Ted Lilly (5-0, 1.83) vs. Jason Hammel (8-7, 4.35).
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Random rantings and ravings about the Los Angeles Dodgers, written by a small consortium of rabid Dodger fans. With occasional comments on baseball, entertainment, pop culture, and life in general.
4/3 vs. SF (W, 5-4): Sax
4/15 vs. WSH (L, 4-6): Dusty, Orel, Sax
5/6 vs. MIA (W, 6-3): AC, Sax
5/16 vs. CIN (L, 2-7): AC, Sax
6/12 vs. TEX (L, 2-3): Sax
7/5 vs. MIL (W, 8-5): Sax
7/21 vs. BOS (W, 9-6): Sax
7/24 vs. SF (L, 3-8): Sax
8/24 vs. TB (L, 8-9 (10)): Sax
8/29 vs. BAL (W, 6-3): Orel, Sax
9/9 vs. CHC (L, 4-10): Sax
10/5 NLDS G1 vs. SD (W, 7-5): Sax
10/6 NLDS G2 vs. SD (L, 2-10): Orel, Sax
10/25 WS G1 vs. NYY (W, 6-3 (10)): Sax
1 – 200 of 639 Newer› Newest»Oh no you dih-unt!
Manny not in the lineup again today. That settles it, he's being traded. You can't seriously tell me that, after the lineup scores only three runs yesterday, it still beats a lineup with Manny.
Nope, no one could say that with a straight face.
Podsednik 7
Theriot 4
Ethier 9
Kemp 8
Loney 3
Blake 5
Carroll 6
Ausmus 2
Lilly 1
Why bench Barajas? He's already hit 2 HR for us, which is about 13 more than any other catcher has this season.
Probably just the usually day game after night game stuff.
I wonder if Manny will even have a farewell game at Dodger Stadium tomorrow.
Tired of this pansy-ass day after night stuff. Back in my day...
If Manny gets a curtain call spot in the lineup tomorrow night, I'm going.
Blake's playing. There goes the day after night theory.
Day follows night...who knew.
This is why baseball is doomed to failure in Norway.
I always prefer my days after night.
Wait, day precedes night...no, hold on...which comes first???
The egg.
This day after night phenomenon is a menace to baseball that must be stopped. First shadows, now this? IT'S MADNESS!!!
Day and night, night and day, why is it so
That this longing for you follows wherever I go
In the roaring traffics boom
In the silence of my lonely room
I think of you
I guess that means that yesterday starts tomorrow and tomorrow starts today.
Got dayum this weather is beautiful. Feels like college football already!
How are those Shards looking? Hah! Go Nats!
Just getting warmed up folks
On MDIL's sofa, Vinny!
Where's everyone at? I know most of us don't go to church
Baseball is my church.
A few stragglers see still over in the übernerd tread.
Sit Down Tulo
You boys be careful not to ON (Over-Nerd).
Come on, let's get to this punk early.
I peeked in the nerd thread earlier but only for a few seconds because I instantly felt like busting out a pocket protector.
i wonder where loney is going to play after the dodgers give up on him
Loney will do great things in Seattle
Son of a nutcracker.
What the hell? i thought Helton was dead.
Epale everyone!
Paul, were you quoting Ella Fitzgerald,Billie Holiday or Frank Sinatra? ;)
Not a lot of blame for Kemp on that one. He did well just to get there.
Heh...I love the contrast between the last two posts.
i cant even remember the last time we lost a series to COL
It's only one run, boys and girls. Lot of game left.
The dodgers are to be considered losing until they win.
Who's going to be the one to tell Vinny that newspapers are online now?
@ Dusty
are you booing the optimistic comment, Spanky?
I doubt Vin even knows what online means.
@Mr C i feel offended that you don't consider the ones who don't participate in puzzles "nerds".
I'm deeply offended
@ Karina
Heckling Level-Out of Sight
We've regressed to LHWGs now. That includes Loney.
it would be just like the dodgers to not lose a series to COL for over a year and then lose the one they need to win most.
Lilly's swing is so goddamn funny,
At least the Dodgers are perfect in getting out so far
@Spanky you're the one who suck, not the Dodgers
booooo to you
so how many do we have for fantasy now?
Fun fact: Carlos Gonzalez leads the league in "Lucky" homeruns.
Pack your Bags
I hate it when the pitch is still on its way to the plate and you already know that it's going to end up in the seats.
Fuck yourself CarGo. I hate you.
Wish you were on our team.
CarGo might be playing his way out of the winter league.
Catchers not named Russell Martin still have yet to catch a runner stealing. Though there's not much Ausmus could have done with that pitch.
CarGo is on my other team.I love him,even when he plays/hits well against my Dodgers
Four spaces left in fantasy football.
Delino get your bitch ass in there.
Dittmore, hurry your slow ass up.
MB and Karina, we look forward to your presence.
Still at six for fantasy, though Prof. Dittmore is expected to join soon.
How long do the drafts take?
Even Vin is somewhat skeptical about benching Manny.
well, 90 seconds a pick for like what, 20 rounds? 16?
if you dont select the program just takes the best available player. Unless you set it up to take certain positions.
Like Nic said, 90 seconds a pick. It's not meant to be overly competitive, just a fun way for commenters to interact outside of this site.
@NicJ I don't think he's going to play winter baseball *sigh*if he doesn't play we really don't have much expectations to get into the playoffs.
It seems the Luis Aparicio Stadium is the worse stadium in the country.MLB didn't approve its conditions which complicates things,teams could yuse that excuse to prohibit major leaguers and minor leaguers prospects to play there.
It's national governments' fault. When my city and state were voted to be ruled by the opposition, they modified a law to keep all sports installations under their control. Every one of those installations is completely abandoned :(
Winter baseball starts in 6 weeks :(
The other factor is winter baseball agreement is more rigid than ever, starting February of this year,after Serie del Caribe
Men on the corners with no outs. Let's get it done, lads!
Andre homer, right here.
@Dusty I've been studying football since yesterday, I know my butt is going to be kicked hard and mercilessly , I just want to have a decent participation.
We need a revolution to bring about better baseball stadia in Venezuela! *takes up arms*
Believe me, I know very little re modern NFL. Used to be my big thing but not for many years. Don't even know who many of the players are. I watch it if it's on but don't get deeply into it. Hence, I will stink but enjoy playing.
That is to say, I wouldn't be surprised if Spanky becomes my mortal enemy for a week.
the players who know nothing about football usually end up doing well. Well enough to beat me week after week at least.
Just asking because time is in the essence in the Spank household as of tomorrow. But I want to pick My own players so I can laugh at my huge fails
Now here comes the double play.
It's like the office secretary who picks Wake Forest over Duke because Demon Deacons are somewhat holier than Blue Devils.
Nats win! Fuck you Shards!
This inning started so promisingly.
These are just really unintelligent ABs for Ethier and Kemp. Dudes fancy themselves as All Stars and professional hitters??
After seeing that inning, we aint winning.
Im ready to cut bait on loney.
@Dusty Baker there was one time when they talked about prohibiting professional sports in the country but they regretted that, people might have reclaimed Chavez's head, what's this country without Caracas-Magallanes?
I'd have fought with no mercy and honor, no one interferes between me and winter baseball.
They also tried to prohibit selling beer in stadia (HAHAHAHAHA). That's impossible: we aren't used like you are, to make a line to buy beer.They sell beer in buckets (you know like those large paint buckets), they fill the buckets with ice and put the amount of beer you want. If your beer gets warm,you put some ice on and that's it. It's for losers to make a line to buy beer ;)
That's the other thing: I think you buy beer in the US at six packs, in Venezuela you buy beer six packs or 36 at the same time (known as caja)
If we lose this game, it's not because of Manny sitting, it's those piss-poor ABs by Kemp and Andre.
I want a bucket of beer right now!
I'll take a bucket and a caja of beer
Thx for the beer comparison, Karina. Interesting. Some stadia in the US still have roaming beer sellers but others have abandoned the practice and make one line up.
What does caja translate to?
@ Dusty
Caja = A Case
I'm guessing caja means case.
So 36 in a case? God damn I'm living in the wrong country. We only have 24 in our cajas. What sort of backwater shithole am I living in?
can we just start the draft now, this is no longer interesting.
This is a loss.
Bright spot: Emmy prep!
Jonathan Herrera, the other guy from Maracaibo :(
Her also kills Aguilas too :( he;s worse than Jody Gerut
OMG why don't we just start a Venezuelan Winter League team and put all the players from the Venezuelan Winter League on that team?
How are you prepping for the Emmys, MLASF?
Because that team would likely kill everything in sight.
You can get a 36 case of Natural Ice at Walmart for 15 dolla in my neck of the woods.
I mostly watch TV, followed by calling NBC and swearing repeatedly at a recording that tells me the line is no longer in operation.
Good times.
season over, again.
We really needed to win yesterday's game.
I tried to watch the LLWS instead of this, but all the douchey Bryce Harper/Ultimate Warrior eye black was pissing me off.
Son of a god dammit.
LLWS, here I come!
@Dusty Baker the 36-cajas are for recyclable bottles. If you don't have the empty bottles, the caja is more expensive. We call the whole empty bottles "vacio"
When you go to the liquor store and ask for a caja, they always ask if you have the "vacio" or not"
We also have 24 bottle caja, but most of the time is for light and/or premium beer.
I feel people here don't like light beer, but we have a brand here, called Polar Solera light, which is an excellent premium pilsen beer, the bottle is blue. There is also regular Solera, which comes in a green bottle.
If interested, I think you can get those beers in the US, you can get them at some parts in Florida.I don't know about California...I think it's possible
no offense karina, but i hope CarGo has a career ending injury.
I'm calling it season again, Lads and Ladies
that was all on two outs.
Carlos Gonzalez can't break my heart, even when he kills Dodgers.
I will be happy to peruse any Polar advertising you run across, Karina. ;-)
CarGo's mother looks like his older sister, seriously.
@NicJ noooooooo, he's that good, a real 5-tool player and a gentleman, at least what I know about him.
CarGo is good, but Lilly is an idiot for throwing him that same pitch over and over again.
Done and done on this season (not that it hasn't been). This series loss takes us out of WC and means we'll fire sale several players. They better offer me some 75% off tickets or I ain't going any more this season.
@Dusty Baker the Solera brand is part of Polar ;)
Is his mother cute?
I feel uncomfortable rooting for Hawaii as that is the home of Shane Victorino.
Go Admiral Ackbar!
Down to three for the fantasy. Meanie's in.
I imagine the team is going to lose quite a bit of revenue this last month.
@Dusty baker she is, she looks young, she had (I think) 4 or 5 kids and CarGo is the youngest or second youngest. She looks like she was on her late eighties or early forties. Looks very good.
Hawaii has the tying runs aboard.
Epale Y'all!
There you go Karina. Time for you to join. I'll help you with your draft. Pick Matt Leinart for your quaterback.
Is there any football on? Otherwise I'm going to have to sit through pre-Emmys dress critiques by Mrs Dusty and MDIL.
Speaking of Emmys, break a leg, Tanya! (My friend who is up for an award for COLBERT REPORT tonight).
Spank is picking an all Detroit Lions fantasy football team.
No football until five.
Don't listen to Spanky, Karina. Pick JaMarcus Russell.
@Dusty Baker I forgot,other venezuelan beer brand, has a Catira (blond).She appears on TV and print brands with minuscule bikinis and no one has ever seen her face.
*sigh*this is a country that thrives on female beauty.
@Mr. LASF - now that I am sober I successfully signed up for fantasy football. You and I may both regret this as I have never done this before. You need to coach me as we go through this. Tell me what I need to do and I will do it.
I want to create a robot to go back in time and take out CarGo's mom so she can't birth him.
"Tell me what I need to do and I will do it."
Several ways I might want to go with this kind of statement. However, Karina is kicking me under the table so I will say nothing.
Im Rooting against Hawaii specifically because i hate victorino so much.
If MB has her way, her fantasy team will be mostly Cowboys and Saints picks.
@Spanky @MR LASF something tells me I shouldn't trust in your advice.
It could be worse Dusty. I could pick the Rams players.
BTW The Rams are my favorite Team if you can call them that.....a team that is.
ALL countries thrive on that. Well, not the Muslim ones under Sharia law. But most do.
@DB - How I take direction depends on the man giving it to me :D
Hawaii's on the board.
It's not the LLWS unless some American team gets whupped by a bunch of Asian kids.
Rancho rancho!
@Meanie - To be fair, I'm learning this as I go too. I've never set a league up on ESPN, so I'm unfamiliar with what will happen.
Not like venezuelan, Dusty Baker.
If I get you the Catira Regional ads, can you stop saying season's over?
im guessing Andre with a weak dribbler back to the pitcher.
Loved Vinny's humidor/cigar shop reference.
For the love of Jackie, work the walk, Andre.
Aw It's only Dre
Yes, I can be bribed to be vaguely optimistic in return for South American beer porn.
Full count up in dis bish.
There are shadows in Central Pennsylvania too? THIS POX IS EVERYWHERE. IT MUST BE CONTAINED.
remember when this team was fun to watch?
Yeah, me neither.
Dre just looks AWFUL swinging at the ball. Failed to advance 5 runners in his last 2 ABs. Putrid, Dre. Even the little teenage girls are talking shit about you now.
way to waste Rancho Ardiendo :(
Remember when Dre was clutch? Me neither.
Nats won. Gnats are losing.
That was Rancho Retardiendo
so are the white sox willing to cough up any prospects yet?
Oh look, it's Drunky McClutchfail. He'll save us.
Hey MB, Pick Brady Quinn as your Quarterback
It's all about Sage Rosenfels at QB.
@Karina - ESPN has a mock draft if you need help deciding who to choose.
It seems like Helton is batting every inning
for the first time ever, I'm drinking chilean wine while on a GT.
Neeebs, if you are reading this, it's white wine, Sauvignon Blanc, Santa Carolina 2009
No shit...Helton gets to bat every third batter. CarGo is 8-10 today.
there goes our hard earned run.
@Mr LASF thanks for the tip.You've managed way more than my brothers in YEARS.
Everybody's hitting a homer to left.
It was 1-0 when I left the apartment. Damnit.
Those Japanese kids really do like Ichiro. They all just bunt, bunt, bunt.
I'm about to drink a caja of Pacifico and help Mrs Dusty and MDIL critique dem hoes on the Emmys.
Things have worked out for Ichiro, though, one has to admit.
Make that 8-1... AHHH.
i want the japanese team to win because i want to see how the kids are going to be able to throw their coach in the air.
Ok, I'm really out of it as I posted on an old thread.
@Spank - you are dreaming. If I don't know a QB I'm not going to pick him. It's either Drew Brees or Tony Romo for me (given the opportunity).
@Dusty Baker there are less Catira Regional advertising availavle on the Internet:
the slogan says: for people who know about beer
slogan: you can't miss her
first one is (in slang) will you miss her?
second one is how many blonds can you handle?
this is pretty clever, since this beer is golden or blond ;)
When the pitcher singles off you, you know you've got some problems this year.
Ok - I have to leave. Catch you all later.
@Mr. LASF Do we pick teams tomorrow at 7:00 PST? Or are we going to have a separate thread to discuss this or just hook up online at ESPN tomorrow? Inquiring minds want to know.
well there will be a game thread here. Seeing how there isnt going to be much of a game tomorrow we might as well use it for something.
@Mr LASF I can't decide on a name for my team :(
Thanks for the beer porn, Karina!
I now believe that Dodgers can still win the Wild Card race.
That is the hardest part about fantasy football.
There is a message board within the fantasy league page that we can talk on.
@Dusty Baker I don't know why you say it's "porn"
Don't you have advertising like that in the US?
We pick players tomorrow at seven. Draft order should be determined at six. We don't need to discuss our decisions, though the league will have a chatroom or we could hijack tomorrow's GT.
Damn Gnats are winning now.
Don't worry about a name, Karina. You can change it whenever you like.
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