Continuing from Part 1, here's more photos from the August 29, 2011 Dodgers victory over the Padres, which I covered as Sons of Steve Garvey media:
This is far as I got into the Padres' dugout. I probably could have gone right in, but I didn't for some reason. Maybe next time.
That said, it was close then these two, who were sitting behind home plate.
Remember how Busch Stadium had that nice brick and the bas-relief Cardinal behind home plate? Yeah, ours (which hawks Fleece Blanket Night, performance tires, and an Asian tourist destination) leaves a little bit to be desired.
The previously unoccupied Owners' Box (see Part 1) now has gifts. What a waste of spend.
While Jon Chapper and Joe Jareck hang out in the dugout, the crowds start filing in.
Here's Don Mattingly signing autographs from the dugout. This crowd is relatively benign relative to the hordes on the other side of the dugout.
Mattingly was very patient.
The Padres were shooting Blanks that evening. Imagine that.
Here's some more iconic heritage photography from the hallways behind the dugout, en route to the clubhouse.
Turn the corner, and here's where the Dodgers store the groundskeepers' rakes.
This heritage shot of Jackie Robinson always brings me chills.
In the concourse hallway leading from the spine of the stadium to Dodgers' clubhouse, they have all the retired numbers' jerseys under glass.
Here's the mid-digit ones.
And the high-digit ones.
Close up on Jackie Robinson's jersey.
And here's a spot to which the current Dodgers can aspire.
Proof that I did not break my streak of 7,542 consecutive games attended having had at least one beer.
On my way back up to the press box, I popped back out at field level to spy the view from the common peoples' seats (at least, the wealthy common people).
Here's Howard Levine, long-time Dodger Stadium usher, who sang the national anthem and God Bless America the prior night. Personally, his Las Vegas act-styled routine was a tad bit excessive for my tastes, but at least he hit the notes well.
This night, the national anthem singer was slightly prettier than Howard Levine.
Here's another shot of the anthem singer, from the press box.
Finally, It's time for Dodger Baseball. Man, when one gets there early for the press events, it takes a long time for that Time to arrive!
More Jackie Robinson, from the press dining room at the back of the Vin Scully Press Box.
And more Jackie.
Multiple Valenzuela sightings!
Around the seventh inning, the free Dodger Dogs get there. Free Dodger Dogs. Three words which are just magic. You can also see my set up: MacBook blogging, iPad on MLB Gameday, media guide at my side. Oh, and the Dodger Dog.
Post-game, right after the lights in the stadium went out. It was almost eerie seeing the place so un-electric. But I suppose I should ahve been accustomed to this scene after this year's sorry attendance levels.
Joe Block and Josh Suchon, not too busy to smile. NOW Suchon smiles, at least.
I passed on the coagulated nacho cheese, but did help myself to a couple of spare Dodger Dogs.
The view down the Club Level corridor: empty.
And, my last shot of the club level corridor, with the Dodgers' history exhibit up. This was my last shot of the evening.
Again, thanks to Josh Rawitch and his staff for a great time covering the game. I'm crossing my fingers that there will be more of these opportunities next year!
Sorry about your thunder being stolen. These are some pretty amazing pics.
I especially like the um, "view" from the press box.
I want that Jackie poster, that's the shot i would make a statue out of and place it somewhere around the stadium. It's a shame this team doesn't have any statues.
Whoops, forgot to mention that the anthem singer was Drew Drysdale, Don's daughter.
Ken Levine was not impressed with her rendition (it was a little nasal and whiny, to be fair).
I haven't really thought about it before, but you're right. With all the historic and historical figures from the Dodgers' organization past, it's strange and unfortunate that we don't have any statues around the Yard.
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