More pornstache content at SoSG (warning: NSF Jeff Kent haters): MISSING: ONE PORNSTACHE, Jeff Kent's Influence on Russell Martin, Hey Ladies..., Andy LaRoche Getting In On the Act
cat: AP photo; Piazza/Mets photo by Nick Laham/Getty Images; Piazza/Dodgers photo by Roberto Borea/AP
According to the New York Times, Piazza took his cleanly-shaved upper lip and went home early.
He looks even gayer without the mustache. Who's he waiving to, Mike Hampton?
He looks like an old lesbian now.
I guess people questioning your sexual orientation makes steroid allegations seem like a walk in the park by comparison.
I think SoSG was the FIRST MAJOR NEWS PUBLICATION to break the cat news. Woodward/Bernstein would be proud. Or ashamed.
Not just the porn-man-chu, but the mullet as well.
A deadly combination.
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