Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Flo vs Deltalina, Round I-A Begins!

And they're off!

Here are the batting orders once again:

Team Flo
Team Deltalina
1. Josh S 1. Fred's Brim
2. QuadSevens 2. rbnlaw
3. w.d.d.i.m. 3. Scott
4. Dunkhawk 4. Wicks
5. Dr Geek 5. Greg
6. Mr Customer 6. Fanerman
7. Neeebs 7. J Steve
8. MLASF 8. Dusty Baker
9. MattyA 9. Jason
10. John G 10. djansson
11. Felix Pardalis 11. TD
12. Keven C 12. Matt
13. Matthew 13. Steve Dittmore
14. Drewdez 14. Bryan

And here are the rules. One rule addition/clarification: if two consecutive people on a team are AWOL, the person following those two can comment after waiting 2 hours.

Get to it!


Neeebs (The Original) said...

About to go into a meeting. Hurry on up guys.

QuadSevens said...

Hmmm...a phantom post before this one. Interesting game you've got going here Sons.

Fred's Brim said...

how very strange

Greg Hao said...

Not only where there phantom posts, there were phantom comments!

Steve K said...

Did you guys re-post this? I swear I saw a post by FB about a leadoff double that's disappeared!

MR.F said...

internet down at work, posting from phone. fellow deltalinas, who am i supposed to post after? loading the main page will take forever

rbnlaw said...

Well, let me follow FB by slapping a single into right and taking a wiiiide turn around first.

rbnlaw said...

fannerman: you follow Greg.

Neeebs (The Original) said...


You are after Dusty Baker. But I wouldn't believe me because I'm on Team Flo. Trust or not to Trust.....

Steve Dittmore said...

Off to class for next 75 mins. sorry Tm Deltalina

Eric Karros said...

Yeah I had to re-post because there were 2 phantom comments I couldn't read. Hopefully that's cleared up and hopefully neither was a comment by either lead-off hitter.

Eric Karros said...

Team Deltalina takes early lead!

Flo is still awaiting leadoff hitter Josh S (at 11:08am Quad can step in), and Deltalina is through their first 2 hitters, now waiting on Scott.

Fite Club said...


QuadSevens said...

I'm grinding my bat into sawdust right now. Can't wait to get our team started!

John G said...

at 8:08pm I can be our leadoff hitter, right?

QuadSevens said...

I love that the lower half of our lineup is already here and ready to go!

Unknown said...

We need a new manager that wouldn't put all of us at the bottom

Wicks said...

Call me Manny because I'm hitting cleanup!!!

John G said...

Reminds me of Matt Kemp hitting 8th.

QuadSevens said...

Team Flo is now underway!

Calling WDDIM. You're up!

QuadSevens said...

Damn...one minute too soon. Waiting for the clock to tick again. Ok, Go!

Eric Karros said...

Status Update:

Flo: 2. QuadSevens
Deltalina: 4. Wicks

Eric Karros said...

Post updated accordingly...

QuadSevens said...

Did I have to wait until after 11:08? Either way, we should be on 3. WDDIM now.

QuadSevens said...

Oh I see now EK. Your post showed who has already commented for each team. Got it!

Eric Karros said...

Yeah, my post indicated who last commented on each side.

There's still some weird phantom comment stuff going on. Hopefully it doesn't impact the game.

FYI I'm going to post the rules for Round I-B either later today or tomorrow.

Greg Hao said...

I'm here!!

Steve K said...

fanerman... in case you're able to read this on your phone, you're up!

MattyA said...

Holy crap - we're getting killed!

Eric Karros said...

At 12:08pm, if w.d.d.i.m. hasn't showed up, DunkHawk can keep Team Flo going with a comment.

Same goes with J Steve over at Team Deltalina at 12:25pm.

DunkHawk said...

I just put some pine tar on my mouse and keyboard.

Jimbo said...

DunkHawk is dead!

Assassin's circle 4LIF!

Nostradamus said...

Someone notify Dr. Geek at 12:09, because we need to get this thing in gear.

DunkHawk said...

Was that Dr. Geek, or Dr Geek?

Nostradamus said...

I see the APB was unnecessary.

Steve K said...

Did we just get passed?

Jimbo said...

Crap. Did I shoot prematurely?

I swear this has never happened to me before.

Steve K said...

Does Dr. Geek still get credit for the kill?

MR.F said...

i am here!

Kyle Baker said...

Did Karina kill anyone yet?

Jimbo said...

Either way, free drinks for some, tiny San Francisco Giant flags for all!

DunkHawk said...

Here is my official comment. Let's go Flo!

Jimbo said...


Steve K said...

Dusty! You're up!!!

Eric Karros said...

Ooooh, despite 2 AWOL's, Team Flo has almost caught up!

MR.F said...

ah sorry so late. i had technical difficulties...

Kyle Baker said...

Loney DP

Fred's Brim said...

hehe nice, DB

Jason, you're up!

Jason said...

Here is the sweet bunt so appropriate out of the 9-hole.

djansson, you're up!

DunkHawk said...

Paging Mr. Customer...

Nostradamus said...

Answer sent! All you Neeebs.

MattyA said...

Come on, guys! I have to go in 40 minutes! Where are you Neebs?

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Go Neeebs Go!

rbnlaw said...

Who drove me in? Did I score on the bunt?

Damn the beer stand at second base.

Mr. LA Sports Czar said...

Sorry boys. I've gotta go. Looks like we're screwed.

Eric Karros said...

Is Neeebs still in that meeting he went to around 10 this morning?

Fred's Brim said...

rb, i am thinking about a raid on Team Flo's cooler. if we can get DB to create a distraction, like stage a Lou Piniella-like meltdown on the field, I think we could do it without them knowing

Greg Hao said...

come on team deltalina! Can't let a third rate insurance company pass us by.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

done with meeting

Eric Karros said...

That was quite a meeting Neeebs. Can we have a summary?

Neeebs (The Original) said...

The meeting was in Chinese so I would have to summarize it in Mandarin.

Neeebs (The Original) said...

MLASF you are up to bat!!!!!!!!

Fred's Brim said...

TD, if djannson doesn't come around by 1:16, you can go

Josh S. said...

Mr. LASF is allegedly unavailable until 4. So, hopefully MattyA is around at 1:54.

(I should talk. I'm facing mutiny as it is.)

Orel said...

Wow! It is on!

Fred's Brim said...

TD - you're up!

what_difference_does_it_make said...

sorry guys, I totally forgot about this...

Eric Karros said...

MattyA also said he had to leave. Looks like Team Flo might not be able to take advantage of the AWOL(s) on Deltalina...

TD said...

Awright here you go..........

TD said...

Sorry it took me awhile. Computers here at work go a virus and have been locked down all day.

MattyA said...

Yeah, I had to leave, but I rescheduled the meeting so I'm still here... waiting...watching the clock...

Unknown said...

Glad I caught it. I'm in!

Josh S. said...

Damn. I really screwed us. Sorry, guys.

And I have a 5-year, 60 million dollar contract with a no-trade clause. I am an albatross.

Josh S. said...

Woo! MattyA! 20 minutes to go and no sign of Deltalina's Matt.

Nostradamus said...

@Josh S

No worries, I probably wouldn't have been able to post until 12ish anyway. The scheduling is the only reason why this works.

Gotta love MattyA taking one for the team, though.

Eric Karros said...

MattyA definitely gets kudos for rescheduling a meeting.

Matt said...

"Woo! MattyA! 20 minutes to go and no sign of Deltalina's Matt"

Until now. Deltalina rolls on!

Josh S. said...


(Only I didn't say "fudge".)

Bryan said...

Anxiously awaiting Steve Dittmore from the on deck circle

MattyA said...

It really wasn't a big deal - I didn't really want to have it anyway, so this is a good excuse.

Fred's Brim said...

good man, Bryan! Stevie D where you at?

MattyA said...

Although it looks like a losing effort now. JohnG - are you ready?

QuadSevens said...

I hope the bottom of our lineup is lurking out there ready to pounce and close this game out.

Steve Dittmore said...

Wow... I don't look at the site for a few minutes and Boom goes the dynamite... Now batting, No. 14...

Bryan said...

done and done.

5 more game winners to catch up to ethier.

MattyA said...

Oh well, I'm in anyway.

Keven C said...

Great. Torre left Mota in for two innings, we lose and Broxton never got in the game.

drewdez said...


Nostradamus said...


Fred's Brim said...

well played, Deltalinians!
now to the bar for wings and beer!

Josh S. said...

Thanks for the consolation, Mr. C, but my "reverse-Lidge" didn't help matters any.

Eric Karros said...

Deltalina rolls. Flo got through just half their lineup.

Round I-A to Deltalina! Rules for Round I-B coming...

Nostradamus said...

@Josh S

I eventually forgave Joe Beimel, too, so I'll get over it.

Nostradamus said...

I hope the next round is "Feats of Strength"

Josh S. said...

Trap set. The next two sub-rounds will go with the Flo.

Matt said...

Wow Josh, I feel lulled into a false sense of security...well done!

Josh S. said...

@Mr. C: "I hope the next round is "Feats of Strength""

Looking at our lineup, I'm kinda hoping a puzzle is involved at some point. We've got some heavy-hitters.

Steve K said...

Way to go Deltalina!

FB: Are we meeting at the Assassins' Circle or somewhere else?

rbnlaw said...

Wings and Beer!!

Hey, Aunt Flo. Way to make it a game. *sheepishly hides behind DB*

Josh S. said...

So...*washes the stink of failure off*...when will the rules for 1-B be posted?

Kyle Baker said...

Where the party at?

Kyle Baker said...

Did anyone lose today? Anyone get killed? Did Karina accidentally kill anyone? Were any answers sent?

Richie Rich says "kill Kill KILL!"

Kyle Baker said...

FB: Damn, I missed a good chance to make a Bart Simpson "Hey look at me, I'm creating a distraction!" comment on your cooler plot. Should I take the rest of the week off so I don't miss another teed up Simpsons reference?

Dr. Geek: "Assassin's circle 4LIF!" -Nice. It almost reads like comment graffiti.

Ok, I'm caught up now.

Felix Pardalis said...

hey, am I late?

Felix Pardalis said...

hey, am I late?