Randy Wolf (1-1, 4.26) vs. Barry Zito (0-2, 5.63).
COMMENTS: As the Dodgers bravely zero in on their Bay Area battle zone and a resurgent Barry Zito, Big League Stew brainy lead scribe 'Duk ponders a barely likely situation:
If someone walked up to you today with a suitcase containing a million dollars and said you could have it in October so long as you correctly predicted just one of baseball's division winners, you'd have to pick the Dodgers right now ... right?
Settle down there, you with your big lofty scenarios, before you lose your senses! Of course, 'Duk acknowledges the usual caveats, including the Diamondbacks' 18-7 record of one year ago, but also cites the Dodgers topping yet another (useless) Power Rankings poll.
Please recall, however, that Power Rankings are paltry reminders that even the best sportswriters occasionally write puff reads. In fact, sometimes Power Rankings seem little more than public relations press releases that play right into popular requests for a palatable recital of factoids.
Meanwhile, the pressure is on Randy Wolf to deliver a quality start (as opposed to a Quality Start) tonight. With Dodger starters feeling really worked over, a righteous win by Wolf would boost the staff, even if the ready and willing relievers were to help out.
maybe barry zito will be to preoccupied with the backlash from his "gingerbread activities" to pitch well tonight. http://deadspin.com/5229770/barry-zitos-obscene-gingerbread-twitter-photos-are-somewhat-disturbing
It wouldn't take much to think that Zito won't pitch well tonight.
kemp cleaning up tonight
Zito threw maybe seven pitches in that inning. Nice going there, Dodgers.
Well so much for attacking zito early.
my parents are at the game 2nite, say its very windy
Furcal, SS
Hudson, 2B
Ramirez, LF
Kemp, CF
Ethier, RF
Martin, C
Loretta, 1B
Blake, 3B
Wolf, P
right on cue
That was quite an embarrassing pop-up.
I think Kemp called it, but Ethier kept going.
Renteria doubled, but it looks someone didn't catch a fly well...
and then, Wynn triples.
Hated ones 1-Dodgers 0
Already thinking about changing it to the laker game.
Kemp doesn't look so great in center so far. I know it's windy, but come on.
i dont know that line drive moved so much, im pretty sure most center fielders dont make that catch
Well, to be fair, my MLB.tv connection is hampered by a crap internet signal. So, I mostly get a frozen image accompanied by Vin's voice, with the occasional moving picture.
Kemp doesn't look too good, but Wolf can get out of the inning unscathed.
For instance, right now it's frozen on Rowand's utterly ridiculous batting stance, in which he looks for all the world like he's trying to poop while standing.
hell of a start
so I guess the Lakers will have my undivided attention tonight
I gotta say Pablo Sandoval with a bat scares the hell out of me.
Jesus. This sucks. It's only the first but it feels like it's already over.
classy giants fans start chanting beat la when they are up 3 in the first
A better throw would have had Rowand there. Martin had to jump for it.
I was scared to death Manny would drop it. That kind of night I guess.
Upside: This is very similar to Wolf's outing against the Rox, and the Dodgers won after Wolf clamped down for the rest of the game.
Right. Sandoval RBI single, 3-0. Just the bottom of the first, it;s going to be along game.
Wolf had 20 pitches. It looked like he did more, which means what he threw, was hit hard.
You can't blame them, koufax. If the Dodgers were up by 3 in L.A., what would the crowd chant?
Pablo sandovol is good. But is worse than matt kemp when it comes to patience. Just don't throw him anything hittable.
I hate the new MLB Gameday. You can't even get video.
Pablo Sandoval without a sandwich scares the hell out of me.
zito's fast ball commin in at a hot 85 mph
It's not over yet. It's zito, and those will probably be the only runs they get all night.
Bison walks!
Dusto, i watched this guy Sandoval closely in winter baseball, he's real good and he could be outstanding on defense, in spite his frame. Shame he plays on a very lousy team.
karina, probably not beat la!
Is it just me, or is Ethier hitting into more DP's?
Man, I really thought Ethier was going to get us right back in the game there. Blah.
We'll probably get no-hit tonight.
Martin still needs to work on his swing. He's impatient and clearly pull-happy.
too close from Furcal. Everything that happens in this game is gonna scare the shit out of me.
better inning
Wolf seems to be hitting his stride. Now let's get some runs.
Very nice, koufax!
It's already the 3rd inning and i have a bad feeling about this
no more negativity, its only three runs, we got this
Still a nice at-bat for Loretta. Need to see one of those out of Martin.
A hit!
All right, I'm on the positive bandwagon. We can do three runs without a problem.
here we go o dog
It's one of those nights
I guess we should be happy they at least made Zito throw some pitches in that inning.
nice catch
All right, this is when we do our damage.
Wow, Chris Young of the Padres allowed eight steals tonight. Crazy.
Zito had 50 pitches entering this inning. Wolf is at 44 through three.
I couldn't see the catch, but i do wish it helps to clean tonight's karma.
Wouldn't be good to lose tonight, since we have to face Lincecum Wednesday.
Let's go Loretta.
That's an LOB of four now
Lakers are tied at the end of the first quarter, for anyone who's curious.
Now, Burriss is going to DP. Crossing fingers.
He didn't, but he and Zito had back to back grounders.
Blake, Wolf and Furcal coming up.
runs on three!
We sure are making this easy on Zito.
I can understand they can't win every game, even when they play against the Giants, but a shutout is humiliating, no matter if Zito is pitching well.
hi all - this has been frustrating but i bet Manny breaks out of him mini slump this inning
So far this is really giving me Deja Vu.
it's a Barry Bonds lovefest on the Giants broadcast
yay start it off manny
Zito got lucky on that hanger
All right, now let's see how we can blow this chance.
kemps really showing he likes hitting 7th.
its that kinda night.
I'm not so sure about that called third strike there. But whatever. It's not like our hitters are doing much to get the calls going their way.
Damn it. At least this is moving quickly, so as to get the pain over with as soon as possible.
hey the giants have a female PA announcer. i think.
Wolf is piching very well. Sucks that all three runs are charged to him.
Why didnt the white sox or phils want Rowand? that dude's a good ballplayer. Is he super religious or something?
Only 19 pitches have missed the strike zone, no walks, four K's. Really good night for Wolf
goofy batting stance
Lakers lead by 13 at halftime.
Wolf is doing very well. If not for that misplayed pop-up in the first, we might be in a scoreless tie.
the bats just arent there tonight.
stults vs. lincecum?
Yeah, if we lose tonight, we'll be lucky to get one win in the series.
heh heh Merkin
that was an old Gas-House Gang move
I am having a strong case of Deja Vu.
Ha. You guys are ahead of my MLB.tv feed. But in this case, that's just fine. Now we're talking!
attaboy Jaunny! Lewis was playing so far in on that one but still couldn't get there
casey got all of that pitch.
Slappy McPopup might just save us.
i am on mlb.tv too - do you have the premium? maybe the HD is slower?
My stupid internet in Puerto Rico is slow, and though it's been going well for a few minutes now, sometimes it just freezes. Then it just starts up where it left off, which means I'm automatically behind. I think I'm about a minute or two behind the rest of you right now.
Blake earning his bobblehead night
And look at that--I was comment #100!
that happens to me sometimes too. not sure why it doesnt let you catch up. maybe you can refresh the page between innings
Good idea, Fred. I'll try that in the next break.
nice work, Huddy!
Like I said, Deja Vu
I refreshed my page as Hudson was coming to the plate, then suddenly he had a 1-2 count. So I think I'm pretty close to even with the rest of you now.
Orlando, do not steal second!
do they black out any games in PR? Yankees maybe?
it's got eyes, as big as jolly ranchers!
I haven't seen any blacked out yet. I have the Extra Innings package on the DirecTV down here, but it really sucks. There are only three channels, and sometimes only one of them shows a game. It kind of doesn't make any sense, which is why I had to also get the MLB.tv package. I've only got one more month to go down here, and I can't wait to get back to the real Extra Innings. And regular Dodgers broadcasts, of course.
And the Dodgers take the lead. We all knew it was just a matter of time, right?
Manuel Aristides RamÃrez Onelcida!
damn DPs :/
Oh, Kemp. Way to be a rally killer.
good inning though!
lets go bullpen
Kemp is not helping his stock.
Who was getting warm?
Erin, that's strange - is it a PR-specific package? you would think you could get any game you wanted down there!
Belly to ?? to Brox?
hold on to your hats its ronald mcbelisario
keep it down, Belly. No HRs!
Yeah, it's "DirecTV PR." I'm just renting an apartment that has DirecTV, and this is the only package available. They seem to show virtually every Yankees game, but that's the only consistent thing about it. I'm a Red Sox and Dodgers fan, and neither of those games were on tonight. I'm moving into a hotel on Friday, though, so it'll be only MLB.tv from now on anyway.
barry zero point zero. back to back hard luck no decisions. ha ha.
oh gawd - yankees broadcasts might be the most boring in baseball. Michael Kay puts me to sleep
Wow. That sure looked like it should have been called strike three.
this ump is a d!ckl!cker!
great movement on that sinker
And the one called looked like exactly the same pitch. Oh well.
Yeah, Kay is really boring. And I also just don't think his voice is pleasant at all. It's very annoying, in fact.
nice catch Dre!
Nice recovery, Ethier!
i saw Kay at a sports bar once - he came in and ate a giant plate of chicken wings, then a giant plate of chicken fingers and then left.
damn dps
Is that three or four DPs?
cmon, McBelly - three quick outs!
i repeat, keep it down, Belly. No HRs!
Well, let's get one from their side now. Please.
Son of a bitch.
We need a K, then a DP. Or a pop-up and a DP. Nothing else.
Okay. That's step one.
i really dont like rich aurielia
I do not understand new parks that incorporate the bullpen on the field.
That was pathetic. What the hell, dude?
Just tag the guy right in front of you. Yes, the run would score, but there would be two outs. Now you're in big trouble.
u gotta tag the runner there wtf!
Aw crap
christ on a bike
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Molina is going to kill us here. Walk him.
That should do it.
Aw crap
This is the cheapest comeback I've ever seen. Dribbler and a stupid play by a young pitcher, then who knows what the hell happened to Blake here. Damn it.
2 ground balls through the infield, a tapper, a wild pitch and a chopper = 2 runs, somehow
Blake, PH, Furcal up next to try and tie
How does Sandoval steal second!?
Blake will be swinging for the fences trying to make up for whatever the hell just happened to him.
sorry, Randy :/
That was maybe the worst all-around inning so far this season.
What the hell is going on here???
What is up with Brian Wilson's hair? Is it a mullet or a mohawk?
Remember, Brian Wilson walked in the winning run last time.
Nothing good, Orel. Nothing good.
It's both, Erin.
We can do something here.
Full count to Casey.
what's up w Wilson's hair? is that a rat-tail mullet?
Way to swing at one in the dirt, Casey.
Damn it!! That was an embarrassing pitch to swing at, Casey!
Time to be a hero, DeWitt.
wow, swing at a ball four in the dirt, and it was a fastball.
Two weak-ass strikeouts.
take 3 pitches, Raffy
Does Torre always wear earplugs?
Ugh. I'm going to bed.
that ump was cold and wanted to get back to the hotel
Perfect. Caught looking to end it.
this late-relief situation is getting annoying
well thats a loss for the series, were not beating lincecum
gnite - i quit
i dont want to hear anymore complaints about kemp hitting 7th in the lineup.
May Joe Torre at least learn something from this. Belisario clearly cannot pitch in the eighth inning. Torre needs to get over his "favorite pitcher" complex. The same thing happened with Procter, and he stinked.
Lakers doing their usual fade. Let's see if they can hang on.
did the lakers put bellisario in? what the hell happened?
well, who else could torre put in? he doesnt have that many options.
Post-Game Thread is up, if anyone cares.
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