Hiroki Kuroda (8-11, 3.53) vs. Jason Hammel (8-7, 4.42).
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Random rantings and ravings about the Los Angeles Dodgers, written by a small consortium of rabid Dodger fans. With occasional comments on baseball, entertainment, pop culture, and life in general.
4/3 vs. SF (W, 5-4): Sax
4/15 vs. WSH (L, 4-6): Dusty, Orel, Sax
5/6 vs. MIA (W, 6-3): AC, Sax
5/16 vs. CIN (L, 2-7): AC, Sax
6/12 vs. TEX (L, 2-3): Sax
7/5 vs. MIL (W, 8-5): Sax
7/21 vs. BOS (W, 9-6): Sax
7/24 vs. SF (L, 3-8): Sax
8/24 vs. TB (L, 8-9 (10)): Sax
8/29 vs. BAL (W, 6-3): Orel, Sax
9/9 vs. CHC (L, 4-10): Sax
10/5 NLDS G1 vs. SD (W, 7-5): Sax
10/6 NLDS G2 vs. SD (L, 2-10): Orel, Sax
10/25 WS G1 vs. NYY (W, 6-3 (10)): Sax
1 – 200 of 400 Newer› Newest»Podsednik 8
Theriot 4
Ethier 9
Loney 3
Blake 5
Gibbons 7
Carroll 6
Ellis 2
Kuroda 1
Epale everyone!
I forgot! lineup per @DodgerTownUSA
Thanks to the Sons, I will be at the game tonight with one of my two nephews (I'm making them duke it out to see who goes.). I'm hoping to get there early enough to see Zach Lee get introduced to the crowd.
Karina posts the lineup and Jay's first start at the Ravine.
Great start!
Hmmm...I wonder what Ih8Colletti would say about Kemp not starting...
Rest in my arms
Sleep in my bed
There's a design
To what I did and said
Watching Phillies-Giants with irrational hate and feeling like a bad person.
@Paul that was uber sweet :)
I didn't know that the Rockies dinosaur mascot talks like Jar-Jar Binks.
MLASF @4.15
That was super sweet.
Kemp's not in the lineup? Oh god here comes the shitstorm from twitter.
It's a team playing out the schedule with a manager counting down till retirement. Just let gramps have his fun and shut the hell up.
He might as well not have been in the lineup last night.
IH8COLLETTI breaking out the gems
I just noted the Twitters where a [Dodger blogger] was whining about Kemp not being in the lineup then no fewer than 3 mins later ih8colletti mentioned kemp/lineup whining. I love this bit.
He's quicker than the runs
Granted I haven't had a great day, but this was the very best part of it:
@ Dusty
That tweet and the one about "no one liking minor leaguers like I do" were spot on
I'm sad today.
@Spank I had to retweet "stoopid people because they no love minor leaguers like I do".Instant classic.
Maybe you're sad because you can't kill Kill KILL!!!, Mr. F.
Sorry, Mr. F.
I hope the Dodgers don't exacerbate the situation.
Just watched the Zach Lee on field interview on PT, looks like a nice kid.
BTW, nothing makes you feel more like a loser than a multimillionaire with a retainer lisp.
Thanks Mr. C.
Yesterday I read something about how letting out frustration doesn't really help. However, I'm not terribly frustrated/in need of venting. So I think violently killing people isn't the worst idea in the world.
Violently killing people is incrementally better than killing them in a non-violent way.
@Mr F whatever it is,it's gonna be fine.You are tougher and wiser than that.
You're in a rut, Mr. F. Pick yourself up, man! *grabs Mr. F by jacket lapels, stares him in the eyes*
I'm sad too Mr. F. Maybe the Dodgers will win and cheer us up
@karen I want to hug you :(
See what I told Mr. F
Howdy y'all from Arkansas. Out to prove I'm not the thread's Schleprock.
Selfishly, I hate when Josh goes to games because then he can't post much in this space.
Karen, we've missed you.
Jesus, do we need a group hug or what?
Sittdown, beeeyotch!
damn, Hiro's pitches are moving like crazy tonight.
I've really missed you guys!!
Consider yourselves all hugged:)
Professor up in dis bish!
I'll be in Arkansas next week, BTW. Going to a Travelers game as I've never been to the new Yard there in LR.
Buck up little campers
siéntate CarGo!!
Now run Scotty boy!!
Epale from the Ravine!
Podsednik sucks, huh?
Wow ... was Theriot running in slo mo there?
No, that was his fast forward, sadly.
@Dusty - I haven't been to Dickey-Stephens either. Let me know if you'd ever make it to this corner... And look for some Boulevard Singlewide IPA.
When Karen says run, you run.
As heard on ESPN latino:
"Podsednik shows why he earned Joe Torre's confidence"
It's because there's no one else around.
Thanks God the Dodgers broadcast.I got Vin and nothing else matters.
Runs like that is one of the reasons I'm a baseball fan.
(just an observation)
Hey the last combat brigade pulled out of iraq?
Runs are good!
Thanks for the pep-talk, Vinny!
DPs are bad.
Big Lame James.
I meant the Dodgers broadcast started on DirecTV
FWIW, I don't have a bad feeling about tonight's game. Maybe it's just my ambivalence though.
Yeah, but many of those troops have recently been drawn down in order to join the morass in Afghanistan, an even more unwinnable clusterfuck.
I hate when King James is not royal.I should stop calling him that until he gets back to his blue blooded self
I love that, Mr F. "Maybe it's just my ambivalence talking..."
Yeah, looking forward to checking out this monstrosity that they deserted my beloved old Ray Winder Field for.
I'll get up to Fayette-nam at some point probbaly within the next year.
@DB, yeah that's obvious unfortunately. My cousin is over there right now, i told him its Karma for being an angels fan.
From my vantage point, it looked like a lucky snag by Hammell. It may have gone through if he didn't get a glove on it.
I respect the fact that you are taunting a family member whose life is on the line based on his support for the Angels. Well done, Nic!
haha, dodger blue runs thicker than blood.
No, no, no!!
son of a bitch. kuroda is getting pop flied to death.
why didnt we just load the bases for the pitcher?
if karen says no, it's no
cc @DustyBaker
Stoopid light-catching white guys.
Gibbons is sllllloooowww. And he still scored.
MSB Ackbar FTW!
Loved Vin's line, "Jamey Carroll with a little six game hitting streak."
No matter how stressful or plain crappy this week may get, I've got Vin on the rqdio for a few innings each night for these west coast games.
I can't hate on Gibby's fielding of that ball. It's not like Manny would have been within ten feet of it. And he kept it in front of him instead of making dive with improbable chance of success.
i hope all of you dodgertalk callers are happy!!
*bangs forehead on table*
Awwww,failed squeeze
Jason, you missed the group hug!
@Jason Vin represents what it is good and pure
i cant complain about that, kuroda was up next anyways. Just sucks we have to start off next inning with an auto-out.
lead off double, great.
I am disturbed that I was thinking squeeze the same as Torre on the 3&2
I missed the group hug and the Dodgers miss clearing the Johnson spot. Damn you, Karma!
"Pier 6 brawl"...I love you, Vin
Hey all.
I am here but I am beerless.
Kuroda homerun right here.
That was a nice curve
It's nice to see another team choke with RISP
@karen - You speak the truth. I had the great pleasure of meeting Vin for the first time over Memorial Day weekend at Coors Field. He could not have been more gracious to my friend and I.
Ah ha ha, good job of chewing gum but little other...
God dammit GT post, now you have MDIL watching Rox commercials w Dinger in them. I smell a new house rule coming on.
Ehhh I had a better chance of winning the lotto.
I need to know what Pods' walk-up music is. Someone get the SoSG interns on it, stat!
@Jason I met him once at DS when I was a teenager. He said something like "It's a wonderful day for a ballgame" and I couldn't speak! I just stood there with my mouth hanging open! He was very kind, of course, and told me to enjoy the day and went on his way!
Is it my girl likes to party all the time by Eddie Murphy?
No that's your walkup music, Paul.
Why does Theriot keep thinking bunting for a hit is a good idea? He laid down a nice one in the first inning and still got thrown out by 10 feet.
Apparently, though, Hammel was intimidated and walked him.
@Josh maybe Roberto from Vin Scully is my Homeboy has an idea of Pods' walk off music.
*edit: walk up
MSTI tweet in five four three two one.
My initial research show that SPods has In the past used Elevation by U2 as his walkup tune. No idea if he still does.
Belliard's favorite TV show is G.I. Joe, if anyone cared.
@Josh S.,
Did you hear it and want to identify what it is?
I'll blame Ethier on that one for not swinging cause I'm a bit anti-Dre right now
I can tell you that it is not Elevation. I think it might be a Placebo song, but I'm not sure.
Ha Dusty it WAS my walk up music. New Edition's Cool it now has replaced it.
You mean it's a song meant to be a control in a walkup song experiment, but it actually isn't a song?
I haven't lived in California for more than a decade, but I listen to a lot of Internet streaming of LA shows, mainly Dodgers games (natch) and Kevin & Bean (Bean is a neighbor, so it's quasi-local for me). Anyway, those Meg Whitman ads make me want to move back and vote against her just to ensure she never runs for elected office and floods the "air" waves with her inane ads again.
I'm just going to come right out and say it.
so you are giving her a negative feedback rating jason? That's gonna knock her back down to a blue star.
Strike him out Roda!
Crap. Well we should get Mark's son out.
dont worry kuroda, our bullpen will bail you out.
@NicJ - Touché
Ha your no Luke, Hammel!!
Did anyone notice EK declared us all dead in the AC??
Kevin & Bean...wow...are those guys at retirement age yet?
@Jason, BTW im not disagreeing with you. Those ads are annoying as shit and at a drastically higher volume than the rest of the programming.
Steiner's turn of phrase : Vin Scully's :: Meg Whittman's politcal nuance : FDR's
I'm extra surly tonight.
Odelay all.
Odelay, Champ!
Give one professional AB, I think I'd go for William Shatner's Spoken-Word version of "Mr. Tambourine Man" as my walk-up music.
Now, back to this one.
DodgerVisiin proofreaders fail again. A graphic just said Jay Gibbons first hit as a Dodger was August 8th "at" Washington. That was a home game, guys.
Oh god dammit.
In the DodgerVision guy's defense, he's probably typing on an iPhone and has no signal to fact check while in the stadium.
I'd have Nancy Bea play something on the organ. Probably "In The Garden of Eden" by I. Ron Butterfly.
@Mr F - I could imagine somebody in the crowd saying, "Wait a minute, this sounds like rock and/or roll." Then he gets a beachball on the head.
I guess it's an MSB thing to run to first on a BB.
fuck man ellis has absolutely no power. that looked out off the bat.
@josh, gotta play the game the right way.
kuroda cant do anything of value tonight.
Wow is this game slow moving. O'Brien and Sutcliffe have now used every story about Dodger Stadium they know.
He is running cause it is Broxton's feeding time.
"I. Ron Butterfly"
one of my all-time favroite episodes.
So they've used two?
Maybe Dodger Vision's next fact will be that Tulo cuts his own hair.
Fernando the subject of Vin's vignette tonight.
Love it when I get to mention two of my favorite Dodgers in the same sentence.
finally found something that vin doesnt know about.
i can just imagine Vin going home tonight and looking up "Mullet" on google.
Vin is just pounding on Tulo's haircut. He's obsessed.
tracy told Tulo to shave his sideburns.
@Dusty - We've seen b-roll of the 1962 opening, Nancy Bea Hefley, Dodger Dogs, Vin Scully; heard stories about foul ground, why the ball doesn't travel at night, blah blah. Plus, they've discussed Mattingly as manager, why Kemp's not starting, what a great manager Jim Tracy is, blah, blah, and it is only the sixth inning.
It still freaks me out when Vin says words like "computer" and "Twitter."
@SD, they dont want to run Tracy out of town yet? give it another year.
"what a great manager Jim Tracy is"
They are REALLY stretching, then.
Damn kids with their mullets and their rock and roll and their leg warmers and their hop scotch and their iPods and their doodle-bugs and their four-year presidential terms.
Ih8Colletti channeling me right now.
Wait, according to Steiner, every double play by the Dodgers is courtesy of Aamco? Frank sold the actual play on the field instead of a mere sponsership? Brilliant!
MDIL: I really wish they would leave Kuroda in for one more inning.
Dusty: Why?
MDIL: Cause I saw Sherrill warming up back there.
I took a pee last night night was brought to you by State Farm.
Sherrill actually hasnt been half bad lately. He's been all bad.
Digging the "Win" montage that prominently features Kemp, Broxton, Manny, Furcal, and Martin.
why is casey talking on the bullpen phone?
seriously what is up with all the white guys on our team? Did Larry Bird take over as GM?
I miss Joyce.
Sherill has been decent last few outings. Still don't trust that fat bastard. But it was MDIL who was bagging on him tonight not me.
When is the last time a Dodger had a multi homerun game?
Our team went From one of the Blackest to one of the more lilly white ones (no Lilly pun intended). Creeps me out - I feel like I'm at an art exhibit not a baseball game.
Joyce was white?!??
i think Green had a multi HR game a while back
It's a Dre Off for Ethier
Man this guy is pissing me off
Hell when was the last single HR game
CarGo KO'd by wall.
dude looked out on his feet.
Gameday had that ball at the fence.
I hope you're all right CarGo
Don't get up, asshole!
To bad he hung onto that ball
Looked crazy
I think he took that guy's wallet!
I think he took his wallet.
damn why cant a guy ever drop a ball on a catch like that.
I love the contrast between my comment and Karina's. Tells the whole story.
Assassins' Curcle strikes again!
karina has a deeper relationship with him. To us he is just that fucking jerk that runs everything down when he plays us.
@Dusty Baker watch your language when referring to CarGo,he IS my homeboy!
He's awesome and at the tender age of 24,one of my favorite Aguilas players.
Great. This will only serve to make a long game longer. I'm out.
That is how you hustle for the ball Dre not all I don't want to get dirty styles
Oh, title of movie being promoted, how you mock us.
is it wrong that the first thing i checked was where the rox were in the lineup to see if he had to come out?
*standing ovation to CarGo*
Yeah yeah yeah...as long as he's playing against the Dodgers, he's the enemy, Karina.
Peace Steve Ditty!
*Standing boovation for cargo*
"Steve Ditty" - That's a good one.
@Dusty Baker I forgot to tell you I could go,as Neeebs describes it", sangre caliente on you,south american style!
Bring it, Karina!
Laugh all you want,but I'm freaking out for CarGo.Dusty,he plays against the Dodgers but I fail to see him as the enemy.
Lame duck gets a hit.
Deadman batting.
I thought this shithead Dodger killah Hawpe was waived.
I guess Sherrill was, too.
Suddenly I feel like hearing Hot Blooded by Foreigner
Tranquila, Karina, tranquila. You're easy to wind up!
I thought Pavarotti was singing for a second there
Don't do it Gibby!!
Wash your hair, Tulo!
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