Been a while since you got your "Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Enter" on?
Go to this cached page of ESPN, and learn how...
In layman's terms, visit this cached page from ESPN and simply punch in everyone's favorite cheat code, and marvel at the beauty. Keep hitting enter for more pretty unicorns.
uh... sure...
doesn't work for me... am i missing something?
OH crap. They took it down.
It was the funniest thing EVER. Those pics are from my desktop... not photoshopped at all.
Guess ESPN got wise to it and corrected the problem.
dang that would have been kinda cool.
Dusto - I updated the post again - with the link to a cached ESPN page that still does the trick. Take a lookie.
wow... im struck dumb with amazement... maybe they can make it kinda cooler... i dont know... just not unicorns.
Aww, does this no longer work? Worked for me last night.
OMG PONIES!!!!!!!!
Man I wish I had seen that, if it had been real.
Rob, I assure you it was real. I plugged in the code right before they took it down, and all sorts of pretty horses appeared. The cached link might still work. It was absurd. And gorgeous.
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