Barry Bonds' agent has just realized that the career of the 45-year-old slugger is pretty much over. You don't say.
Bonds has insisted he won't retire, leaving open the possibility that he might yet catch on with another team. But that hasn't happened, and his agent doubts that it ever will, according to the report.
"It's two years since he played his last game, and if there was any chance he'd be back in a major-league uniform, it would have happened by now," his agent, Jeff Borris, said Wednesday, according to the report.Barry Bonds still has yet to formally retire from baseball. But the career of the major leagues' reigning home run king is over, his agent says, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.
I have this picture of Borris sitting by a red batphone covered in cobwebs and dust. Guess MLB doesn't have to worry about triggering production on that plus-size baseball cap line, after all.
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