Thanks to shortsightedness on the part of Target Field's designers, today's Dodgers/Twins game has been postponed and rescheduled as part of a doubleheader on Thursday. That leaves us some free time on yet another off-day to discuss our other passion: Star Wars.
News came down from Jar Jar Abrams today about who will be joining Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniels, and Kenny Baker to form the cast of Star Wars Episode VII. They are, for the most part, relative unknowns.
The newcomers include: John Boyega ("Attack the Block", a film I've been really meaning to see), Daisy Ridley (???), Adam Driver ("Girls"), Oscar Isaac ("Inside Llewyn Davis"), Andy Serkis (The Tolkien franchise), Domhnall Gleeson (Bill Weasley from "Harry Potter"), and Max von Sydow (Just about everything, really).
Serkis and Von Sydow definitely give the cast some wieght. I don't watch "Girls," but I hear Driver's character is a real scumbag on there, so he should be an OK villain. His character will have a "Darth Vader look to him." Like this?
We don't know any character names or descriptions yet, but I'm cautiously optimisitic. It would take A LOT for these films to be as bad or worse than the prequels.
On the other hand, this cast is sorely lacking in some Colt 45-swigging smoothness.
Where's Lando, JJ?!
Your thoughts?
I'm not crazy about Oscar Isaac.
Didn't see ILD. Was he bad?
Me neither. I'm going off Sucker Punch and Drive. Mrs. Orel says he's great in ILD. I'm willing to be swayed.
I thought we were talking Star Wars, not the Dodgers.
Attack of the Chones.
The Empire Strikes...Black People? It Bothers Me a Lot That You Want to Broadcast That You're Associating with Black People
When does Delino change his name to V. Delino?
Jar Jar Abrams. That's some funny shit,gnomes.
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