Jeff Weaver (5-4, 3.90) vs. Tim Lincecum (12-3, 2.20).
Remember how you felt Sunday night? Compare that to how you feel now. Big difference, no? Certainly the Dodgers can relate, and hopefully that attitude shift will pay off against Lincecum. The Dodgers are throwing their entire bullpen against Mr. Cy Young today, including 25-year-old knuckleballer Charlie Haeger, who took Eric Stults' place on the roster.
Joe Torre, on catching the knuckleball:
My catching a knuckleball was so good the Braves went out and got Bob Uecker, which hastened the end of his playing career and he became a broadcaster. I feel responsible for making him a broadcaster.
Good luck today, Russell!
And a note from Ken Rosenthal at FOXSports.com:
One scout views the Giants' red-hot Eugenio Velez the same way he viewed the Marlins' Emilio Bonifacio early in the season. Velez, the scout says, is feasting on fastballs. Once opponents start throwing him breaking balls, his party will end.
(Thanks to True Blue LA commenter shaqfor3 for posting the animated .gif!)
1 – 200 of 602 Newer› Newest»On the pre-game show yesterday, Torre said "Ausmus told me he has a big glove" while discussing catching Haeger. That means Russ is likely sitting today.
According to MLBTR, Bill Hall was DFA'd by the Brewers.
(Cough, sign him, cough)
You're kidding, right Mr. LASF? The dude's an error machine.
But he has power. Or at least he did.
A Brewer fan I know just tweeted: "The Bill Hall nightmare is over."
Telling, no?
All I've ever seen Bill Hall do is make errors. Right now, I think we need to concentrate on pitching. The hitting will be there (to wit: last night).
We could do worse. In fact, we did.
Easy, man, we've just won two games. You're sounding like we're the Pirates! ;-)
I attribute it to DreamWeaver nervousness, which is very understandable. I have a 10:30-12:30 mtg, and I'm going to be sweating like D Lowe the whole time until I can get back to the office and pull the game up on MLB.TV. Check yall then.
I saw so many "Pandoval" shirts at the game, I thought it was his real name.
Going to Sand Dune Park in Manhattan Beach, then somewhere to start watching this one.
I have the inheret desire to add players. It's my thing.
Gameday Audio in my cubicle for me today.
Oh, and one thing I noticed after Kemp's 3-run jack in last night's game was the look on the faces in the dugout:
Mean. No laughing, no jumping around, no hand slapping. Just mean, business-like faces. This is a team re-discovering its "nasty."
Doug Davis is on waivers. What are the chances he falls to the Dodgers? Slim or none?
Binoculars and
looking out the window for me
The Pirates are building their team with the Dodgers' spare parts. They claimed Jon Meloan off waivers.
Where the heck are you?
Furcal, SS
Martin, C
Ethier, RF
Manny, LF
Blake, 3B
Loney, 1B
Kemp, CF
Castro, 2B
Weaver, P
O-Dog still sits. Martin borrows Ausmus' big glove.
Passed ball over/under?
working in my lab (5 min walk from AT&T park)
Last minute response to a motion dropped on my desk. My average morning productivity has increased exponentially thanks to the dodgers and my afternoon productivity will crash thanks to the dodgers. Hope to be done by the 3rd or 4th inning.
Set the pass ball o/u at 2?
Orlando, not a bad place to work — even if it is AT&T Park.
Or I should say "home of the Giants" — the stadium itself is very nice.
"I have the inheret desire to add players. It's my thing."
Heh...I agree that we should just secretly hide away utility players in case we need them, roster limits be damned. Creative use of disguise should be all we need to be able to have 23 starting pitchers on staff!
Inspirational pictures up on the main page.
It's tiiime for Dodger baseball!
Bob Schaefer profile!
Epale Orel!
Prediction: Lincecum will strike out the side...ON ONE PITCH.
Epale, Karina! Pull up a seat and open a beer!
Wow, Furcal was lost there.
Day-um. Three pitches, one out.
SoSG Sax in the house.
@Orlando Zepeda: You must be at UCSF. I think I recognize that huge parking lot.
Ha! Vin called Russell "Mondesi."
Epale, Sax!
Five pitches, two out.
Matt Temp?
A ball! WE WIN
Epale, Sax!
I went to sleep early last night. What did i miss?
Two balls! WS HERE WE COME
Three balls! WORLD PEACE
Ethier, please make this a 25-pitch at bat to compensate for Furcal and Martin
1-2-3 for Timmy.
A 1-2-3 inning against Lincecum is not particularly surprising.
There goes that opportunity.
Nine pitches, three outs.
Yeah, we've got them right where we want them.
The mid-inning changeover is taking longer than our entire first inning
At least he didn't K the side on 9 pitches.
First-game strike for Weaver.
He might as well have.
Weaver is matching Lincecum, pitch for pitch.
The objective is clear: Weaver must make the exact same amount of pitches as Timmah does.
Of course, we're only one out in.
only mlb gameday for me
looks like eugenio tagged that ball to kemp
At least with contact they can see the ball.
The Giants bats are not that super dangerous, with a couple of exceptions. If we get quality pitching and the hitters try to squeeze the most out of Lincecum, taking more pitches (looking at you Ethier, you were 3-0), there's a chance.
Vin Scully could always join Roger Ebert on the balcony after he retires. His description of Kung Fu Panda was terrific.
Way to wiggle off the Panda hook, Weaver!
Generous strike zone today. Let's take advantage of it.
Backwards K!
Weaver can throw all the pitches he wants today.
Ks Molina!
You know the giants are desperate for baserunners in a series when bengie Molina tries to work a walk.
@karina, I agree, we gotta take some pitches here.
1-2-3-4 inning for Weaver! 0-0 after 1.
Manny vs. Timmy. Dream matchup.
The Giants' cleanup hitter (Bengie Molina) is batting worse than Russell J Martin, if you can believe it
Timmy nibbling.
Manny lead-off walk.
Man on!
Missed tag!
That ump has a good eye.
Okay, I think we just used up all our karma on that play. (Manny hung out to try at first but Ishikawa with the late tag.)
Wow. Bochy's gone. I bet he'll be pissed when he sees the replays.
Bochy kicked out in the second inning!
Bochy had a golf date.
Bochy has spent more time in the clubhouse this series.
im watching on game day, did bochy get tossed for arguing the play at first?
That was a total waste.
No matter, Casey cleans off the bases.
Booger: Yep.
Bochy, Gameday says all four of those balls were indeed balls.
We're just making it easy on Timmah.
Anyone: Why did Bochy get called out by the 1B ump, if there were four balls to Manny?
Way to take some pitches, Loney (swings at first pitch, ground out)
He was thrown out for arguing a safe call on a pick-off throw. Manny got to first before Ishikawa could apply the tag, but it was so close Bochy argued it.
Oh, a day game. I wouldn't have been able to go to tonight's game anyway then.
Hi folks
Stop! Haeger Time!
Andre was going for the hope it's a ground rule double defense right there.
Now I see why the McCovey Chronicles folks were begging for Nate to come back.
Does that start a war?
Schierholtz triples, Ishikawa HBP. Weaver's falling off the rails in inning #2
Every time I hear Fred Lewis's name I think of Al Lewis.
RA for the Giants. How are they going to not score here?
Ruh-roh, Shaggy!
Uh, Raggy.
This is not pretty.
Yeah, this....is not going so well.
Well at least we won the series
Weaver likes the bases loaded so he can strike out the side and look that much more awesome.
Weaver ahead of Uribe 0-2. K him and get a DP.
Rancho Ardiendo, no outs. Positive is they can get an out at home and another out in any base. *Crossing fingers*
Whew, that throw nearly sailed into the dugout. Force-out.
Blake thought he was throwing to...(thinking of someone tall)
Yes! Kareem!
Two out!
Timmah K's! Just one out to go!
I bet he is going to try to get a bunt single
Line drive right to Kemp! The Jints have caught our LOB struggles!
Weaver wobbles but he doesn't fall down!!
Oh, and Vinny just said the Giants aren't in the division race. Should we be worried?
Wow, that was pretty damn fortunate
Velez flies out before I can type "Velez can atone for his defensive boner from last night."
Zoinks! Give him a scooby snack.
It doesn't hurt to be a little optimistic. In the other hand, if it had been bases loaded with two outs, i'd have been genuinely worried.
Get 'em, Fidel!
BP Playoff Odds report:
Dodgers 99.2% chance of making the playoffs
Rockies 59.3%
Giants 14.4%
Does Lincecum plunk Weaver?
Nice hack by Weaver for strike one.
Any reports on Hudson's groin?
Seems a little low for the Giants, even if they are scuffling.
Lincecum is dispatching us with precision efficency
Does Lincecum ever plunk anybody?
This will be a long game.
We've hit only one ball out of the infield, through three
We killed Blogger!
Dodgers think Hudson's injury not serious (Dodgers.com)
Hudson gets some rest (LA Times)
That was weird.
Let's get back to this one...
Everybody thought that was strike three.
Steal, Molina!
Nice backhand flip by Blake to Castro.
It's kinda funny how different the pitchers are working, yet no one has scored.
(Paraphrasing) Vin last night: "When you've caught as many games as Molina has, every run to first is all uphill."
Thank you very much, Orel!
By the way, did anyone else experienced technical difficulties to post?
Aflac: Who are the only 3 pitchers to win 2 Cy Young awards before the age of 26?
Aw, it's Steiner time.
Dwight Gooden?
When did bengie start taking pitches? That was like his 6th BB of the year.
Yes, Karina. But I think we're back.
Lincecum dollar bill story!
But did Lincecum get to keep the dollar?
Obviously it's Fernando.
"The woman accused of trying to extort Louisville men's basketball coach Rick Pitino approached him in a restaurant six years ago, and the two had sex at a table after closing time, the coach told police."
JMac warming up? So the Haeger thing is just a big tease?
WE are both wrong. We've named pitchers who did win the Cy Young before 26, but the question is who has won it twice?
Oh, twice. Whoops.
Ethier battling here.
Andre running up the pitch count.
Hey, I didn't realize we haven't got a hit yet.
Andre's a lover, not a fighter. But he's also a fighter, so don't get any ideas.
Jinx worked!
My dad used to do that dollar bill trick to me when I was a kid and I was never able to pitch like that. Of course it didn't help when I would leave mid practice to spend the dollar at the ice cream man.
Timmy approaching 50 pitches.
Are baseball fathers as insufferable as stage mothers?
Funny, Nic!
(Not your dad specifically, Nic.)
Down goes Manny, down goes Manny.
What pitch did Manny strike out on?
My parents totally rocked as baseball parents. They were cool as ice cubes.
Orel, a good one.
Manny vs. Lincecum is an intriguing matchup, but I really want to see them arm wrestle.
McDonald in to start the fourth. It's a team effort on the mound today.
My wife fears that I'm going to become one of "those" baseball dads.
But I went to Ron Cey Baseball Camp! I have cred!
Dodgers hope Hudson returns Friday (Dodgers.com)
J-Mac K's Travis.
(I'm getting sick of typing "Ishikawa")
Almost for Andre.
A right-handed RFer makes that catch.
Haha Josh, tape down a childs right arm to force them to become a lefty is not child abuse.
Gameday says Manny struck out on an 85-mph slider. Aren't sliders usually thrown down and away?
J-Mac K's Uribe!
McD: K, double, K
J-Mac K's the side. Take that, Timmah.
Strikes out the side! I like this starter-by-committee thing!
Isn't it about time for us to score 4 runs in an inning.
Aflac: Denny McLain, Roger Clemens, Bret Saberhagen
There is something wrong with The Beard.
Tim Lincecum?
wow one cheap hit, eh we are still tied up. It is Timmay against the world.
Yeah, he's batting against Tim Lincecum.
Bret Saberhagen invented sabermetrics.
I thought that was Bill James
oh my gosh we got a hit
Oh wait, I get it.
Or do I?
Josh S. said...
Bret Saberhagen invented sabermetrics.
Mr. LA Sports Fan said...
I thought that was Bill James
Like ships crossing in the night.
wait, that was last inning. Gameday over blackberry, you torment me so!
just wanted to drop in and say, MLASF, I laughed my ass of when I saw the first comment. That .gif is the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Sometimes stating the obvious is the greatest form of humor, HLACK.
65 pitches through five innings for Lincecum.
For those of you watching, does it look like we are even trying?
I am hoping that Lincecum is like a shorter half-life Nomo for the Giants. Crazy windup, unhittable his first couple years in the leagues, and then people figure him out and it's done. Oh, and he needs to sign a zito-like contract for SF as well before his arm falls off.
As long as we can hold the Giants at bay, it negates everything Timmah does. If we win in the 10th off a reliever, nobody will care that he threw a one-hitter over the first nine.
Seriously, that slide of cake flying through in the gif file is hilarious
That does not bode well.
I'm sticking around until 200, and that's it.
I mean it.
That's it.
Unable to muster any offense, the Dodgers elect to inflate the Giants' LOB numbers.
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