beavers, moose, moose knuckle...another term?
I still don't get why Josh was half laughing.
Wait, 'till I tell Neeebs ;)
Any word in the epic analysis that talks about Kemp's abiltiy to adapt and listen to his coaches?
I'm not aware of any alternate meanings for porcupines, moose, and moose knuckles.
I'm definitely Clavinesque. Which is like Rubenesque, but more annoying.
I just can't bring myself to shatter your innocence.
Moose knuckle would actually have an inappropriate definition, too, Mr. F.
Yeah. I suspected so. But I wasn't sure and wasn't aware of what it was...
@Mr. F
Google it if you must, but you'd better find some better goggles.
Speaking of shattered innocence, ever since I got my iPhone I have a new game I play at the stadium. Every time they put one of those baseball terminology explanations up on the DodgerVision ("four-seam fastball", etc.), I punch the term into Urban Dictionary to see if there is an alternate (read: filthy) meaning for it.
It has been both enlightening and horrifying.
This must mean the goggles occasionally do something!
Neeebs is big into beavers' rights.
Hey, I'm not stepping into this one.
I do know a bunch of Chilean Slang that could make a sailor blush, but that's a whole 'nuther' story.
Have fun at the game boys!
That's epic. I'll try that tonight. *crossing my fingers that forkball has filthy meaning*
Tiny: http://tinyurl.com/22sfzsp
Dammit, Josh, now I know what Förkenspügen is.
69% of those polled in the Manny departure thread yesterday were in the "Thank you Manny and god speed" camp. (N=115)
Glad to hear this. Just saw a few Tweets that quoted Manny as saying he loved LA and its fans, but understood this move was a business decision. Well played, Manny! Still tha man.
Sounds like a fun game Josh. I'm going to try that tonight too!
*come on screwball!*
@karina Capybaras are awesome! I want to see one of those too. I don't think I could eat one though. When I was in Ecuador, I was tempted to eat cuy, and I probably would have if I if I had found some (I didn't try too hard), but I am glad I didn't :)
and for the record, my only intentionally indecent comment was the moose knuckle one, and that was in response to DB's beaver comment
Oh no, young man. YOU had the first beaver comment, which I determined was intentional in order to bait me into the inevitable beaver comment that I made. Which on one level was innocent but for the fact it was not.
I have to admit that i have eaten beaver in a non-naughty way. it's pretty gamey, but not bad
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