...and just when we needed him.
ERA | IP | pitcher W-L | team W-L | |
Billingsley | 6.55 | 34.1 | 0-2 | 2-4 |
Kershaw | 0.73 | 37.0 | 5-0 | 6-0 |
The 2009 season has shown us that Matt Kemp is starting to turn potential into reality, and now Clayton Kershaw wants a piece of that action. Now let's not get ahead of ourselves — Billingsley is still the ace. But Kershaw has clearly vaulted ahead of Hiroki Kuroda and Randy Wolf in terms of reliability. Will it be long before we're referring to Billingsley and Kershaw as #1 and #1a?
photo by Danny Moloshok/AP
Bills is the ace? Why is he pitching like a joker?
You have some excellent writing skills. I own and operate http://www.thereedreview.com.
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Did you hear that, Nic? They want you to write for them!
And on a complete tangent from this discussion of Aces... I present to you, Jason Schmidt.
Was he talking to me? I think he was talking to you. I top out at one liners.
i love u orel, because we think alike
i wrote the same thing. time to plug my blog:
Write it down - We will be referring to Kershaw as the staff ace and Billingsley as #1A by season's end. Not the other way around.
Not like order matters though when you're talking about the second coming of Drysdale and Koufax!
And just wait til next year when we have Kershaw, Bills, and Lindblom...or the year after that when our starting 4 are all homegrown: Kershaw, Bills, Lindblom, and Ethan Martin.
I would just like to take this moment to let Logan White know what a fan-freaking-tastic job he is doing!!!
Geeze Nic,
You must be good if you get an offer after one joke.
My whole life has been a joke and the only offer I ever get is to shut-up or else.
Patience with Billingsley, everybody.
@Nic "I top out at one liners."
And we don't???
@Ken: Nice!
Hey, I'm not trying to be impatient with Bills...I'm just all aboard the Kershaw Train to Filthy-Town!
I traded CC Sabathia for Kershaw straight up in my fantasy baseball keeper league last year. I came in last place, but this year I'm in first.
Kershaw is going to bring MULTIPLE Cy Youngs home to Chavez Ravine in his career as a Dodger. I'll bet he's the best pitcher in the NL next year...2010's Zack Greinke if you will.
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