That's them, in separate corners. The last three members of R.E.M. have called it a day:
The alternative rock band -- featuring singer Michael Stipe, 51, guitarist Peter Buck, 54, and bassist Mike Mills, 52 -- announced they have broken up after 31 years together Monday.
"As lifelong friends and co-conspirators, we have decided to call it a day as a band," the band said in a statement on their official website. "We walk away with a great sense of gratitude, of finality and of astonishment at all we have accomplished."
Throughout their career, R.E.M. has released 15 albums, including Murmur, Reckoning, Document, Out of Time and Automatic For the People. The band's most recent album, Collapse Into Now, was released in March 2011.The music is over for R.E.M.
I have been a R.E.M. fan since Life's Rich Pageant; not the start, but I did get pretty into them right before the Green wave. Thanks for a great run, guys.
This is the part where I would cry if I actually cared.
This is the part where I would care if I actually cried.
This is the cry where I would care if I parted.
They lost me with Shiny Happy People.
Some bands I like to name check
And one of them is R.E.M.
Classic songs with a long history
Southern boys just like you and me
I came to the party late with REM. My friends were addicts for them in high school. Which only made their music more aggravating.
But Automatic for the People showed me how very wrong I was. That CD played in my dorm almost every day... especially during all nighters.
Glad they ended on a high. I mean, a high that didn't result in choking on vomit.
that yawn was me not caring...
guys, these comments were very funny if I didn't care.
R.E.M.: my favorite band since I was 11 years old, their music is the soundtrack my life. The problem is not they split, the problem is we won't have new music from them to hear.
I'm simply devastated, loss at words...I feel like my parents had divorced or someone very close to me had died. It can't be a coincidence today was the worst day I've ever had in a job.
@Pistol Pete: Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs,birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom!you symbiotic, patriotic, slam, but neck, right? right.
it's the end of the world as we know it
I couldn't have said it better, Karina. Raising a glass to R.E.M. - thanks for all the music over so many years.
I actually respect them more for knowing when to call time. cc: Rolling Stones
I lift a pistol hot cup of rhyme to the boys from Athens, GA.
Never same once Bill Barry left, but Accelerate was a shit-kicker of an album that let them go out with a bang. (I know there was an album released this year, but let's just overlook that fact right now)
Nephew is coming in a hurry with the fury.
Or is this just a tournament of lies?
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