Via True Blue LA comes this unsavory item:
Manny Ramirez, in five minor league games split between Albuquerque and Inland Empire (San Bernardino) chose not to buy the spread for either his Isotopes or 66ers teammates.The above tidbit came in the form of a rumor spread among visiting scouts Monday night at John Thurman Field and confirmed Tuesday by a member of the Inland Empire front office staff.
That's disappointing. I was hoping Manny was just being dense and forgot about the tradition of major leaguers buying the post-game meal for their minor-league teammates, but the article specifically states he "chose not to buy." The good news is that Manny has the rest of the season to retroactively rectify this oversight.
there probably aren't any good Dominican spots in San Bernardino, at least not ones that cater
beat me to the joke, Fred--nice
I'm more bothered by this than by the whole PED thing.
No surprise. Manny has had this type of behavior in the past. For some reason, he doesn't like those he feels are "beneath" him.
I say trade him for Cliff Lee ASAP.
He just wanted to piss off Plaschke some more.
Maybe he didn't think the 'Topes and Sixers requests for Mini Sirloin Burgers were that serious.
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