Saturday, April 07, 2007

Tony Jackson More of a Penthouse Guy?

From Tony Jackson at the Daily News:

Hef and the girls pick the Dodgers

Well, not exactly Hef and the girls. But Playboy magazine's baseball preview issue, which hit newsstands today, has the Dodgers winning the 2007 World Series -- and NO, I did NOT actually buy a copy, nor do I have a subscription. The only reason I know this is that someone at the magazine emailed me a press release alerting me to it.

Methinks Tony doth protest a bit too much. If he wants nothing to do with scantily-clad women, he best avoid SoSG's EXCLUSIVE Abes vs Babes feature!


Anonymous said...

I swear, I only read you guys for the articles. ;D

Steve Sax said...

I'm really glad that Playboy honored Anna Nicole with another pictorial. Classy.

Steve Sax said...

I hear Jackson is more of a "Juggs" man (better articles).