"The Loney Fan Gambit" (risking a Conflicting Edits snafu while trying to cut the 3pm deadline ever-so-close) has joined "Pulling a Mr F" and "Faberuben Violation" in the AC 2010 lexicon.
Here's the dead:
- Greg (by Dusty)
- Hundley (by Wicks)
- Wicks (by rbnlaw)
- Loney Fan (self-inflicted)
And here's the living:

Pops a few quarters on the jukebox.
Selects "Don't stop believin"
If I'm going down I'm doing it blasting shit up in dis bish
Say hello to my little friend
"proceeds to fire off multiple rounds in a Cap'n Crunch induced rage"
*empties clip*
*selects "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" on the Jukebox*
You lose Kenobi
No brains, but plenty of schadenfreude.
This game is fucked. He He
I always liked you Spank!
Neeebs is safe. Crap and I just saved Mr. C.
Couldn't have been more than about 5 seconds of differential in our two comments.
A bunch of whiffs:
Spank shields Paul
Mr C shields Spank
Paul shields Mr C
I was too angry with myself for that move to comment further yesterday. I used two timestamps in the other thread to make sure my computer clock was correct down to the second and that I could comment at 3:00:59 but I got what I deserved. I'm pretty sure that Mr. C was able to get in a comment around 3:00:45. Nicely done. At least I can take solace in the fact that I have never been killed by anyone but myself.
Well Loney Fan, nice kill. I'd like a Jameson at the bar if you don't mind.
Not at all, Loney Fan. You are a gentleman assassin and it was my pleasure killing you again, two years in a row.
I put myself out there(I Tried anyways)to be a sacrificial lamb cause I'll probably be away till after 3
Sorry Mr.C but that was classic
3:00:55, if you must know. I didn't trust blogger or my reflexes any more than that.
Fuck. Ahh well. Mr. C gave me a haircut with that bullet.
Neeebs has nothing to do this round but be a human shield.
Easy day at the job today, eh????
Just kick back and watch the 3:00 carnage.
I opted not to enter the shield sweepstakes as I think we need to cull a few Hessians out of this circle.
I'm meat anyway as Dusty is chasing me; I think I can see the glint from his sniper scope in the bushes.
Put me out of my misery, Dusty, and perhaps I'll buy you a beer when I see you at tonight's game?
No more to say, and nothing to weep for but the Beings in the Dream, trapped in its disappearance,
sighing, screaming with it, buying and selling pieces of phantom, worshipping each other,
Does that mean you're buying the beer?
Sax brains!
This calls for the good tableware.
Bye Dusty.
I think. Did Sax cover you?
Nope, I done kilt him.
Josh now has sustenance.
Early morning action!
Today was a good day to die.
No shield from MLASF! *makes mental note*
Josh, upon examining Dusty's corpse: Wait, there aren't any brains in this one.
Sax dead. Dusty dead.
Good thing I don't eat livers.
Uh oh, Dusty's making mental notes. Don't let him compare his with LeBron's.
So the dead I have thusfar are
Sax (by Dusty) and Dusty (by rbn).
Sounds like a co-branding exercise.
I like how in one year Josh went from conscientious objector to feasting on the dead. The thrill of killing has a way of doing that.
I think I'm in heaven now...there's a cornfield here, and then, wait - what's that? A baseball field right in the middle! Cool. I can play catch with my dad now!
Too bad this place is in Iowa.
I'm so often compared to LeBron.
It's like "Brut - by Faberge"
All I know is I DO NOT want to see whatever product the marketing folks have come up with that's called 'Sax - by Dusty'.
@EK: Don't ever let it be said that the first year of parenthood doesn't change you.
I missed all the carnage yesterday. Today is looking good though.
Off-road rated trucknutz?
I thought I saw rbnlaw's sniperscope glinting somewhere behind dusty's sniperscope glint.
Dusty, shall we toast being dead tonight? Loge level for me and AC...where will you be?
Cornfield? Did Anthony send you there?
Speaking of corpses:
"Casey Blake vs RHP since July 1: .120/.204/.174 in 103 PA w/ 31 K & 5 IF popouts (.164 BABIP)" - TBLA
@Neeebs - yes, but it's a good thing he did. A real good thing.
Mrs Dusty, MDIL, and I will be in section 47RS, Row H, Seats 10 - 12.
cc: AC
Come out, come out, wherever you are, Karina and MLASF!
You too, Tom Cruise.
Karina is crafty. She is laying low in the weeds.
But I want her to kill somone so she can start sending pics of hot chicks and beer out of guilt.
Where my 7 virgins at?
I am now going to pay tribute to my fallin brother dusty by taking his beer.
@Dusty: "Where my 7 virgins at?"
Here ya go!
The plan for tomorrow on how to kill neeebs is to play something from the Flaming Menudos. He wont be able to resist posting he is doing the solo tango.
OH NO! I blew myself up for that?
I didn't even know we got virgins for dying.
Wait, I end up in Iowa with 7 Trekkie virgins then Paul takes my beer? This is not my idea of the afterlife.
I guess those things they say about Hell are true.
This is all your fault, RB. Can you imagine that you of all people would be the one to deny me beer?
I'mma haunt your ass.
^ your = RB
Hey, had I known, I'd a shot wide.
What's that noise coming from the attic????
The good news is, I'll likely be off'd in the next round. We can tag-team Paul and steal his lunch money for more beer.
Watching the Spurs get whupped through the sniper scope.
@Mr. C
Can you take out that bastard Robbie Keane once and for all?
He's on the bench so should be a sitting duck.
He's stumbled his way onto the pitch. I'll see what I can do on the next corner.
I am still pissed I risked going first only to forget the rule.
I am the Matt Kemp of AC.
Or am I the Don Mattingly?
More like a Chris Webber.
Less than an hour left. I haven't seen hide nor hair of MLASF anywhere online today. I think he may have been telling the truth about not being able to post today.
I don't trust that turkey as far as I can throw him. He's out there. I can feel it.
I swear! He's not here, not on Twitter, not on MLBTR, not on jackiejohnsonstalkers.com, not on Home Depot's drywall patching FAQ...nowhere!
"Seven virgins and a mule, keep it cool, keep it cool."
Ah, the siren sounds of the Flaming Menudos......
Stop kissing Anthony's ass. You know he'll eventually turn you into a Jack in the Box.
Maybe it was Obama's motorcade what hung MLASF up.
*whistling the Farmer and the Dell*
Did anyone check the hole in MLASF's wall to see if he is hiding out in there?
I don't reckon I got no reason to kill nobody. Mmmm-hmmm.
Oh the anticipation of additional death and destruction. Let there be blood!
Are you talking about tonight's game?
Kinda like the way you talk. Hmmm Hmmm.
^ "Meaniebreanie"
DB - Oh gawd, I hope not! There couldn't possibly be any blood left to shed. It's been drained from our boys in blue. Our AC targets are a different story. Wait, I see Josh on the sideline eagerly anticipating more brains.
Zach Greinke has a tiny head.
Zach Greinke=Zombie tapas
Can you pour me some Zombie sangria while you're at it, Josh?
Zombie sangria=actual blood
Wash yern hair, Timmeh!!!
Unleash hell!
Awwwww booooooo
If our yammering gave karina a conflicting edit, I'm never going to forgive myself.
I don't mean in ghost speak. I mean booo as in that sucked. I died for naught!
Thank you,I got a conflicting edit.
Aw, that's a little disappointing. AND I let Robbie get away because I got distracted by eine zaftige Schweizer Mädchen in the stands
You had plenty of time, Karina, you nincompoop!
I didn't kill anyone.It's ok, from now on, I'm gonna haunt all of you at nights.
And no Chicas Polar for you.
Josh, get away from my brain,liver,lungs,kidneys,etc.(I have no heart)
It wasn't me, I was after 3:00!
*takes absolutely no responsibility for his actions*
Can you blame to wait till the last second while Mr LASF was stalking me?
Naw, there's no way I'd eat your brain after that.
Mr C I'll find ways to revenge!
Shit, Karina's totally gonna haunt me.
I could do worse, I guess...
Let the record reflect my post at 9:56 a.m., whereby I did not want to interfere with carnage.
Les voy a halar los pies en la noche=I'm going to pull your feet at night.
In fact, I got conflicting edit and friggin 503
**MB sniffles and wipes a tear at the news of Karina's death. She was the last of my fellow sister assassins. Karina, join us at the bar and I will buy you a drink. You have my complete and total respect.
Just wait until next year because "hell hath no fury like a scorned, dead woman".
Recap of the self-inflicted.
To be fair, criminal master plans NEVER succeed in the movies. How was I to know?
And Paul remains the middle of the sandwich. I'm a clown. MC is a joker.
@Josh I'm glad you won't eat my brains.Maybe I'll just pull an ear at night, once in a while.
Eh, looking back, I only had two posts right before the deadline: 2:57 and 2:59, nothing that would cause a conflict.
The blame now shifts back to Blogger.
Or Dusty.
Or Matt Kemp.
@Meaniebreanie exactly.
So, I'm headed to have a couple of martinis, whose tab I'm drinking on?
Dusty was pretty much hogging the blogger at 3:00pm. sharp.
@Neeebs you already know why I wouldn't EVER hurt you.
"Hogging the Blogger" sounds both filthy and like it should be the next AC rule.
Karina, you definitely have one on me. Since your limit is 2 I'm sure Sax will pick up the other. That is unless you choose to live dangerously :D
I know mi hija.
Just got in and about to check out this bloody mess
Heh...if this had been, say, Neeebs or RB, we'd all be laughing at the diabolical plot to keep him from posting.
@Meaniebreanie my limit is two martinis, bring on the rum or vodka on the rocks and there's a whole different ballgame.
I'd love to get absolutely hammered with you.
@Neeebs queria que estuvieras seguro,papa.
I've equaled last year's kill total. I expect to top it tomorrow.
*shoots at and hits a fly from 300yds.*
There's a salsa dancing class to attend.
(i'm going to practice for next year,you'll see)
Karina, we will have to meet at the next SoSG fest and make it a reality.
** Makes note to have a designated driver, limo, or taxi on standby.
Karina, you're supposed to post the lineup today!
Lame Ass Ending
@ Dusty
Karina can't even post a comment let alone the line-up
No one question Neeebs therefore it is narrative. Neeebs avatar made me do it.
Wait who is on trial?
No Chicas Polar?!?!?
Now I want to die.
Here you go Paul:
Whoa, I just checked in to see the aftermath of the double suicide. Mr LASF's body hasn't even been recovered.
So I guess the day's dead are:
1. Sax (by Dusty)
2. Dusty (by rbn)
3. MLASF (self inflicted)
4. Karina (self inflicted)
Self inflicted death is sooooo 90s.
I just received a note explaining where we can find MLASF's body. Weird that he would off himself in a clown suit in the middle of a leather bar.
Had to do some actual work this afternoon, but I'll definitely pick up the remainder of Karina's AC bar tab, since it was my idea to use blogger's twitchiness as a weapon.
Hello Hello
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