Welcome to higher education day at SoSG!
From "Playing nice: Yankees' Mussina, Pavano make peace" (AP/ESPN.com):
[Carl] Pavano said he initiated the meeting with [Mike] Mussina, an erudite Stanford graduate who sometimes in the setting of a baseball clubhouse can come off as condescending.
Maybe the learned ("It's pronounced 'learned,' Pepe") Mussina would be able to correct the grammar in Jeff Gordon's response to a rules infraction:
Gordon agreed the penalty fit the crime. "I'm disappointed in ourselves," he said. "We had a failure, which is our responsibility. And those are the types of things that are going to prevent us from winning races and championships."
It's "disappointed in we," Jeff.
Carl Pavano, 61-64 lifetime.
Mike Mussina, 239-134 lifetime.
It's easy for Pavano to feel inferior.
Go Cardinal!
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