Call me Fox Mulder, but this "coincidence" seems pretty strange to me.
August 24, 2007: The Dodgers add David Wells to the team.
August 28, 2007: The Dodgers announce a new stadium renovation plan dedicated to doubling the number of concession stands, widening the concourses, and establishing some new "all-inclusive" dining options.
Thank God we have Takashi Saito as our closer. I shudder to think what renovations the Dodgers would have announced had we picked up Armando Benitez. (As if parking costs could go any higher. (That's right, Frank--we have a pretty good idea exactly how you're going to fund said renovation plans. I'm picking up an extra paper route this winter just to save up for the inevitable parking increase.))
The truth is out there, once every five days--and, it's 6'3" and 250 lbs.
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