Hiroki Kuroda (13-16, 3.17) vs. Jarrod Parker, (0-0, -.--)
In this, the Dodgers' penultimate game, they have an outside chance at ending the season five games over .500 AND screwing the Diamondbacks out of a second seed in the playoffs (which would matter for home-field advantage in the NLDS, and potentially for opponent if Atlanta hangs on to the Wild Card).
For most Dodger fans, however, tonight's game is all about watching Matt Kemp chase the magic 40/40 threshold (possible, with Kemp at 38/40 today) and potentially the triple crown (unlikely, despite leading HR by 1 and RBI by 8, Kemp trails both Ryan Braun and Jose Reyes by ten thousandths in batting average). I agree with ESPN.com's Jon Weisman; Kemp is probably chasing the "double crown". But only two more blasts would keep Kemp from being a 40-HR virgin. Go Bison!
1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»Holy Shit! How did you get my senior yearbook pic?
Send answers to Mr. C
That's not the Fibonacci Sequence...
Answer sent.
Daily calories consumed by Juan Uribe?
Dollar value (including interest) still owed to Jason Schmidt?
Jorge Posada's guesses, in order of likelihood, as to which inning this is?
Close to my BAC but still a little lower.
Which reminds me. I need a drink.
I thought it might be quantities from my bar tab the other night for a second.
OHHHHH, You mean 698-735-241!
Those are Andruw Jones' measurements.
The lack of hyphenation really threw me off.
It is close to Neeebs hourly fees.
His fees for legal services that is.
Wow, Andruw Jones has really unusual measurements.
@Mr. F
Truer words were never spoken.
They might be a little inaccurate because it takes two guys to stretch the tape and another to lift up the folds.
"Those aren't two pillows."
They were going to be able use satellite imagery to confirm, but for those NASA budget cuts...
Ellsbury is doing his best to dig out of the smoking crater that is the Red Sox September.
Ellsbury has 32 home runs?!?!?!
I'm as shocked as the next guy. I took the East Coast Hype(tm), with a grain of salt.
^Please strike the above comma from the record. I haven't posted as much recently, so I'm just getting my sea legs.
Shit, I was having so much fun at work, I forgot to go home!
Holy crap, where is everybody?
Making a sammich, Vinny!
less than two games left and I am getting sad
heh Vin criticizing the Chase Field scoreboard.
Urine would have made that play
Speaking of pee, what can be done to get Urine back into the fold? I wish there was some kind of reset button for him for next season
Well, that's progress!
Wotchale, y'all.
heh now Vin is criticizing the lack of fans coming out to Bags games
"They don't exactly have baseball fever..."
Messrs. C and F, how's it hanging?
The thing is, Uribe's career numbers ain't that great, and he's spent a significant portion of that in Chicago and Colorado.
It's truly Sophie's choice. Do I want to give him 500 ABs to hit .250 or 250 ABs to hit .200?
Slightly to the left, it so happens
run, MVP, run!
Kemp cannot be stopped (1/3 of the time)
Nice double by Bison.
sneaky Matty
Alas, with Uribe, much depends on who his potential replacement might be.
Donnie's Choice?
nice flip into the stands by Rivera
Yeah, I was impressed by that too, FB.
Red Sox try hard to lose it but O's can't come through
Looks like both WCs are gonna be tied going into the final day.
So what happens if the Rays and BoSox end up tied?
1-game play-in game. Series winner gets to be home,
…or is it coin flip?
Hiroki has walked a tight rope the last couple.
I thought they'd do some Kessel Run races to see how gets to in, Mr. C.
Prince Fielder has apparently tied Matt Kemp for the NL lead in HR's.
Jesus Christ, Fielder hit 3 home runs tonight.
I see where you're going with that.
If nothing else, that bad hop ensured Kuroda won't be leading off next inning.
I like the Brewers but they're starting to annoy the shit out of me.
clearing the pitcher is a big deal.
why do I prefer the NL again?
@Josh me too
It's head-to-head record for home field.
Funny thing is, it doesn't necessarily hurt Kemp's chances. It seemed like it was a Braun-or-Kemp decision going into the final week. If that vote gets split, who knows how it gets divided?
heh heh sorry, rook
Suck it, rookie!
ps - Finally home, Vinny!
not even close on the Dee bunt
I just got a shout-out from Rick!!!
the three homers gets Fielder up to 120 rbi, three behind Matty
yay Pirates
cmon James! You are still playing for your job!
yo DB y PPR!
Sorry I'm late, FB. Work is the curse of the drinking class.
heh some jerk from Milwaukee got picked off to end the bottom of the eighths with Braun up and Fielder on deck. Will the Brewers give up a couple of runs in the top of the 9th so Braun and Fielder get ABs in the 9th?
thanks, old Loney
God dammit, Loney. What have we told you about the DP?
apology accepted, DB
Come on Dodgers!!
Oh and show Kershaw and Kemp the $$$$$
what the hell was that out by the pool? It looked like one of the presidents from Washington, maybe McKinley
^ reject presidents i meant
I think even I came in briefly and gave up a walk last night
we are cooking up a classic Hiro game. If he's going to retire or just back to Japan, wouldn't it be appropriate to send him with a 2-0 loss?
Throw strikes, FB!
I'm glad we could get one more "befuddled by a rookie in his debut" game in before the season ended.
Movies FB won't own: Fast Five on Blue Ray or DVD, out on 10/4
ugh, I shudder every time I hear the name Guerrier
and sometimes Matt
nice catch, jerk
Effing O'Parra.
Van Buren Boyz!!!! (flashes 8 sign)
Bring out the gimp!
amazing - 0 homers and only 16 RBI for Jamey this season. He was definitely more important to us than those numbers
whatever happens, thank you, Hiro!
cmon, Red Hot Lover Tone! Let's get some runs!
Hiro was always a gamer. Loved when he hit Victorino in the NLCS.
True dats on Hiro and Carroll.
this asshole is calling that low one all of a sudden
take the walk!
oh Velez, nice attempt to make yourself worth less than worthless
Velez must be some word in some language for pity and anger at the same time.
attaboy DEE!
Kinda weird that the season ends at the middle of the week.
Nice hit Dee but crap.
Dee should have been running hard out of the box
agreed, Paul, on the midweek thing. I know they want to get the playoffs ended earlier (and probably started on a weekend), but it's pretty wack to not be ending on a sunny Sunday afternoon
oh Matt, don't do it, please
Time for the wide-throwing white guys.
I hope we can get Hiro a win here.
"They have Elbert and McDougal"...Vinny
The good thing about the Cards possibly getting in is Raffy. One of the reasons behind the trade was so he could play for a contender. And now he is.
gotdammit I can't stand him
Oh for the luvva...
Why you gotta hate on Hiro like that? =(
tell him not to come back, Don
Culero! Culero Culero!
Hey, hope everyone had a great Monday today!
Everyone in the bullpen not named Javy or Kenley has gone completely to shit.
nice play, James
if we can somehow keep this at 1-1, Donnie should bring in Clayton to get a cheap win
^a joke
holy hell, how did they turn that?
slow mothereffers
Wow they worked out of that jam.
this Hernandez dude is tough
oh no! no way
ooh I heard Matty say a naughty word
Did they have to mute all that bc Matty was cussin?
They ran out of dump time during Vin's profanity-laced rant during the third inning so you could hear everything that Matty said, something along the lines of "you are missing the fucking game!"
one more in the ribs, for old times' sake?
is this the time that Upton gets us finally?
Wow that didn't look like a strike.
Kenley feeling the power of the gladiator!
nice work, AJ
keep it going, Trent
Light-hitting white guys, unite!
And dyslexics of the world, untie!
my favorite dyslexia joke!
Mine, too. Though I have to admit I don't know any others.
Now FOX suing McCourt. Up jumps the devil!
me neither
It always takes me a second to realize that that horrific rattling sound is coming from the D-bags crowd and is not actually the armageddon.
fuck, I really don't want to stay up all night for this. I am sure the bullpen won't let me
Good thing I didn't go to tonight's game. Jeebus.
ok good - this won't take long
woah, Lindblom with the big fistpump
Another AB for Matt.
(plays Redemption Song)
attaboy, Dee!
now get his scrawny ass HOME!
i'll take it!!!!
Dizzouble for Dee!
that's the kind of play that keeps you off the playoff roster
A lead! Come on Bison! 39!!!!
yay MATTY!
Like Sands through the hourglass!!!!!
Damn. Not a HR but I'll take it.
Hate to see a Piazza mark (RBI in a season) broken, but Matty is the person to do it.
that'll work
now do your job, James
pile it on!
Someone grab a spare ball and throw at Parra's head!
Let's go for a 10-run inning. Matty neems more at-bats!!!!
Yeah, we should just bat around and around.
Damn those rattlers!
holy shit, that biffed Upton!
Pile it on!!!!! Baseball in the face!!!!!!!!
I just realized that my beer run to the fridge/Tivo pause means I'm about 35 seconds behind real life.
This game got out of control fast
Just ask Upton's head
In all seriousness, good to see that he's okay.
What the herping derp?!
oh lord, can Hawksworth hold a 5 run lead?
Parra vs. Ellis
Second base.
Settle it.
Sweet jesus, these light-throwing white guys just keep coming out of the woodwork to haunt our pitching dreams.
throw strikes, stupid!
Start getting warmed up, FB.
great play, Dee!
Gumby's got hands.
wake up, -Theriot
Has Hawksworth been worth a hawk at all this year? Even once?
Hey, if they tie it, then we have a chance to bring Kemp up for another AB.
settle down, hawx
*loosens up*
reread at 10:10, stupid
Erin's brother is f-ing this up.
This inning is taking much more time than it should.
Love the gaggle of Dodgers fans to the left behind home plate
Come on Hawksworth, show up
cmon, jerks
Aaron Miles, wake the hell up
Jeez, I know we only gave up Theriot to get Hawksworth, but I think Theriot could have gotten three outs with a five-run lead
how about the gaggle here who wants to choke out our bullpen
Theriot would have run into at least two of the outs on the basebaths
Again: So glad I did not attend tonight's game.
Put me to bed, Javy
Javy in to try to tie Brox.
Javy wants Matt to get another at bat
Just read about Prince Fiellder's three HR
Holy shit we are going to lose this game
Why must they make everything so difficult?!?!?!?!?!
oh lord
thanks, Javy
Ok, that's funny shit right there.
that was Broxton-esque
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