Two years ago, with flashes of brilliance from the Dodger youngsters, we dreamed of what could be. Last year, with a deep playoff run, that dream seemed within grasp. And now this year, with the best record in the ma-, er I mean second best record in-, uhhh yeah ok third best record in the majors, has the Dodgers' young core officially and finally come together?
Maybe, maybe not. Either way, it brings us to today's puzzle:

What message do Matt Kemp, Andre Ethier, Russell Martin, and James Loney have for us?
Hint #1 (8:30am): There is a hint near the end of the opening paragraph.
Hint #2 (9:43am): Scissors and a strong light source might help.
Hint #3 (10:45am): A non-baseball fan can conceivably solve this, but it's easier for those who know some basics about who Martin, Kemp, Ethier, and Loney are...
Solution: click here.
Puzzle Rules: Comment freely in the thread, but if you have the solution, please don't give it away to everyone in the comments section. Instead, do the following:
- Email us with the message. And please include your screen name somewhere in the email; and
- Post a comment simply saying you have emailed your solution attempt. I may not be able to reply to your original email promptly, so please be patient and check back on the comment thread for the latest news; I may confirm correct answers there.
You have until midnight PT tonight to submit your answer. Good luck!
General Puzzle Note: Thanks to Josh S for pointing out that there are actually 19 off-days this season, not 18 as we had thought. This means there will be 7 puzzles in the last third of the season, not 6. Because of this oversight, the rolling 7-puzzle succubus mistress will, for the last day of the puzzle season only (Oct 1), become an 8-puzzle succubus mistress so that Grand Slam Puzzle #12 will count in the final PCS Point tally.
Not familiar with SoSG's off-day puzzle competition? Have no idea what the above paragraph means? Read up here. And join the fun!
If anyone solves this before a hint is posted, they have my unending respect.
I believe they're saying, "no game today on account of crazy sideways rain."
answer sent!
First correct answer goes to M.S.T.I.!
Er, I mean Ubragg! Apparently he is equally strong at numerical puzzles, word puzzles, and visual ones.
Hint to be posted within an hour...
I'm with Josh.
Hint posted.
The hint confirms my rationale, but I haven't had time to work on it yet.
I was thinking along those lines.
! have to go into a meeting in 10 minutes! Curses!
Damn! Completely forgot today was a puzzle and I'm in a class all day. Ubragg is insane on these puzzles too! I'll keep checking back for hints.
Frak! I'm out for now. I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakthrough, though.
Hint #2 posted
It's so frustrating to find out I'm on the right track but can't see the answer.
I'll post another hint around 10:30am, give or take -
I knew I was on the right track. . .for once.
ok 3rd hint posted...
Answer sent.
Never thought I'd type those words.
I need to score points. The succubus is at my door.
Josh S is in! Rbnlaw is only about 2/3 correct, so I can't give it to him yet...
1. Ubragg
2. Josh S
Seems a bit quiet today...where is Mr Customer, BWrightson, etc?
I don't have enough patience for this.
Revised answer sent.
Answer in!
The package from the Mountain Loggers arrived safely. Thanks again.
Daughter #2 is excited to go.
Flurry of correct answers! Good job all:
1. Ubragg
2. Josh S
3. rbnlaw
4. Keven C
5. drewdez
6. J Steve
I'm playing the spoiler right now. . .and loving it.
Ahh. Just saw this.
Good to hear it, Rbnlaw. Have fun.
I'm convinced UBragg has a Firefox add-on that reveals the answer as soon as the puzzle is posted. Then, he just stalls a few minutes so he doesn't raise suspicion.
Inquiry sent.
If RBN can do this, then DAMNIT, I can too.
answer sent
Good job Matt!
1. Ubragg
2. Josh S
3. rbnlaw
4. Keven C
5. drewdez
6. J Steve
7. Matt
anyone out there still working on this? another hint?
Josh, how did you know about my Firefox add-on? I've just got a few more bugs to work out, like the fact it has problems with baseball card identification, but I may distribute a beta version soon... ;)
Answer sent... methinks.
Thanks, Neeebs.
The view from under the bus is fantastic.
Yes Fanerman!
1. Ubragg
2. Josh S
3. rbnlaw
4. Keven C
5. drewdez
6. J Steve
7. Matt
8. Fanerman
Nice puzzle! Answer sent.
Congrats jose:
1. Ubragg
2. Josh S
3. rbnlaw
4. Keven C
5. drewdez
6. J Steve
7. Matt
8. Fanerman
9. jose
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