SoSG EK and I are standing in a field in front of an apartment building. We're looking up at a cell-phone tower. (It doesn't look like a traditional cell-phone tower, but somehow I know that's what it is.) The tower is swaying in the wind.
"Think it's going to fall?" I joke to EK. And sure enough, it dramatically collapses and falls down away from us, ending up across a road. Passing cars narrowly miss it.
We start running toward the apartment building while I try to call 911 on my iPhone. Despite the cell-phone tower being down, I still get some kind of reception (Apple product placement in my dreams!). However, instead of reaching a 911 operator, I keep getting other people trying to call 911, describing their own predicaments.
I'm alone now. Somehow I make my way up to the top of the building. I'm climbing through a window onto the roof when I notice Manny Ramirez is in front of me. He's standing on a glass or clear plastic platform. Then in the distance, a rumbling starts. An earthquake rumble. Manny is completely unperturbed.
"Hey Manny, you better get off there," I tell him.
"That's all right, man, I'll be fine," he says.
"No really, that doesn't look safe—"
Across the roof I see SoSG Sax on a platform of some sort. A whole bunch of loose house doors are leaning against the wall next to him, and they're starting to fall down because of the earthquake —
I can't interpret your dream in its entirety. But the 911 calls getting blocked by other callers represents the mass hysteria of Dodger fans at the slightest sign of a slump.
Clearly your support of Manny is waivering.
Then it would have made more sense if it were Russell Martin standing on the clear platform.
Has to have something to do with the lack of cell coverage for ATT network in Chavez Ravine.
I wish I could remember my dreams like that!
I think it clearly means that Manny Ramirez, in the midst of his 5-for-33 slump, is completely unperturbed and will mash two home runs tonight, while Steve Phillips will continue to pine for Juan Pierre to get playing time.
I like your prognostication skills, Eric! (It was one of those lucid early-morning dream-awake things. Sad thing was, I made a point to remember it so I could blog about it.)
I think someone needs to lay off the candy before going to bed!!!
tell me about your mother.
I don't get the house doors, Orel. Especially since I live in a yurt.
The only thing I have to say is: where can I get those comforters for an affordable price?!!
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