Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Comment of the Week

Not so much a Comment of the Week as Commenters of the Week. And not so much commenters as commenters' names. Names such as:

  • gay is as gay does! "like the next time [Ted Haggard] sees some oiled-up hunk in a speedo he won't feel the lead stiffening in his pencil"
  • mike scioscia's tragic illness made us smile
  • yetijuice the Abominable Snowman's breakfast?

Thanks for commenting, and keep them coming! Even if your name is Bob or Rob or Robert!


Anonymous said...

Yetijuice--the Breakfast of Champions! Mantle, Ford, and Martin would have drunk raksi/chang had they visited Nepal. Beer, wine, whiskey and sake also qualify as Yetijuice. Have booze, will travel!

Orel said...

I'll drink to that!